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HydroShare Binder - Baseimage Example

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Created: Apr 14, 2020 at 11:50 p.m.
Last updated: May 04, 2020 at 5:20 p.m.
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This is an example for making a HydroShare resource "Binder Capable" by extending the HydroShare Ubuntu image. There are several advantages to using this base image:

1. Binder configurations can use Dockerfiles in addition to all other configuration files, e.g. apt.txt, requirements.txt, postbuild, etc.
2. The image is preinstalled with JupyterHub, Python3, and tools for accessing HydroShare data (e.g. iRODs, hs_restclient, nbfetch, and hstools) to facilitate interaction with the CUAHSI HydroShare.

Subject Keywords


This is an example for making a HydroShare resource "Binder Capable" by extending the HydroShare Ubuntu image. There are several advantages to using this base image:

  1. Binder configurations can use Dockerfiles in addition to all other configuration files, e.g. apt.txt, requirements.txt, postbuild, etc.

  2. The image is preinstalled with JupyterHub, Python3, and tools for accessing HydroShare data (e.g. iRODs, hs_restclient, nbfetch, and hstools) to facilitate interaction with the CUAHSI HydroShare.

Building a Binder capable resource using the HydroShare base image

  1. Create a folder called binder
  2. Create a binder/Dockerfile containing that inherits from one of the cuahsi/hydroshare-binder tags FROM cuahsi/hydroshare-binder:ubuntu-2020.04.23
  3. Include additional Binder configuration files inside the binder directory, for example apt.txt containing: vim emacs nano
  4. Include any additional resource files at the resource root directory. These files will automatically be copied into your newly created Docker image.

Additional Metadata

Name Value
appkey MyBinder

How to Cite

Castronova, A. M. (2020). HydroShare Binder - Baseimage Example, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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