NEON Soil Preferential Flow Database
Authors: | |
Owners: | Bonan LiMatthias Sprenger |
Type: | Resource |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 956.5 MB |
Created: | Aug 28, 2024 at 9:44 p.m. |
Last updated: | Aug 29, 2024 at 5:10 p.m. (Metadata update) |
Published date: | Aug 29, 2024 at 5:08 p.m. |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.a447dc8a74f44736bf3fe217c9228005 |
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Preferential flow in soil important in supporting water and nutrients transportations. We derivate a preferential flow database using multi-depth soil moisture and precipitation measurements in NEON sites. The database contains water flow velocity for each precipitation event for any given sensor, site characteristics, soil characteristics at each sensor depth etc.
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | 01/01/2015 |
End Date: | 12/31/2022 |

About the dataset
This PF database is a preferential flow database that is generated by using NEON soil moisture and precipitation.
Metadata for PF base file
File format: XXXX_PF_database_00Y where xxxx is the NEON site name and y is the soil profile number ranging from 1 to 5.
Event data fields * stormStartTime [UTC] : Precipitation event starts.
stormEndTime [UTC] : Precipitation event ends.
stormStartValue [mm/10min] : The precipitation at the time step, in which precipitation events starts.
stormEndValue [mm/10min] : The precipitation at the time step, in which precipitation events ends.
stormSum [mm] : Sum of precipitation of the precipitation event.
stormPeakIntensity [mm/10min] : The max precipitation for a given precipitation event.
stormPeakTime [UTC] : The time, in which stormPeakIntensity is observed.
stormDuration [hours] : The duration of the precipitation events.
smReponseType_50X [-] : If the sensor responded to a precipitation event. X represent the sensor position from 1 - 8 in most of the case.
smOnsetTime_50X [UTC] : Soil moisture onset time.
smPeakTime_50X [UTC] : Soil moisture peak time.
smAtOnset_50X [v/v] : Soil moisture value at the onset.
smAtPeak_50X [v/v] : Soil moisture value at the peak.
smBeforePrecip_50X [v/v] : Soil moisture value right before precipitation start.
flowTypes [-] : Type of flows. notApplicable = less than 2 sensors are working. nonSequentialFlow = at least 2 sensors responded to the precipitation event and the shallower sensor responses later than the deeper sensor. SequentialFlow = at least 2 sensors responded to the precipitation event and the shallower sensor responded earlier than the deeper sensor.
flowPosition [-] : record which two sensors are involved in preferential flow. [501Xvs50Y_PF_50Y] = nonsequantial flow while comparing two sensors. The deeper sensor of each combo is recorded.
velocity_computed_50X [cm/day]: The log scale computed flow velocity.
num_velocity_50X_median [cm/day] : The median of matrix flow velocity by a model in log scale.
num_velocity_50X_95th [cm/day] : The 95th percentile of matrix flow velocity by a model in log scale.
num_velocity_50X_99th [cm/day] : The 99th percentile of matrix flow velocity by a model in log scale.
PF_velocity_metric_50X [-] : Compared the velocity_computed_50X to num_velocity_50X_99th. PF is identified (assigned as True) is velocity_computed_50X is greater than num_velocity_50X_99th.
num_velocity_name_50X [-] : The depth name where the velocity_computed_50X compares to.
sensor_nake_name_50X [-]:The nake name of the sensor format as soil plot name_sensor position i.e., 001_501 represent the top sensor of the first soil plot/profile at a site.
Other data fields
total_sand_50X [%]: The weighted sand percentage based on soil information for megapits and distributed pits.
total_silt_50X [%]: The weighted silt percentage based on soil information for megapits and distributed pits.
total_clay_50X [%]: The weighted clay percentage based on soil information for megapits and distributed pits.
total_porosity_50X [-]:The weighted porosity based on soil information for megapits and distributed pits.
total_eff_porosity_50X [-]:The weighted effective porosity based on soil information for megapits and distributed pits.
total_root_density_50X [$g/cm^3$]:The weighted root density based on root sampling for megapits and distributed pits.
latitude [-]: site latitude.
longitude [-]: sitle longitude.
aridity [-]: The aridity index at the site as PET/P.
MAT [°C]: Mean annual temperature of the site.
MAP [mm]: Mean annual precipitation of the site.
field_utm_northing [-]: northness of the site.
field_utm_easting [-]: eastness of the site.
field_soil_subgroup[-]: the soil types.
- Bonan Li - data collection, methology, coding
- Matthias Sprenger - discussion and advisory
- Tianfang Xu - discussion
- John Nimmo - discussion
- Hoori Ajami - discussion
- Ryoko Araki - discussion
- Octavia Crompton - discussion
- Daniel Gimenez - provided soil matrix flow simulation, discussion
- Jannis Groh - discussion
- Daniel Hirmas - methology, provided soil data, and discussion
- Nitin Singh - discussion
- Briana Wyatt - discussion
- Inge Wiekenkamp - discussion
- Pamela Sullivan1 - discussion and advisory
Online Repository link
The database is avaiable at
Related Resources
The content of this resource is derived from | NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Soil water content and water salinity (DP1.00094.001), RELEASE-2023. |
The content of this resource is derived from | NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Soil water content and water salinity (DP1.00094.001), provisional data. |
The content of this resource is derived from | NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Soil physical and chemical properties, Megapit (DP1.00096.001), RELEASE-2023.. |
The content of this resource is derived from | NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Explore Field Sites. Retrieved from |
The content of this resource is derived from | NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Soil physical and chemical properties, distributed initial characterization (DP1.10047.001), RELEASE-2023. |
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
USGS John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis | ||
US Department of Energy Office of Science | DE-AC02-05CH11231 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
Bonan Li 6 months, 3 weeks ago
The soil preferential flow database, derived from NEON soil moisture and precipitation observations, is based on data detailed in the manuscript "Ubiquity and Causes of Soil Water Preferential Flow Across 18 Ecoregions," which is currently under review at Geophysical Research Letters.
ReplyBonan Li 6 months, 3 weeks ago
The database is currently in Beta version.
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