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Created: | Dec 31, 2020 at 4:41 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Dec 10, 2021 at 4:17 a.m. | |
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Flow-ecology relationships are critical for developing and adaptively managing environmental flows. However, uncertainty often arises from data limitations and an incomplete understanding of the spatial and temporal attributes inherent to each relationship. Accounting for sources of uncertainty is critical given mounting interest to implement environmental flows at large scales, often with limited information. We used the South Fork Eel River watershed in northern California, USA, as a case study to quantify data gaps and uncertainty in flow-ecology relationships. Through a rigorous literature review, we found that few flow-ecology relationships related explicitly to the flow regime and none completely spanned the hydrologic or geomorphic variability exhibited across the watershed. Identified data gaps informed several sensitivity analyses within a Bayesian Network model which showed that the modeled ecological outcome differs by up to 50% depending on the type and magnitude of uncertainty. This study presents a general framework for quantifying spatial and temporal data gaps that can be applied to other regions and information types to improve the understanding of flow-ecology attributes and representation of uncertainty.
Subject Keywords
PROJECT Accounting for Uncertainty in Regional Flow-Ecology Relationships CITATION Morgan, B., B. Lane (2020). Accounting for Uncertainty in Regional Flow-Ecology Relationships, HydroShare, PROJECT DESCRIPTION This repository contains the data and code needed to reproduce results from Morgan and Lane, 2022. PREREQUISITES A basic working knowledge of R programming, ArcGIS Pro, and Netica is needed to replicate the results of this study. To use the data and code available in this project, please download and install: >R ( ) and Rstudio ( ). License not required. >ArcGIS Pro ( ). License required. For installation and licensing questions, see the FAQ page ( ). >Netica (limited mode) ( ). License not required. For installation instructions, see the Online Installation Help page ( ). #################################################################################################################### CONTENT DESCRIPTION This repository is organized based on the two main objectives of this study: a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed flow-ecology studies and Bayesian Network modelling. The folders contain the necessary input data and code required to reproduce the results, as well as the expected outputs. The Literature_Review folder contains three main folders and the following subfolders and files: >Lit_Review_Files >>Flow_ecology_lit_review_master.xlsx is a supporting file and includes the recorded attributes for the flow-ecology studies in this research. >>LitReview_codebook.xlsx is a supporting file and includes the codes applied in Atlas for the literature review. >>Atlas_summaries.xlsx is a supporting file and includes the code-cooccurrence output tables from Atlas. >Lit_Analysis_R >>Data Network_input_igraph_format.xlsx is a supporting file and shows how relationships in the Flow_ecology_lit_review_master.xlsx were expanded into individual “from” and “to” links for the conceptual network model input files. >>>Relationship_channel_types.csv is an input file for the script “Channel_type_SFE.R” and contains the channel types represented in each flow-ecology relationship. >>>SFE_edges.csv is an input file for the script “Network_Analysis_igraph.R” and contains the links between variables for the conceptual network model. SFE_nodes.csv is an input file for the script “Network_Analysis_igraph.R” and contains the variables (ie nodes) for the conceptual network model. >>>study_dates.csv is an input file for the scripts “WYT_lit_review.R” and “Seasonality.R” and includes the dates of data collection for flow-ecology relationships. >>Script >>>Network_analysis_igraph.R is the R script used to produce the conceptual network diagram of flow-ecology relationships and produces Network.png. >>>Seasonality.R is the R script used to determine the seasonality of data collection for flow-ecology relationships and produces seasonality.png. >>>WYT_CT_combined.R is the R script used to determine the distribution of relationships across water year types and channel types and the number of unique water year types and channel types within relationships. It also produces WYT_CT_combined.png. >>Output >>>Figures >>>>Network.png is an output from the script “Network_analysis_igraph.R.” >>>>seasonality.png is an output from the script “Seasonality.R.” >>>>WYT_CT_combined.png is an output from the script “WYT_CT_combined.R.” >Lit_Review_Map >>Study_density_SFER.ppkx is an ArcGIS Pro map package that contains the associated files and map of the density of data collection within peer-reviewed flow-ecology studies. Size: 2.56 MB _____________________________________________ The BN_Model folder contains two main folders and the following subfolders and files: >BN_Development >>BN_Base_Netica.neta is a Netica file for the BN model under base probabilities and dry hydrologic conditions. >>Conceptual_model.pptx is a PowerPoint file of the conceptual model that informed the structure of the BN model. >BN_Model_R >>Data >>>S_ranges >>>>CPT_Al.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Algae node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_Dis.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Disease node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_DS.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Dry-season Baseflow node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_FG.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Fish Growth node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_Fsup.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Food Supply node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_LC.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Longitudinal Connectivity node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_PF.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Peak Flow node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_Sed.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Sediment node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_Stcond.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Steelhead Condition node in scenario A. >>>>CPT_Temp.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Temperature node in scenario A. >>>S_levels >>>>CPT_Al.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Algae node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_Dis.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Disease node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_DS.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Dry-season Baseflow node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_FG.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Fish Growth node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_Fsup.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Food Supply node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_LC.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Longitudinal Connectivity node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_PF.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Peak Flow node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_Sed.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Sediment node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_Stcond.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Steelhead Condition node in scenario B. >>>>CPT_Temp.csv contains the conditional probabilities for the Temperature node in scenario B. >>Scripts >>>SFER_BNmodel_SA_ranges.R is the R script used to generate the BN model outcomes for Scenario A, which evaluates uncertainty ranges in base probabilities. >>>SFER_BNmodel_SB_levels.R is the R script used to generate the BN model outcomes for Scenario B, which evaluates the location and magnitude of uncertainties in the model. It also produces BWP_Heatmap.png. >>>SFER_SA_Range_generation.R is an R script that generated the input conditional probabilities for Scenario A (30 unique sets of conditional probabilities between a specified range for each variable). This code does not need to be run to reproduce the results in this study. >>Output >>>Data >>>>S_ranges_generation. This folder contains csv files of conditional probabilities for all nodes in the BN model, which were output from the R script “SFER_SA_Range_generation.R.” These files are input data to Scenario A (see BN_Model_R/Data/S_ranges). >>>>ScenarioA_Data_For_Plotting.csv is an output from SFER_BNModel_SA_Ranges.R and is used as a plotting input to SFER_BNModel_SB_Levels.R. >>>Figures >>>>BWP_Heatmap.png is an output from the script “SFER_BNmodel_SB_levels.R.” Size: 913 KB ################################################################################################################## REPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Download and unzip the repository. >To reproduce the conceptual network diagram of flow-ecology relationships (Network.png): >>Navigate to Literature_Review/Lit_Analysis_R/Script/Network_analysis_igraph.R and double click to open in R studio. >>Run the code line-by-line using control-enter or run the entire code by highlighting all code and pressing control-enter. The script automatically sets a working directory and installs all necessary packages for the code. >>Figure outputs from this code will automatically be placed in Lit_Analysis_R/Output/Figures and include Network.png. >>Save the script and close R. >To reproduce the seasonality of data collection plot (seasonality.png): >>Navigate to Literature_Review/Lit_Analysis_R/Script/Seasonality.R and double click to open in R studio. >>Run the code line-by-line using control-enter or run the entire code by highlighting all code and pressing control-enter. The script automatically sets a working directory and installs all necessary packages for the code. >>Figure outputs from this code will automatically be placed in Lit_Analysis_R/Output/Figures and include seasonality.png. >>Save the script and close R. >To reproduce the water year type/ channel type and flow-ecology relationship plot (WYT_CT_Combined.png): >>Navigate to Literature_Review/Lit_Analysis_R/Script/WYT_CT_combined.R and double click to open in R studio. >>Run the code line-by-line using control-enter or run the entire code by highlighting all code and pressing control-enter. The script automatically sets a working directory and installs all necessary packages for the code. >>Figure outputs from this code will automatically be placed in Lit_Analysis_R/Output/Figures and include WYT_CT_combined.png. >>Save the script and close R. >To reproduce the data collection density across flow-ecology studies map: >>Navigate to Literature_Review/Lit_review_map/Study_density_SFER.ppkx and double click to open in ArcGIS Pro. >>Click the “Studydensity_layout” tab to view the map of data collection density across flow-ecology studies. >>Save the map and close ArcGIS Pro. >To reproduce the conceptual/ Bayesian Model structure: >>Navigate to BN_Model/BN_Development/Conceptual_model.pptx and double click to open in PowerPoint. >>Save the file and close PowerPoint. >To reproduce the BN model in Netica: >>Navigate to BN_Model/BN_Development/BN_Base_Netica.neta and double click to open in Netica. >>A grey box will appear on the screen. Click “Limited Mode.” The BN model should appear on the screen. >>Save the model and close Netica. >To reproduce the box and whisker plot of model outcomes under Scenario A and heatmap plot of model outcomes under Scenario B (BWP_Heatmap.png): >>Navigate to BN_Model/BN_Model_R/Scripts/SFER_BNmodel_SA_levels.R and double click to open in R studio. >>Run the code line-by-line using control-enter or run the entire code by highlighting all code and pressing control-enter. The script automatically sets a working directory and installs all necessary packages for the code. >>A csv output from this code will automatically be placed in BN_Model_R/Output/Data and will be read as an input to SFER_BNModel_SB_levels.R. >>Save the script and close. >>Navigate to BN_Model/BN_Model_R/Scripts/SFER_BNmodel_SB_levels.R and double click to open in R studio. >>Run the code line-by-line using control-enter or run the entire code by highlighting all code and pressing control-enter. The script automatically sets a working directory and installs all necessary packages for the code. >>The figure output from this code will automatically be placed in BN_Model_R/Output/Figures and includes BWP_Heatmap.png. >>Save the script and close R.
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | NSF NRT | 1633756 |
California State Water Resources Control Board | 16-062-300 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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