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Created: | Apr 13, 2020 at 5:52 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Apr 28, 2020 at 5:40 p.m. | |
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Formed from 1905-1907, after high flows off the Colorado River breached the Alamo Canal and flooded an ancient dry lakebed, the Salton Sea is now a unique agricultural landscape with 2.36 million residents. However, declining inflows have caused a suite of public and ecological health issues that the State of California is challenged to address. Through scenario-simulations in the Colorado River Simulation System, we explored how irrigation practices and local hydrology affect inflows to the Salton Sea. Sensitivity analysis found that inflows to the Salton Sea were most sensitive to Imperial Irrigation Return flows.
Subject Keywords
CRSS FILES README PROJECT The Impact of Local Hydrology and Irrigation Practices on Inflows to the Salton Sea CITATION Spencer, K., Y. Leon-Tinoco, B. Morgan (2020). The Impact of Local Hydrology and Irrigation Practices on Inflows to the Salton Sea, HydroShare, PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report explores the effects of irrigation practices and local hydrology on inflows to the Salton Sea through simulations within the Colorado River Simulation System in Riverware. PREREQUISITES To use the files included in this report, please install: > RiverWare V.8.0.1 available through the University of Colorado Boulder. License required. Installation instructions and License Request Information available here: ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE > Colorado River Simulation System Model (CRSS) Available through the University of Colorado Boulder: CONTENT DESCRIPTION The Data zip folder contains two files: > Scenario data Input.xlsx contails the inflows scenarios used for the sensitivity analysis in CRSS. > IID diversion.xlsx contains the formatted Historic Inflow data from CH2M Hill used to model baseline inflows in CRSS. Size: 108 KB The Results zip folder contains two folders and the following files: > Analysis >> Sensitivity_Analysis.xlsx contains the model run outputs from CRSS and associated figures of the scenario analysis corresponding tho Figure 3 and Figure 4 in the SaltonSea_final_report >> RRVS.xlsx contains calculations for the Reliability, Resilience, Vulnerability, and Sustainability of inflows to the Salton Sea based on the model runs in CRSS > Output >> S6_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 6 -10% Diverted IID Water >> S1_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 1 +10% Miscellaneous Inflows >> S3_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 3 +10% IID Return Flow % >> S5_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 5 +10% Diverted IID Water >> S2_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 2 -10% Miscellaneous Inflows >> S4_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 4 -10% IID Return Flow % >> S6_output.xlsx contails the model output for Scenario 6 -10% Diverted IID Water >> Baseline_output.xlsx contails the model output for the baseline scenario Size: 2,137 KB The CRSS_Files zipfolder contains the required files to run an updated version of the existing CRSS.V4.4.1.2021.Feb2020.mdl model file available from The complete CRSS_Files folder will contain the following folders and files: >control >>OutputSALTON_STRESS.control >model >>CRSS_Salton_4_23_20.mdl >ruleset >>CRSS.Baseline.2027IGDCP.v4.2.0.SALTON_4_23_20.rls >dmi >>Misc_Inflows_Salton.Inflow >>Salton_test.xlsx >>NFSinput_2017_stresstest >>>trace 1 >>>trace 2 >>>trace 3 >>>trace 4 >>>trace 5 >>>trace 6 >>>trace 7 >>>trace 8 >>>trace 9 >>>trace 10 >>>trace 11 >>>trace 12 >>>trace 13 >>>trace 14 >>>trace 15 >>>trace 16 >>>trace 17 >>>trace 18 >>>trace 19 >>>trace 20 >>>trace 21 >>>trace 22 >>>trace 23 >>>trace 24 >>>trace 25 >>>trace 26 >>>trace 27 >>>trace 28 >>>trace 29 >>>trace 30 Size: 10,868 KB INSTRUCTIONS FOR SAMPLE SINGLE RUN 1. OPENING THE MODEL 1.1 Download and extract to an accessible location 1.2 Open Riverware 1.3 Navigate to the File dropdown in the Top Right Corner and select Open Model 1.4 Use the File Explorer window to navigate to and open the CRSS_Files folder 1.5 Open the model folder 1.6 Double click the CRSS_Salton_4_23_20.mdl file to open the model, or select the model file and click Open in the File Explorer window 1.7 The model displaying nodes and links in the Colorado River system will be displayed. To verify that this model is correct, use the zoom tool in Riverware to zoom out two clicks and scroll to the bottom of the model. The 3-link Salton Sea system should be present in the bottom left corner with the IID_Return_Salton, Salton_Sea, and Misc_Inflows_Salton nodes. 2. LOAD THE RULESET 2.1 Navigate to the Policy dropdown menu and mouse over Ruleset 2.2 In the Ruleset menu, click Open 2.3 Locate the CRSS_Files folder and double-click the ruleset folder 2.4 Double click the CRSS.Baseline.2027IGDCP.v4.2.0.SALTON_4_23_20.rls file to open the ruleset, or select the .rls file and click Open in the File Explorer window 2.5 The RBS Ruleset Editor window will open and display all of the rules in the CRSS.Baseline.2027IGDCP.v4.2.0.SALTON_4_23_20.rls ruleset. To verify the ruleset is correct, click the dropdown arrow for ICS and Other Project Water Rules in the Policy & Utility Groups tab in the Ruleset Editor. Make sure there is the additional rule called Solve for IID_RF_Salton and that it is Priority 43 under the ICS and Other Project Water Rules dropdown. In the On column, make sure there is a green checkmark on the same line as Solve for IID_RF_Salton. 2.6 Click the RPL Set Not Loaded button in the top right corner of the RBS Ruleset Editor to load the ruleset. The text in the button will turn red and say RPL Set Loaded 2.7 Close the RBS Ruleset Editor 3. LOADING THE DMI 3.1 Click on the DMI dropdown menu and click DMI Manager 3.2 In the DMI Manager, scroll down and select xx_2007 UCRC Demands 3.3 Click on the Edit dropdown menu and click Edit 3.4 In the Database DMI window that appears, click on the Datasets menu 3.5 Select Add New Excel Dataset 3.6 Double-click on the green dataset that appears in the DMI Configuration to open the Excel Dataset window 3.7 Click the Excel tab in the Excel Dataset window 3.8 Click on the File Explorer button next to the Workbook 3.9 Navigate to the CRSS_Files folder and open the DMI folder 3.10 Double Click on the Salton_test.xlsx file or select the file and click Open 3.11 The Salton_test Excel file should appear in the Workbook. Click Ok. 3.12 Close the DMI Manager 4. RUN THE MODEL-SINGLE RUN 4.1 Navigate to the top of the workspace and click the Run Control. 4.2 Ensure the Initial and Finish times are as desired and click the Start button 4.3 When the Run Status bar reaches 100% and Execution State is Finished, the single run has completed successfully. NOTES ON THE STRESS TEST The stress test files are read through the multi run DMI. In the Multiple Run Control window, double click Stress_test_configuration. In the Input tab in the MRM Configuration window, make sure the Input DMI is set to the NFSinput_2017_stresstest.
Related Resources
The content of this resource is derived from | University of Colorado Boulder, 2020. Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS). Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems. |
The content of this resource is derived from | University of Colorado Boulder, 2020. Riverware. Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems. |
The content of this resource is derived from | CH2M Hill, 2018. "Salton Sea Hydrological Modeling and Results: Prepared for Imperial Irrigation District" |
Title | Owners | Sharing Status | My Permission |
USU Colorado River Basin Class Projects | David Rosenberg | Private & Shareable | None |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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