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Advanced RHESSys Workflow Example Dead Run

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Created: Dec 09, 2016 at 8:40 p.m.
Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 at 3:12 p.m.
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.
This notebook uses custom datasets and is for advanced users comfortable with a linux terminal and using text editor such as Vi.

Dead Run, USGS gage 01589330 is located at Franklintown MD.
The general steps to use RHESSys workflows

1 Register DEM
2 Import Gage
3 Download soil data
4 Prepare Land Cover data
5 Download LAI data
6 Create a new GRASS GIS Location
7 Import RHESSys code and compile (automatically or manually)
8 Import Climate data
9 Delineate watershed
10 Generate Patch map
11 Process soil maps
12 Generate derived landcover maps
13 Generate Rules and Reclassify
14 Generate template
15 Create world
16 Create flow table
17 Initializing vegetation carbon and nitrogen stores
18 Creating a RHESSys TEC file
19 Running RHESSys models

This notebook is built on RHESSys sample workflow and RHESSys Workflow at Coweeta, NC examples. Not all steps are documented. Here we focus on explaining new or modifications.

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How to Cite

Leonard, L., L. Band, B. Miles, L. Lin, J. Duncan (2016). Advanced RHESSys Workflow Example Dead Run, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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