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Dataset for 'Towards the closure of mass and energy budgets at the watershed scale: the Wahoo Creek Case' article

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Created: Oct 26, 2021 at 12:25 p.m.
Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 at 6:07 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Nov 10, 2021 at 6:07 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.89478d0a27c646e3b6a92c2483c0174d
Citation: See how to cite this resource
Content types: Geographic Feature Content 
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This dataset is part of the article entitled 'Towards the closure of mass and energy budgets at the watershed scale: the Wahoo Creek Case' from Hoeltgebaum and Dias, submitted to the Water Resources Research journal in November 2021.

This dataset contains processed data from 6 rain gauges, 10 snowboard measurement points, 2 discharge gages, measurements of latent heat flux and soil moisture (at 4 depths) for 3 AmeriFlux stations, and remote sensing data over 2 basins, such as NDVI, land surface radiation, and soil moisture. Estimates of storage and evapotranspiration over the basins are also included. More detail on the processing of data and methods of calculations can be seen in the article 'Towards the closure of mass and energy budgets at the watershed scale: the Wahoo Creek Case'.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude



For each basin (itha and ashl) there are 4 .csv files:

All data present here are processed from raw data which sources are listed below
'basin-remote-sensing.csv': statistics calculated from remote-sensing data over basin
   YYYY-MM-DD: timestamp --- year, month, day
   LSR_avg (W/m2): land surface radiation pixels average over basin
   LSR_std (W/m2): land surface radiation pixels standard deviation over basin
   LSR_cv (-): land surface radiation pixels coefficient of variation over basin
   NDVI_avg (-): NDVI pixels average over basin
   NDVI_std (-): NDVI pixels standard deviation over basin
   NDVI_cv (-): NDVI pixels coefficient of variation over basin
   SM_avg (%): soil moisture pixels average over basin
   SM_std (%): soil moisture standard deviation over basin
   SM_cv (-): soil moisture coefficient of variation over basin

   SMAP/Sentinel-1 L2 Radiometer/Radar 30-Second Scene 3 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture, Version 2. Bouder, Colorado. (Last accessed: 07 Ago .2020) doi:

MODIS Land Surface Temperature for used to calculate Land Surface Radiation
   MODIS and VIIRS Land Products Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool. (ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed August 07, 2020. Subset obtained for MYD11A2 product at 41.2592N,96.7221W, time period: 2000-01-01 to 2020-07-31, and subset size: 201 x 201 km.). doi: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1379

   MODIS and VIIRS Land Products Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool. (ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed August 07, 2020. Subset obtained for MYD13Q1 product at 41.2592N,96.7221W, time period: 2000-01-01 to 2020-07-31, and subset size: 200.25 x 200.25 km.) 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1379

All data present here are processed from raw data which sources are listed below
'basin-p-q-et-theta.csv': input data used for storage and evapotranspiration estimates
   YYYY-MM-DD: timestamp --- year, month, day
   PL (mm/day): rain (liquid precipitation)
   PL_u (mm/day): rain (liquid precipitation) corrected for undercatch
   PS (mm/day): water equivalent snowfall (solid precipitation)
   Q (mm/day): discharge
   ET (mm/day): areal evapotranspiration without energy-budget correction
   ET_EB (mm/day): areal evapotranspiration with energy-budget correction
   ET_WB (mm/day): areal evapotranspiration with water-budget correction
   theta_1 (%): areal soil moisture at 0.1 m depth
   theta_2 (%): areal soil moisture at 0.25 m depth
   theta_3 (%): areal soil moisture at 0.5 m depth
   theta_4 (%): areal soil moisture at 1.0 m depth

rain (liquid precipitation)
   NDCD USC00255112
   NDCD USC00253469
   NDCD USC00250781
   NDCD USC00252205
   NDCD USC00257685
   AmeriFlux US-Ne3 - doi: 10.17190/AMF/1246086

water equivalent snowfall (solid precipitation)
   NCDC USC00250375
   NCDC USC00250781
   NCDC USC00253050
   NCDC USC00253467
   NCDC USC00255362
   NCDC USC00256922
   NCDC USC00257640
   NCDC USC00258795
   NCDC USC00258905
   NCDC USC00259193

   USGS 06804000
   USGS 06804700

evapotranspiration and soil moisture
   AmeriFlux US-Ne1 - doi: 10.17190/AMF/1246084
   AmeriFlux US-Ne2 - doi: 10.17190/AMF/1246085
   AmeriFlux US-Ne3 - doi: 10.17190/AMF/1246086

these data are calculated from methods presented in the main article
'basin-storage.csv': storage estimates at the end of each recession period
   YYYY-MM-DD: timestamp --- year, month, day
   S_sat (mm): saturated soil layer storage estimate from recession analysis
   S_uns (mm): unsaturated soil layer storage estimate from soil moisture measurements
   S (mm): S_sat + S_uns
   S_b (mm): storage estimate from the water-budget equation
   S_grace (mm): storage from the GRACE measurements

these data are calculated from methods presented in the main article
'basin-evapotranspiration-estimates.csv': mean monthly evapotranspiration estimates from the water-budget method
   YYYY-MM-DD: timestamp --- year, month, day
   ET_WB (mm/day): measured evapotranspiration (areal evapotranspiration with water-budget correction)
   ET(S_sat) (mm/day): evapotranspiration estimates from S_sat
   ET(S_uns) (mm/day): evapotranspiration estimates from S_uns
   ET(S) (mm/day): evapotranspiration estimates from S
   ET(S_grace) (mm/day):  evapotranspiration estimates from S_grace

Data Services

The following web services are available for data contained in this resource. Geospatial Feature and Raster data are made available via Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services. The provided links can be copied and pasted into GIS software to access these data. Multidimensional NetCDF data are made available via a THREDDS Data Server using remote data access protocols such as OPeNDAP. Other data services may be made available in the future to support additional data types.

Related Resources

The content of this resource is derived from NCDC - National Climatic Data Center
The content of this resource is derived from AmeriFlux
The content of this resource is derived from USGS - United States Geological Survey
The content of this resource is derived from ORNL DAAC - Distributed Active Archive Center
The content of this resource is derived from NASA NSIDC - National Snow and Ice Data Center

How to Cite

Hoeltgebaum, L. E. B., N. L. Dias (2021). Dataset for 'Towards the closure of mass and energy budgets at the watershed scale: the Wahoo Creek Case' article, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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