Quantifying uncertainty of incipient motion thresholds in gravel-bedded rivers using a grain-scale force-balance model: Dataset

Owners: Scott A Feehan
Type: Resource
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Created: Jun 09, 2022 at 10:56 p.m.
Last updated: May 17, 2023 at 1:28 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: May 17, 2023 at 1:28 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.ae2d15e96c854b4c88bbd9514c706118
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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This dataset includes all incipient motion and bedload flux datasets used in support of Feehan et. al. (2023) "Quantifying uncertainty of incipient motion thresholds in gravel-bedded rivers using a grain-scale force-balance model". Use of datasets described within manuscript.


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## Datasets associated with Feehan et. al. 2023 “Quantifying uncertainty of incipient motion thresholds in gravel-bedded rivers using a grain-scale force-balance model” 

File: Shields_compilation_field.csv  
Description: incipient motion observations (n=80) from field studies across fluvial systems derived from the literature. 
Data: Shields stress, slope, median grain size (m), flow depth (m), density (kg/m3), observational method, indication if used in this study, and citation. 

File: Shields_compilation_flume.csv
Description: incipient motion observations (n=511) from flume studies derived from the literature. 
Data: shields stress, slope, median grain size (m), flow depth (m), density (kg/m3), observational method, indication if used in this study, and citation. 

File: Helley_1969.csv
Description: Field observations (n=36) from Helley (1969) of incipient boulder motion correlated to near bed velocity. 
Data: sample number, C axis (m), B axis (m), A axis (m), density (kg/m3), volume (m3), flow velocity (m/s)

File: Wu_Shih_2012_Experiment_1.csv
Description: Observations from single grain incipient motion repeat flume experiments (n=115) and associated near grain flow velocity from Wu and Shih (2012). Dataset 2 in their manuscript. Grain size mobilized is 0.008 m.  
Data: time relative to incipient motion (s), flow velocity (m/s)

File: Wu_Shih_2012_Experiment_1.csv
Description: Observations from single grain incipient motion repeat flume experiments (n=210) and associated near grain flow velocity from Wu and Shih (2012). Dataset 3 in their manuscript. Grain size mobilized is 0.008 m.  
Data: time relative to incipient motion (s), flow velocity (m/s)

File: Schmeeckle_fig_10c
Description: Drag coefficient and near grain flow velocity from flume experiments in Schmeeckle et. al. (2007). Used to constrain assumed drag coefficient in simulations in Feehan et. al. (2023). 
Data: flow velocity (m/s), drag coefficient (C_d)

File: Observations of bedload flux from flume experiments (n=105) and associated flow conditions originally from Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948) and recompiled by Recking (2010).
Data: ID, width (m), grain size (mm), grain sorting coefficient, rho_s (kg/m3), rho (kg/m3), slope, discharge (m3/s), flow velocity (m/s), flow depth (m), Froude number, Reynolds number, Shields stress, dimensionless bedload flux per unit width 

File: IncipientMotion_data_compilation.xlsx 
Description: All above data collated into one Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Created using Microsoft Excel for Mac version 16.65. 

Meyer-Peter, E., & Müller, R. (1948). Formulas for bed-load transport. In IAHSR 2nd meeting, Stockholm, appendix 2. IAHR.
Helley, E. J. (1969). Field measurement of the initiation of large bed particle motion in Blue Creek near Klamath, California. US Government Printing Office.
Aguirre-Pe, J. (1975). Incipient erosion in high gradient open channel flow with artificial roughness elements. Proc. 16th Congr. Int. Assoc. Hydraul. Res. San Paulo Brazil, 2, 137-180.
Andrews, E. D. (1994). Marginal bed load transport in a gravel bed stream, Sagehen Creek, California. Water Resources Research, 30(7), 2241-2250.
Buffington, J. M., & Montgomery, D. R. (1997). A systematic analysis of eight decades of incipient motion studies, with special reference to gravel‐bedded rivers. Water resources research, 33(8), 1993-2029.
Andrews, E. D. (2000). Bed material transport in the Virgin River, Utah. Water Resources Research, 36(2), 585-596.
Shvidchenko, A. B., Pender, G., & Hoey, T. B. (2001). Critical shear stress for incipient motion of sand/gravel streambeds. Water Resources Research, 37(8), 2273-2283.
Church, M., & Hassan, M. A. (2002). Sediment mobility in Harris Creek. Water Resources Research, 38, 1237.
Mueller, E. R., Pitlick, J., & Nelson, J. M. (2005). Variation in the reference Shields stress for bed load transport in gravel‐bed streams and rivers. Water Resources Research, 41(4).
Schmeeckle, M. W., Nelson, J. M., & Shreve, R. L. (2007). Forces on stationary particles in near‐bed turbulent flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 112(F2).
Whitaker, A. C., & Potts, D. F. (2007). Analysis of flow competence in an alluvial gravel bed stream, Dupuyer Creek, Montana. Water Resources Research, 43(7).
Gregoretti, C. (2008). Inception sediment transport relationships at high slopes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134(11), 1620-1629.
Mao, L., Uyttendaele, G. P., Iroumé, A., & Lenzi, M. A. (2008). Field based analysis of sediment entrainment in two high gradient streams located in Alpine and Andine environments. Geomorphology, 93(3-4), 368-383.
Recking, A. (2010). A comparison between flume and field bed load transport data and consequences for surface‐based bed load transport prediction. Water Resources Research, 46(3).
Wu, F. C., & Shih, W. R. (2012). Entrainment of sediment particles by retrograde vortices: Test of hypothesis using near‐particle observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 117(F3).
Scheingross, J. S., Winchell, E. W., Lamb, M. P., & Dietrich, W. E. (2013). Influence of bed patchiness, slope, grain hiding, and form drag on gravel mobilization in very steep streams. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118(2), 982-1001.
Prancevic, J. P., Lamb, M. P., & Fuller, B. M. (2014). Incipient sediment motion across the river to debris-flow transition. Geology, 42(3), 191-194.



People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Scott McCoy University of Nevada NV, US
Joel Scheingross University of Nevada Reno
Michael Gardner University of Nevada, Reno

How to Cite

Feehan, S. A., S. McCoy, J. Scheingross, M. Gardner (2023). Quantifying uncertainty of incipient motion thresholds in gravel-bedded rivers using a grain-scale force-balance model: Dataset, HydroShare, https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.ae2d15e96c854b4c88bbd9514c706118

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.



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