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Supporting data for "The Crucial Role of Ecohydraulic Factors in Triggering Sturgeon Reproduction: Implications for Active Habitat Restoration Strategies in the Yangtze River"

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Created: Feb 04, 2025 at 3:29 a.m.
Last updated: Feb 13, 2025 at 7:26 a.m.
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We established large-scale ecohydraulic modelling over 600 km of the upper Yangtze River to identify the critical ecohydraulic conditions that support sturgeon reproduction. Based on the theoretical modeling results, we conducted indoor experiments to optimize the combinations of identified key ecohydraulic parameters. Besides, the construction of the Xiangjiaba Dam in 2006 profoundly altered the hydrological regime and ecohydraulic conditions of spawning habitats of the Yangtze sturgeon. To investigate the impact of these alterations on the quality of spawning habitats, two of the eight historical spawning areas of the Yangtze sturgeon, located near the Xiangjiaba Dam, were examined. The current habitat conditions at these two spawning areas were estimated from the recently collected bathymetric and hydrological data.

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Files in this resource are organized as follows:
1.SHAP (Figure 2a).csv: contains the key ecohydraulic parameters, including depth-averaged velocity (V), shear velocity (V*), shear stress (τ0), minimum substrate grain size (G), water depth (D), drag coefficient (C_f), vertical turbulence eddy viscosity (E_v), bottom velocity (Vb), and horizontal eddy viscosity (E_h), ranked by the Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) according to their importance.
2.UMAP (Figure 2b).csv:contains ecohydraulic conditions of SGs and NSGs in three-dimensional space of Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP).
3.Ecohydraulic conditions of historical spawning grounds (Figure 3).xlsx: contains differences in water depth, minimum substrate grain size, and depth-averaged velocity at discharge rate of 5000 m3/s between spawning grounds (SGs) and non-spawning grounds (NSGs) in the river section containing six historical spawning areas of sturgeons.
4.Indoor experiment (Figure 4).xlsx: contains the occurrence rate (OR) of spontaneous spawning activity (SSA), the female involvement rate (FR) in SSA under different combinations of ecohydraulic parameters.
5.Number of jumps out of water (Figure 5a).xlsx: contains reproductive behaviors of the Yangtze sturgeons in the spawning cage placed in the Yangtze River, including jumping off the surface of the water.
6.Field experiment (Figure 5b).csv:contains the water velocity on the bottom of the spawning cage.
7.Hydropower impacts on sturgeon spawning grounds (Figure 6).xlsx: contains changes in water discharge and the key ecohydraulic parameters at spawning sites of the Yangtze sturgeon under scenarios of past (1500 m3/s) and present (2000 m3/s) high-frequency discharges.

How to Cite

Du, H., X. Ban, P. Li, W. Shih, J. Wu, J. Li, P. Diplas, P. Cheng, P. Li, W. Liu, F. He (2025). Supporting data for "The Crucial Role of Ecohydraulic Factors in Triggering Sturgeon Reproduction: Implications for Active Habitat Restoration Strategies in the Yangtze River", HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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