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Data from Dudunake et al. (2020), Local and reach-scale hyporheic flow response from boulder induced geomorphic changes

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Created: Mar 21, 2020 at 8:57 p.m.
Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 at 5:59 p.m.
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Stream hydromorphology regulates in-stream water flow and interstitial flow of stream water within streambed sediments, the latter known as hyporheic exchange. Whereas hyporheic flow has been studied in sand-bedded streams with ripples and dunes and in gravel-bedded streams with pool-riffle morphology, little is known about its characteristics in plane bed morphology with subdued streambed undulations and sparse macro-roughness elements such as boulders and cobbles. Here, we present a proof-of-concept investigation on the role of boulder induced morphological changes on hyporheic flows based on coupling large-scale flume experiments on sediment transport with computational fluid dynamics. Our results show that placement of boulders on “fixed” plane beds increase the reach scale hyporheic median residence time, τ50, by 15% and downwelling flux, qd, 18% from the plane bed. However, reach scale hyporheic exchange changes are stronger with τ50 decreasing by 20% and qd increasing by 79% once the streambed morphology reached equilibrium (with the imposed upstream sediment and flow inputs on boulders). These results suggest that hyporheic flow is sensitive to the geomorphic response from bed topography and sediment transport in gravel-bedded streams, a process which has been overlooked in previous work.

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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees



Description of datasets in this folder
The files:


Contain data corresponding to results presented in:
Dudunake, T., Tonina, D., Reeder, W.J., Monsalve, A. (2020). Local and reach-scale hyporheic flow response from boulder induced geomorphic changes. Water Resources Research, XXXXX
The files ***_ResT_DW_Vel.txt contain resulting raw data from MODFLOW simulations for final, initial, and plane gravel bed conditions as described in Dudunake et al., 2020. The data in these files are described by particle ID (ID), X-coordinate in meters (X), Y-coordinate in meters (Y), Z-coordinate in meters (Z), residence time in seconds (T), and initial downwelling flux in meters/second (Starting V) for the entire model domain.
The file MODPATH_Output_***.txt contain resulting raw data from MODPATH simulations for final, initial, and plane bed conditions as described in Dudunake et al., 2002. The data in these files describe the forward tracking of seeding particles in the fifth layer (K =5, Z = -0.02). These MODPATH Particle tracking reports describe the particle ID (Particle Index), X-coordinate in meters(X), Y-coordinate in meters (Y), Z-coordinate in meters (Z), time in seconds (Time), K-index (Cell K), I-index (Cell I), and J-index (Cell J).

How to Cite

Dudunake, T., D. Tonina, W. J. Reeder, A. Monsalve (2020). Data from Dudunake et al. (2020), Local and reach-scale hyporheic flow response from boulder induced geomorphic changes, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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