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Created: | Jun 05, 2018 at 12:49 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Oct 12, 2018 at 2:52 p.m. | |
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Bibliometric data produced to explore regional preferences in hydrological model use across the world. The data were retrieved using Scopus and analysed using the R package bibliometrix.
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Bibliometric data retrieved to explore regional preferences in hydrological model use across the world. Authors: Nans Addor (University of East Anglia, UK) and Lieke Melsen (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) Files description: *.bib files: files returned by Scopus for each hydrological model *.txt files: files produced based on the *.bib files using R and synthesising their content Peer-review history of the manuscript: - March 16, 2018: manuscript submitted to WRR (data version 1) - June 1st, 2018: manuscript re-submitted to WRR after substantial changes to the text, same data (data version 1) - October 12, 2018: manuscript re-submitted to WRR after substantial changes to the text, new data (new Scopus search followed by three screenings, data version 2) Column names for papers_data.txt: YR Year of publication JN Journal of publication (abbreviated) MC Model (core: GR4J, VIC, HBV, MHM, SAC) MF Model flavour: e.g. HBV-light IF Institute first author IL Institute last author IM Institute of most authors ICF Country institute first author ICL Country institute last author ICM Country institute of most authors LL Lat-lon coordinates if provided in abstract REG Region, if provided in abstract CT1 Application country 1 CT2 Application country 2 CT3 Application country 3 CT4 Application country 4 CT5 Application country 5 COT1 Continent 1 COT2 Continent 2 CD1 Most counted catchment descriptor in abstract CD2 Second most counted catchment descriptor in abstract CD3 Third most counted catchment descriptor in abstract SSC Spatial scale descriptor in abstract TSC Temporal scale descriptor in abstract V1 Most frequent variable of interest in abstract V2 Second most frequent variable of interest in abstract V3 Third most frequent variable of interest in abstract
How to Cite
Addor, N., L. Melsen (2018). Bibliometric data to explore preferences in hydrological model use across the world, HydroShare,
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