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Created: | Nov 19, 2019 at 2:33 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Dec 23, 2019 at 10:41 p.m. | |
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A vegetation survey was conducted May through July, 2010 to validate the LiDAR data collected in July. Thirty-nine 30-diameter circular plots were chosen. Within each plot, trees over 18cm diameter were counted, species names recorded, and height and diameter measured. In meadow and wetland plots, average vegetation height and dominant plant species were recorded. In meadow and wetland plots, average vegetation height and dominant plant species were recorded.
Leaf Area Index (LAI) and canopy closure (CC) data were collected between July 14 and July 23, 2010 for meadow (M), wetland (W), and forest (Leading Ridge – LR) sites in addition to the Shale Hills catchment. LAI was measured using a LAI-2200 instrument (LI-COR Biosciences). Canopy closure was measured with a spherical densiometer, Model C Forest Densiometers). See “Notes” and “Key” sheets within the data file for additional details.
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SSHCZO -- Vegetation -- Survey to Validate LiDAR -- Shale Hills -- (2010)
A vegetation survey was conducted May through July, 2010 to validate the LiDAR data collected in July. Thirty-nine 30-diameter circular plots were chosen. Within each plot, trees over 18cm diameter were counted, species names recorded, and height and diameter measured. In meadow and wetland plots, average vegetation height and dominant plant species were recorded. In meadow and wetland plots, average vegetation height and dominant plant species were recorded.
Leaf Area Index (LAI) and canopy closure (CC) data were collected between July 14 and July 23, 2010 for meadow (M), wetland (W), and forest (Leading Ridge – LR) sites in addition to the Shale Hills catchment. LAI was measured using a LAI-2200 instrument (LI-COR Biosciences). Canopy closure was measured with a spherical densiometer, Model C Forest Densiometers). See “Notes” and “Key” sheets within the data file for additional details.
Eissenstat, David M.
Shale Hills
Dr. David Eissenstat, Professor of Woody Plant Physiology, The Pennsylvania State University, 103 Tyson Building, University Park, PA, 16802, 814.863.4384,
Biology / Ecology
Survey to Validate LiDAR
leaf area index|vegetation survey|canopy closure|crown closure|spatial data|plant species|tree height|tree diameter
Site ID|Average LAI|Site Standard Deviation|Site Standard Error|PCC (%)|X Coordinate|Y Coordinate
Variables ODM2
Leaf area index (LAI)|Canopy Closure|Longitude|Latitude
Date Start
Date End
Field Areas
Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Shale Hills
North latitude
South latitude
West longitude
East longitude
The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication or citation of these data: Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Shale Hills Susquehanna Critical Zone Observatory.
Leaf Area Index (LAI): LAI-2200, LI-COR Biosciences. Canopy closure: Spherical Densiometer, Model C, Forest Densiometers. Tree height: Laser rangefinder, TruPulse 360 B, Laser Technology Inc. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH): 'Pro Tape' Diameter tape, Spencer Products Company. GPS coordinates were collected with Trimble Nomad during leaf off conditions. AvgLAI: Average of LAI for the site number listed across all measurement locations in the site. SiteSD: Site standard deviation based on average. SiteSE: Site standard error. PCC: Percent canopy closure. X: X GPS coordinate. Y: Y GPS coordinate. PhenoCam project is a collaboration of Harvard University Richardson Lab, University of New Hampshire Earth System Research Center, Boston University Department of Earth & Environment, and Washington University in Saint Louis Media and Machines Lab - AMOS Project.
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
czos | Shale Hills |
czo_id | 2650 |
citation | The following acknowledgment should accompany any publication or citation of these data: Logistical support and/or data were provided by the NSF-supported Shale Hills Susquehanna Critical Zone Observatory. |
comments | Leaf Area Index (LAI): LAI-2200, LI-COR Biosciences. Canopy closure: Spherical Densiometer, Model C, Forest Densiometers. Tree height: Laser rangefinder, TruPulse 360 B, Laser Technology Inc. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH): 'Pro Tape' Diameter tape, Spencer Products Company. GPS coordinates were collected with Trimble Nomad during leaf off conditions. AvgLAI: Average of LAI for the site number listed across all measurement locations in the site. SiteSD: Site standard deviation based on average. SiteSE: Site standard error. PCC: Percent canopy closure. X: X GPS coordinate. Y: Y GPS coordinate. PhenoCam project is a collaboration of Harvard University Richardson Lab, University of New Hampshire Earth System Research Center, Boston University Department of Earth & Environment, and Washington University in Saint Louis Media and Machines Lab - AMOS Project. |
keywords | leaf area index, vegetation survey, canopy closure, crown closure, spatial data, plant species, tree height, tree diameter |
variables | Site ID, Average LAI, Site Standard Deviation, Site Standard Error, PCC (%), X Coordinate, Y Coordinate |
disciplines | Biology / Ecology |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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