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Type: | Resource | |
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Created: | Dec 12, 2019 at 2:53 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Dec 12, 2019 at 4:45 a.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource |
Sharing Status: | Public |
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Riparian habitat is a critical component of American southwest ecology. To successfully maintain the ecological integrity of riparian corridors in National Park Service (NPS) units, managers require science-based information quantifying the status and trends of natural resources within riparian areas. This information provides a basis for managers to develop conservation strategies with external partners whose actions impact the ecological integrity of riparian natural resources. As upstream dam operations and water diversions alter the timing and quantity of downstream river flows, park managers specifically require an enhanced understanding of the effect of hydrologic flow on geomorphologic change and vegetation community structure within riparian ecosystems. To contribute to this effort, an exploratory analysis was conducted to integrate hourly water surface elevations (WSE) with digital elevation models (DEMs) at two long-term riparian monitoring locations of the Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN) Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Division along the Green River within Canyonlands National Park and Dinosaur National Monument. These scripts were developed to visualize inundation period across monitoring sites and within repeat vegetation monitoring plots.
Subject Keywords
The plot_wse_terrain.ipynb file interacts with the database DINO_CANY_Inundation.sqlite file to perform the inundation analysis for a given site in a given year. This Jupyter Notebook will save the raw data created in the analysis and the resulting plot as a .png. If the parameter 'rerun' in this script is set to 0, because the inundation analysis can take a long time to run on larger sites, this script will simply load the .npz file for that site (if available). If the 'rerun' parameter is set to 1 (or the .npz file for the site/year does not exist), the script will re-run the complete analysis for that site and year. The analyze_veg_plot.ipynb Jupyter Notebook file takes the raw data (saved as a .npz), pulls the VegPlot sites from DINO_CANY_Inundation.sqlite, interpolates to get the inundation values at these sites, and saves the points of as an excel file for a single year. Two sample raw data files are provided for which either or both Jupyter Notebook files can be run: 1. Site_15_Raw_Data_2015.npz - Seacliff site at Dinosaur National Monument for 2015 2. Site_7_Raw_Data_2015.npz - Sphinx site at Canyonlands National Park for 2015
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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