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LCZO -- Vegetation, Soil Gas, Soil Moisture -- Canopy Trimming Experiment -- Quebrada Prieta, El Verde -- (2003-2016)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 7:10 a.m.
Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 at 8:08 p.m.
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General description of Experiment and Projects: Hurricanes are important drivers of periodic disturbances on tropical forests of the Luquillo Mountauns. The immediate impact of this disturbance is on the canopy biomass which is redistributed from the canopy compartments to the detrital pool of the forest floor hence creating a wide opened canopy. The Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) is a long-term experiment designed for two purposes: 1) to decouple the effect of canopy disturbance (e.g., increasing light levels, temperature, moisture, etc.) from those of increased detrital inputs on rates of germination, growth, survival, detritus processing, nutrient cycling, soil conditions, and trophic structure, and 2) to increase the frequency of simulated hurricane effects above background levels to once every six to ten years. Climate change models predict increased frequency and intensity of Caribbean hurricanes (Emmanuel 1987, Goldenberg et al. 2001), and the goal is to evaluate predictions regarding the effects of an increased rate of hurricane disturbance on tabonuco forest (Sanford et al. 1991). The interaction of biotic and abiotic processes, all modified by the disturbance, are key in determining ecosystem responses because they regulate critical ecosystem fluxes and storage associated with detritus decomposition. These processes define detrital dynamics and play a central role in the recovery of forest structure and function after disturbance. Therefore, a third component of this experiment was to implement a series of short-term biotic manipulations nested within the large-scale CTE design, consisting on faunal manipulations to measure the strength of interactions between autotrophic and detrital food webs in the context of hurricane-associated disturbance, which allowed to asses the important components of the foodwebs. The overall hypothesis is as follow: Short-term dynamics of key response variables after disturbance will be a function of the interaction between microclimate and detrital inputs, whereas long-term dynamics (particularly of SOM and NPP) will be a function of detrital inputs.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
El Verde Field Station, Quebrada Prieta, Quebrada Prieta, El Verde
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


LCZO -- Vegetation, Soil Gas, Soil Moisture -- Canopy Trimming Experiment -- Quebrada Prieta, El Verde -- (2003-2016)



General description of Experiment and Projects: Hurricanes are important drivers of periodic disturbances on tropical forests of the Luquillo Mountauns. The immediate impact of this disturbance is on the canopy biomass which is redistributed from the canopy compartments to the detrital pool of the forest floor hence creating a wide opened canopy. The Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) is a long-term experiment designed for two purposes: 1) to decouple the effect of canopy disturbance (e.g., increasing light levels, temperature, moisture, etc.) from those of increased detrital inputs on rates of germination, growth, survival, detritus processing, nutrient cycling, soil conditions, and trophic structure, and 2) to increase the frequency of simulated hurricane effects above background levels to once every six to ten years. Climate change models predict increased frequency and intensity of Caribbean hurricanes (Emmanuel 1987, Goldenberg et al. 2001), and the goal is to evaluate predictions regarding the effects of an increased rate of hurricane disturbance on tabonuco forest (Sanford et al. 1991). The interaction of biotic and abiotic processes, all modified by the disturbance, are key in determining ecosystem responses because they regulate critical ecosystem fluxes and storage associated with detritus decomposition. These processes define detrital dynamics and play a central role in the recovery of forest structure and function after disturbance. Therefore, a third component of this experiment was to implement a series of short-term biotic manipulations nested within the large-scale CTE design, consisting on faunal manipulations to measure the strength of interactions between autotrophic and detrital food webs in the context of hurricane-associated disturbance, which allowed to asses the important components of the foodwebs. The overall hypothesis is as follow: Short-term dynamics of key response variables after disturbance will be a function of the interaction between microclimate and detrital inputs, whereas long-term dynamics (particularly of SOM and NPP) will be a function of detrital inputs.


Cantrell, Sharon|Gonzalez, Grizelle|Lodge, D. Jean|McDowell, William H.|Richardson, Barbara A.|Sharpe, Joanne M.|Shiels, Aaron|Schowalter, Timothy D.|Silver, Whendee|Willig, Michael R.




Miguel Leon,


Litter decomposition, Trace gases, lysimeter chemistry, diameter at breast height (DBH)



Biology / Ecology


Vegetation|Soil Gas|Soil Moisture


Canopy Trimming Experiment


Canopy Trimming experiment|Litterfall|DNA|DBH|Depth Breast Height|Soil Trace gases|Litter decomposition


Litterfall|DNA|DBH|Depth Breast Height|Soil Trace gases|Litter decomposition

Variables ODM2

Diameter at breast height (DBH)|DNA damage, olive tail moment|Plant litter|Soil trace gases


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

El Verde Field Station|Quebrada Prieta


Quebrada Prieta, El Verde

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude




Cantrell, Sharon; Gonzalez, Grizelle; Lodge, D. Jean; McDowell, William H.; Richardson, Barbara A.; Sharpe, Joanne M.; Shiels, Aaron; Schowalter, Timothy D.; Silver, Whendee; Willig, Michael R. Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) 2015.



Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Luquillo
czo_id 5751
citation Cantrell, Sharon; Gonzalez, Grizelle; Lodge, D. Jean; McDowell, William H.; Richardson, Barbara A.; Sharpe, Joanne M.; Shiels, Aaron; Schowalter, Timothy D.; Silver, Whendee; Willig, Michael R. Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) 2015.
keywords Canopy Trimming experiment, Litterfall, DNA, DBH, Depth Breast Height, Soil Trace gases, Litter decomposition
subtitle Litter decomposition, Trace gases, lysimeter chemistry, diameter at breast height (DBH)
variables Litterfall, DNA, DBH, Depth Breast Height, Soil Trace gases, Litter decomposition
disciplines Biology / Ecology

How to Cite

Cantrell, S., G. Gonzalez, D. J. Lodge, W. H. McDowell, B. A. Richardson, J. M. Sharpe, A. Shiels, T. D. Schowalter, W. Silver, M. R. Willig (2019). LCZO -- Vegetation, Soil Gas, Soil Moisture -- Canopy Trimming Experiment -- Quebrada Prieta, El Verde -- (2003-2016), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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