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Created: | Jan 13, 2025 at 7:09 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Mar 17, 2025 at 2:17 p.m. | |
Published date: | Mar 17, 2025 at 2:17 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.88b6f56954ee48e286a510e11697c1e0 | |
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Data and analysis of event-scale nitrate C-Q relationships in the Kansas River Basin, USA for 215 flow events observed from October 2013 - August 2022. Data includes characteristics of each flow event such as outlet discharge statistics, spatial distributions of precipitation, outflows from major reservoirs in the basin, and nitrate concentration dynamics summarized into common C-Q indices. Scripts record all of the steps used in analyzing this data in preparation for a manuscript submitted to Water Resources Research. See the readme.txt for general usage instructions.
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Analysis of event-scale nitrate C-Q relationships in the Kansas River Basin, USA. This release contains all data and scripts used in the preparation of a manuscript submitted to Water Resources Research. The scripts in the root directory starting with '0_' and ending with '8_' record the main steps of data collection and analysis. The directory '/DataFiles/' contains most of the files that were used or generated during the analysis. Files that were too large to include in this release (climate rasters, etc.) can all be generated through the main analysis scripts, with the exceptions of some CONUS-scale shapefiles that were clipped to the study area extent in script '0_ksrb_shapefiles.R'. Scripts in the directory '/FigScripts/' were used to generate the figures in the directory '/Figures/'. Several of the files contained within this release correspond to Supporting Information tables that were too large to include in the standard Supporting Information document. These are: Supporting Information Table S2 <-> '/DataFiles/hydro_data/event_delineations/adjustment_log.csv' Supporting Information Table S3 <-> '/DataFiles/hydro_data/event_char/summary_stats.csv' Supporting Information Table S4 <-> '/DataFiles/cluster_differences.csv' Supporting Information Table S5 <-> '/DataFiles/event_summary.csv' This last file, 'event_summary.csv' (Supporting Information Table S5), is the main data source for many of the key results presented in the manuscript. Descriptions of its variables are as follows: event: Event ID after the initial automated delineation process. Many delineated events were removed before being added to this table due to missing nitrate concentration data that prevented calculation of the CQ indices. Thus, this column does not necessarily follow sequential order. FI_n: Flushing Index for nitrate concentrations. Measures degree of nitrate enrichment or dilution during the rising limb of the event. Ranges from -1 to +1. See Vaughan et al. (2017) for formula and details. HI_n: Hysteresis Index for nitrate concentrations. Measures degree of clockwise/counterclockwise hysteresis in the nitrate C-Q loop. Ranges from -1 to +1. See Vaughan et al. (2017) for formula and details. start_dateTime, end_dateTime: Start and end times of the flow event. wateryear: Water year at the start of the event. Water years begin in October of the preceding calendar year, so October 2013 is the first month of the 2014 water year. month, season: Month and season at the start of the event. Winter = Dec - Feb, Spring = Mar - May, Summer = Jun - Aug, Fall = Sep - Nov. yday: Julian day at the start of the event. duration: Duration of event from start to end in days. duration_since_last: Duration from start of event to end of preceding event in days. {statistic}_Q: Statistics on discharge, in m^3/s unless otherwise noted. statistics: initial = discharge at event start max = maximum discharge during event delta = maximum discharge minus initial discharge delta_rat = ratio of delta discharge to initial discharge total = summed discharge over entire course of event [in m^3] initial_N: Nnitrate concentration at the event start p_{huc8}_{variable}: Characteristics related to precipitation, summarized as the spatial mean across each of the 43 HUC 8s in the KSRB. Measured in mm. huc8s: Delineated in '/DataFiles/shapefiles/created/huc8_boundaries.shp'. Designation of 'global' means the global mean across the entire basin. variables: 1d_total = total amount of precipitation that fell during the event and within 1 day prior to the event (to account for travel time through the basin) 30d_ante = total amount of precipitation that fell within 30 days prior to the start of the event d_{huc8}_spei12: Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index calculated on a 12-month timescale and averaged across each of the 43 HUC 8s in the KSRB. Gives the drought status of the measured area on a normalized scale, where positive values indicate wetter-than-normal conditions and negative values indicate drier-than-normal conditions (in standard deviations) over the calculated timescale. See Vicente-Serrano et al. (2010) for more details. huc8s: Delineated in '/DataFiles/shapefiles/created/huc8_boundaries.shp'. Designation of 'global' means the global mean across the entire basin. r_{reservoir}_share: Ratio of total outflow from each major reservoir in the KSRB to total runoff during each event. Measures the proportion of the event's total runoff that is comprised of outflows from that reservoir. All outflow data obtained from USGS gages immediately downstream (< 10 km in all cases) of the reservoir outflow points. reservoirs: Delineated in '/DataFiles/shapefiles/created/reservoirs.shp' t = Tuttle Creek Lake (gage #06887000) m = Milford Lake (gage #06857100) p = Perry Lake (gage #06890900) c = Clinton Lake (gage #06891500) k = Kanopolis Lake (gage #06865500) wi = Wilson Lake (gage #06868200) wa = Waconda Lake (gage #06875900) reservoir_runoff_ratio: The above ratio but calculated for all reservoir outflows summed together. Measures overall reservoir influence of an event.
Data Services
Related Resources
The content of this resource is derived from | PRISM Climate Group. (2023). PRISM Gridded Climate Data [Data set]. Retrieved from |
The content of this resource references | Vicente-Serrano, S. M., Beguería, S., & López-Moreno, J. I. (2010). A Multiscalar Drought Index Sensitive to Global Warming: The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index. |
The content of this resource references | Vaughan, M. C. H., Bowden, W. B., Shanley, J. B., Vermilyea, A., Sleeper, R., Gold, A. J., et al. (2017). High‐frequency dissolved organic carbon and nitrate measurements reveal differences in storm hysteresis and loading in relation to land cover and seasonality. Water Resources Research, 53(7), 5345–5363. |
The content of this resource is derived from | US Geological Survey. (2023). National Water Information System data available on the World Wide Web (USGS Water Data for the Nation) [Data set]. |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | Collaborative Research: Network Cluster: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales | 2012123 |
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