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Videos, Photographs, and Hydraulic Head Data from a Laboratory Experiment on Reactive Transport and Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate in Quasi-2D Porous Media
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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 528.4 MB | |
Created: | May 04, 2023 at 3:55 a.m. | |
Last updated: | May 05, 2023 at 4:41 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | May 05, 2023 at 4:41 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.85ab6b1a6147476ebc40a8adb39f6542 | |
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Sharing Status: | Published |
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This resource provides data for a series of reactive transport laboratory experiments reported in Grote (2023). README files provide details on file naming conventions and data formatting.
Grote, M.E. (2023), Experimental Study of the Relationship between Porous Media Clogging and Dynamic Permeability: Precipitation Arrests Reaction in a Quas-2D Flow Cell, Master’s Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA.
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README_EXPERIMENTAL dcm 5/4/2023 This folder contains experimental results reported in Grote (2023). CONTENTS 1. Metadata 2. File Naming Convention 3. Experimental Details 4. References 1. METADATA 1.1. Experimental apparatus: Experiments performed in a 20cm x 20cm x 0.873 cm quasi-2D flow apparatus. Injection occurred at the base via two independent injection ports. Head measurements were taken from a 5x5 grid of piezometers. 1.2. Experimental Method: During reactive transport, calcium carbonate CaCO3 was formed, as a solid precipitate, by mixing of sodium carbonate Na2CO3 and calcium chloride CaCl2, both at a concentration of 5.00g/L. These two salts were independently injected at the base of a quasi-2D flow apparatus. Dye injection occurs after completion of experiment to show shape of resulting CaCO3. 1.3 Photography Method: Video of piezometer was taken using iPhone 13 Pro on IOS Version 16.2 Lapse-It app V5.02. Video of observation side was taken using iPadPro (12.9-inch) (4th generation) on IOS 15.5 Lapse-It app V5.02. Both videos have 30 second time steps. Video playback has been confirmed on Microsoft Windows 11 or Apple macOS Big Sur. Earlier operating systems may require users to download and install a codec file. 1.4 Conversion to Graphics Interchange Format (GIF): GIFs show plotted head measurements for each experimental run. The arrangement of this heatmap shows the x-y relationship of the 5x5 piezometer ports. 2. FILE NAMING CONVENTION Sequence: Date_Glass_Bead_Arrangement_Flow_Conditions 2.1. Within folder 2023_01_22_Heterogeneous_Arrangement_Constant_Flow 2023_01_22_Data_Sheet.xlsx 2023_01_22_CPFTPFA2.gif 2.1.1. Within subfolder 2023_01_22_Videos 2023_01_22_Observation_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_01_22_Piezometer_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_01_22_Piezometer_Side_with_Grid_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_01_22_Post_Run_Dye_Injection.mp4 2.1.2. Within subfolder 2023_01_22_Edited_Photos 1st frame (t = 12:08:14pm) is Dataset_1_Cropped_0000.jpg Last frame (t = 1:52:45pm) is Dataset_1_Cropped_0210.jpg 2.2. Within Folder 2023_03_12_Homogeneous Arrangement_Variable_Flow 2023_03_12_Data_Sheet.xlsx 2023_03_12_VPFCTFA1.gif 2.2.1. Within subfolder 2023_03_12_Videos 2023_03_12_Observation_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_12_Piezometer_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_12_Piezometer_Side_with_Grid_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_12_Post_Run_Dye_Injection.mp4 2.2.2. Within subfolder 2023_03_12_Edited_Photos 1st frame (t = 0min) is Dataset_2_Cropped_0000-0.jpg Last frame (t = 85.5min) is Dataset_2_Cropped_0171-0.jpg 2.3. Within Folder 2023_03_24_Heterogeneous_Arrangement_Variable_Flow 2023_03_24_Data_Sheet.xlsx 2023_03_24_VPFCTFA2.gif 2.3.1. Within subfolder 2023_03_24_Videos 2023_03_24_Observation_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_24_Piezometer_Side_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_24_Piezometer_Side_with_Grid_30_Second_Time_Interval.mp4 2023_03_24_Post_Run_Dye_Injection.mp4 2.3.2. Within subfolder 2023_03_24_Edited_Photos 1st frame (t = 0min) is Dataset_3_Cropped_0000-0.jpg Last frame (t = 74.5min) is Dataset_3_Cropped_0149-0.jpg 3. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Experiments are classified by (1) homogeneous or heterogeneous porous media and by (2)constant or variable flow, giving four possible combinations. However, no experiments were performed with homogeneous media and constant flow, since this scenario has been reported in the literature summarized in Grote (2023). 3.1. Heterogeneous Arrangement Constant Flow The quasi-2D porous media are a checkerboard style matrix composed of 25 squares, each of which measures 4cm x 4cm x 0.873 cm. The porous media are monodisperse, spherical glass beads with a nominal diameter of 0.5mm for low permeability and 1.0mm for high permeability. Saltwater injection occurs at a constant 40mL/min total (20mL/min for each salt solution simultaneously). 3.2 Homogeneous Arrangement Variable Flow The quasi-2D porous media are homogeneous, monodisperse, spherical glass beads with nominal diameter 1.0mm. Saltwater injection occurs at a constant 40mL/min total over the duration of the experiment, where each salt solution alternates between 2010mL/min in two phases. In phase 1, flow is 10mL/min CaCl2 and 30mL/min Na2CO3. In phase 2, flow is 30mL/min CaCl2 and 10mL/min Na2CO3. 3.3 Heterogeneous Arrangement Variable Flow Porous media identical to scenario 3.1 above. Saltwater injection identical to scenario 3.2 above. 4. REFERENCE Grote, M.E. (2023), Experimental Study of the Relationship between Porous Media Clogging and Dynamic Permeability: Precipitation Arrests Reaction in a Quasi-2D Flow Cell, Masters Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado, USA.
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