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SMVI Global Flash Droughts Dataset

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Created: Jun 05, 2024 at 8:19 a.m.
Last updated: Jun 20, 2024 at 4:38 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Jun 20, 2024 at 4:38 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.b6d1d853b82247e1aeaf907ac254c99e
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We present a global dataset of flash drought events, meticulously compiled using the Soil Moisture Volatility Index (SMVI), a cutting-edge tool initially applied within the United States. This dataset marks a significant expansion of the SMVI methodology to a global context, offering an essential resource for comprehensively understanding and predicting rapidly evolving drought phenomena. Characterized by detailed information on the onset, duration, and severity of each event, the dataset covers a wide array of climatic zones, thus providing a diverse and inclusive global perspective. A key feature of this dataset is the integration of atmospheric variables, which sheds light on the meteorological factors driving and influencing flash droughts. Such integration allows for an in-depth exploration of the complex interplay between soil moisture and atmospheric conditions, enhancing our understanding of drought dynamics.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:



Soil Moisture Volatility Index (SMVI)
##########Global Inventory###########
#Corresponding Author: Mahmoud Osman#
#####Last Update: December 2023######

SMVI data is in this inventory is based on the published studies of flash droughts over the contiguous United States (Osman et al. 2021 & 2022) with slight modifications and enhancements.

Description of data:
- The main directory has 2 sub-directories: 1- FD_Events, 2-Composites, and 1 single .csv file: LonLat.csv.
- Note! Each sub-direcory has 2 more subdirecories: 1-CSV, and 2-NetCDF
for the convenience of the user any of the 2 formats can be used.

1-FD_Events: It contains the detected flash drought events as described in (Osman et al. 2021) with some modifications as following:
	- A flash drought is identified at a gridpoint when the following conditions are fulfilled:
		1- The 5-day running average (1-Pentad) RZSM fall below the 20-days running average RZSM.
		2- The crossover occurs below the 20th percentile RZSM of the corresponding day's long-term record.
		3- The previous conditions are persistent for at least 4-pentads period.
		4- The grid-point's average temperature during the detected period is more than Zero C (273 K).
		5- The grid-point's computed average Bowen's ratio during the detected period is between 0.2 and 7.
	- In this version multiple flash drought events are allowed to be detected up to 6 events per year, sorted by onset date of event
	- Events 15 days or less apart are considered to be 1 event, and merged into one.
	- Severity of the event is quantified according basedon RZSM deficit during the identified flash drought event according to Eq-1 in Osman et al. (2022).
	- File header goes as:
		fstdate#:	Date of onset of event #n
		lstdate#:	Date of recovery (end of rapid intensifiaction) of event #n
		SV#:		Severity of event #n
		VEGID:		Landcover class number according to GLDAS dominant vegetation type in CLSMF2.5.

2-Composites: It contains some associated atmospheric standardized anomalies (derived from ERA5 dataset) at onset, pre-onset and recovery stages as discussed in (Osman et. al 2022).
	- There is a separate file for each variable/year/event#.
	- the file naming goes as: SMVI_GLDAS_E[event#]_[variable name]_[Year].csv
	- Variables are: 
		ARAIN:	Total Liquid Precipitation
		EVP:	actual evapotranspiration
		PRESS:	surface pressure
		RZSM:	root-zone soil moisture
		TMP:	2-m above ground temperature
		VPD:	vapor pressure deficit
		WS:	10-m above ground wind speed
		PEVPR:	potential evapotranspiration
	- File header goes as:
		On01:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly 1-pentad (5-days) before Onset date.
		On02:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly 2-pentads (10-days) before Onset date.
		On03:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly 3-pentads (15-days) before Onset date.
		On00:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly at "Onset" date.
		Re00:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly at "Recovery" date.
		Re01:	The 5-days average (1-pentad) value for the variable's anomaly 1-pentad (5-days) after Recovery date.
		On3Pn:	The 15-days average (3-pentads) value for the variable's anomaly 3-pentad (15-days) back from Onset date (i.e. average from Onset to Onset-15d).

- LonLat.csv: contains the corresponding Longitude and Latitude for each row in all files.

- The NetCDF direcories are created using a Pyhthon script developed by Mahdad Talebpour, that can be accessed from:

### Sample snippet to read csv data in R:
	#Load Libraries
	list.of.packages <- c("maps","maptools","ncdf4","data.table","RColorBrewer","Cairo",'latticeExtra','lattice')
	lapply(list.of.packages, library, character.only = TRUE)
	color_palette <- c("dodgerblue2", "#E31A1C","green4","#6A3D9A","#FF7F00", "gold1", "skyblue2", "#FB9A99", "palegreen2","#CAB2D6", "#FDBF6F", "gray70")
	nlon <- 1440		#Longitude size (as GLDAS)
	nlat <- 600		#Latitude size (as GLDAS)
	YYYY <- 2017		#Selected year
	n_reg <- nlon * nlat
	csv_in<- fread(file= paste(OUT_DIR,'/FD_Events/SMVI_GLDAS_Summ_table_SMVI_',YYYY,'_n',n_reg,".csv",sep=''))
	fd_YY <-[,'fstdate1'],colClasses = c("date"))  #just selecting the a vector that contains the date of the first deteceted FD event to plot
	fd_YY_Mon <- month(fd_YY[,])
	month_matrix <- array(fd_YY_Mon, dim = c(nlon, nlat))
	var_MAT <- array(fd_YY, dim = c(nlon, nlat))    #Converts the vector to matrix of size nlon x nlat
	month_names <-
	wld <- maps::map('world',plot=F)
	wld <- data.frame(lon=wld$x, lat=wld$y)
	Plt<-levelplot(month_matrix, row.values = lon, column.values = lat, xlab = 'Longitude', ylab = 'Latitude',
		 ylim = c(-60, 90), xlim = c(-180, 180), main = paste(YYYY), col.regions = color_palette[1:12],
		 at = seq(0, 13), colorkey = list(at = seq(1, 13), labels = list(at = seq(1.5, 12.5), labels = month_names)), 
		scales = list(x = list(at = seq(-180, 180, by = 20)),y = list(at = seq(-60, 90, by = 20))),
		 panel.grid = list(col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted"))+
		 xyplot(lat ~ lon, wld, type='l', lty=1, lwd=1, col='black')

	png(filename=paste("SMVI_GLDAS_E1_OnsetMon_",YYYY,".png",sep=''), width = 7000, height = 3500,res=300,type='cairo')
	#image(month_matrix)	#Or comment the "Plt" line and uncomment this to do a quick visualization for data

Osman, M., B. Zaitchik, J. Otkin, M. Anderson, M. Talebpour (2024). SMVI Global Flash Droughts Dataset. HydroShare. .

Osman, M., Zaitchik, B. F., Badr, H. S., Christian, J. I., Tadesse, T., Otkin, J. A., & Anderson, M. C. (2021). Flash drought onset over the contiguous United States: sensitivity of inventories and trends to quantitative definitions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(2), 565–581. 

Osman, M., Zaitchik, B. F., Badr, H. S., Otkin, J., Zhong, Y., Lorenz, D., et al. (2022). Diagnostic Classification of Flash Drought Events Reveals Distinct Classes of Forcings and Impacts. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 23(2), 275–289.

Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Osman, M., B. Zaitchik, J. Otkin, M. Anderson (2024). SMVI Global Flash Droughts Dataset, HydroShare,


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation (NSF) PREEVENTS Track 2: Collaborative Research: Flash droughts: process, prediction, and the central role of vegetation in their evolution 1854902


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Hamada Badr Amazon Web Services

How to Cite

Osman, M., B. Zaitchik, J. Otkin, M. Anderson, M. Talebpour (2024). SMVI Global Flash Droughts Dataset, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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