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Water levels for conservation of islands in Lake Urmia, Iran

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Created: May 24, 2019 at 7:23 a.m.
Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 at noon
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This data contains the threshold water levels for the conservation of Lake Urmia's southern islands extracted using three methods.
Islands of Urmia Lake are nesting sites for various bird species (Eimanifar and Mohebbi, 2007). Four of these islands located at the south part of the lake have the highest priority for conservation within the ecological boundary of the lake. To determine the threshold water levels at which the islands start to be connected to each other and to the shorelines, we obtained the polygons of the islands' boundary as well as the bathymetry map of the lake (Karimi et al., 2016). We used three methods in parallel. First, we used the bathymetry map to determine the threshold water levels when islands connect to each other and to the lake shore. Also when the north and the south arms of the lake disconnect from each other. Second, we visually inspected daily MODIS satellite images which allow water bodies to be distinguished from land (false color composite of 7-2-1 bands; After finding the dates at which islands either merge together or connect to the mainland, corresponding water levels were extracted from the time series of the lake water level and checked with those from the bathymetric map. Finally, we used classified Landsat satellite images of Urmia Lake developed by Alizade Govarchin Ghale, (2014); Alizade Govarchin Ghale et al., (2017); Kabiri et al., (2012) and checked the areal extent of the delineated lake water body to estimate the corresponding lake water levels at which islands merge together, connect to shores, and the lake’s north and south arms disconnect. Then, we assessed the uncertainty of each method.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees


Related Resources

The content of this resource references Kabiri K, Pradhan B, Sharifi A, Ghobadi Y, Pirasteh S (2012) Asia Pacific Conference on Environmental Science and Technology ( APEST 2012 ). 6(Apest):61275.
The content of this resource references Alizade Govarchin Ghale Y (2014) Multitemporal change detection on Urmia Lake and its catchment area using remote sensing and geographical information systems. Dissertation (Istanbul Technical University).
The content of this resource references Alizade Govarchin Ghale Y, Baykara M, Unal A (2017) Analysis of decadal land cover changes and salinization in Urmia Lake Basin using remote sensing techniques. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci Discuss (July):1–15.
The content of this resource references Karimi N, Bagheri MH, Hooshyaripor F, Farokhnia A, Sheshangosht S (2016) Deriving and Evaluating Bathymetry Maps and Stage Curves for Shallow Lakes Using Remote Sensing Data. Water Resour Manag 30(14):5003–5020.


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
The Semnani Family Foundation (Utah)

How to Cite

Sima, S. (2019). Water levels for conservation of islands in Lake Urmia, Iran, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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