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Wasatch Environmental Observatory Red Butte Network: Todd's Meadow Climate (RB_TM_C)

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Created: Jul 19, 2016 at 7:24 p.m.
Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 at 2:58 p.m.
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This dataset contains raw data for all of the variables measured for the climate monitoring site in Red Butte Canyon at Todd's Meadow (RB_TM_C). Each file contains a calendar year of data. The file for the current year is updated on a daily basis. The data values were collected by a variety of sensors at 15 minute intervals. The file header contains detailed metadata for the site and the variable and method associated with each column. This site is currently operated as part of the Wasatch Environmental Observatory. Prior to 2018 this site was operated as part of the iUTAH GAMUT Network.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Red Butte Creek Watershed


Start Date:
End Date:


Additional Metadata

Name Value
Observed Variables AirTemp_Avg - Temperature, AirTemp_ST110_Avg - Temperature, AirTemp_ST110_Max - Temperature, AirTemp_ST110_Min - Temperature, b_SI111 - Intercept, BattVolt - Battery voltage, BP_Avg - Barometric pressure, DeltaTemp - Temperature, DewPt_Avg - Temperature dew point, Door_Tot - Indicator, Evapotrans_ETo - Evapotranspiration potential, Evapotrans_ETr - Evapotranspiration potential, GeonorHeater_Manual_Tot - Counter, GeonorHeater_Tot - Counter, Heater_on - Indicator, InletTemp_avg - Temperature sensor, JuddDepth_1 - Snow depth, JuddDepth_2 - Snow depth, JuddDepth_3 - Snow depth, JuddDepth_Avg - Snow depth, JuddOffset - Offset, JuddTemp_Avg - Temperature, LWIn_Cor_NR01_Avg - Radiation incoming longwave, LWIn_UnCor_NR01_Avg - Radiation incoming longwave, LWOut_Cor_NR01_Avg - Radiation outgoing longwave, LWOut_UnCor_NR01_Avg - Radiation outgoing longwave, m_SI111 - Slope, n - Counter, NetRad_NR01_Avg - Radiation net, Panel_Temp - Temperature datalogger, PARIn_Avg - Radiation incoming PAR, PAROut_Avg - Radiation outgoing PAR, Permittivity_5cm_Avg - Permittivity, Permittivity_10cm_Avg - Permittivity, Permittivity_20cm_Avg - Permittivity, Permittivity_50cm_Avg - Permittivity, Permittivity_100cm_Avg - Permittivity, Precip_Freq_Avg - Precipitation, Precip_HrDiff - Precipitation, Precip_offset - Offset, Precip_Tot_Avg - Precipitation, RH - Relative Humidity, RH_enc - Relative Humidity, SoilCond_5cm_Avg - Bulk electrical conductivity, SoilCond_10cm_Avg - Bulk electrical conductivity, SoilCond_20cm_Avg - Bulk electrical conductivity, SoilCond_50cm_Avg - Bulk electrical conductivity, SoilCond_100cm_Avg - Bulk electrical conductivity, SoilTemp_5cm_Avg - Temperature, SoilTemp_10cm_Avg - Temperature, SoilTemp_20cm_Avg - Temperature, SoilTemp_50cm_Avg - Temperature, SoilTemp_100cm_Avg - Temperature, SWIn_NR01_Avg - Radiation incoming shortwave, SWOut_NR01_Avg - Radiation outgoing shortwave, SWIn_SP230_Avg - Radiation incoming shortwave, Tachometer_TS100 - Frequency of rotation, TargTemp_SI111_Avg - Temperature, TargV_SI111_Avg - Voltage, Temp_NR01_Avg - Temperature, Temp_SI111_Avg - Temperature, VaporPress_Avg - Vapor pressure, VWC_5cm_Avg - Volumetric water content, VWC_10cm_Avg - Volumetric water content, VWC_20cm_Avg - Volumetric water content, VWC_50cm_Avg - Volumetric water content, VWC_100cm_Avg - Volumetric water content, WindDir_Avg - Wind direction, WindDir_Std - Wind direction, WindSp_Avg - Wind speed, WindSp_Max - Wind speed, AirTemp_Min - Temperature, AirTemp_Max - Temperature, JuddAvgCounter - counter
Variable Description Various climate and soil variables
Data Collection Method Measurements were made by a variety of instruments (specified by the method information in the file header) at 15 minute intervals. Measurements were recorded by a Campbell Scientific datalogger.
Data Processing Method Post processing has not been performed on these values. They are raw and provisional.

Related Resources

This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
IUTAH GAMUT Environmental Observatory Collected Datasets iUTAH Data Manager  Public &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation iUTAH-innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydro-sustainability 1208732
Salt Lake City Public Utilities


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Logan Jamison University of Utah
Dave Eiriksson University of Utah
Paul Brooks University of Utah

How to Cite

University of Utah -- Wasatch Environmental Observatory (2023). Wasatch Environmental Observatory Red Butte Network: Todd's Meadow Climate (RB_TM_C), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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