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Data Repository for 'Bootstrap aggregation and cross-validation methods to reduce overfitting in reservoir control policy search'
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Created: | Jan 20, 2020 at 7:42 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jun 24, 2020 at 1:46 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Jun 24, 2020 at 1:46 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.b8f87a7b680d44cebfb4b3f4f4a6a447 | |
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Policy search methods provide a heuristic mapping between observations and decisions and have been widely used in reservoir control studies. However, recent studies have observed a tendency for policy search methods to overfit to the hydrologic data used in training, particularly the sequence of flood and drought events. This technical note develops an extension of bootstrap aggregation (bagging) and cross-validation techniques, inspired by the machine learning literature, to improve control policy performance on out-of-sample hydrology. We explore these methods using a case study of Folsom Reservoir, California using control policies structured as binary trees and daily streamflow resampling based on the paleo-inflow record. Results show that calibration-validation strategies for policy selection and certain ensemble aggregation methods can improve out-of-sample tradeoffs between water supply and flood risk objectives over baseline performance given fixed computational costs. These results highlight the potential to improve policy search methodologies by leveraging well-established model training strategies from machine learning.
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README file describing data and code in repository for: Manuscript: 'Bootstrap aggregation and cross-validation methods to reduce overfitting in reservoir control policy search' Authors: Brodeur, Z, Herman, J.D., and Steinschneider, S. Current as of 3 May 2020 Main directory 'bagging_cross-val_policy-search' files: '' Python code to optimize 30x policy trees for both historical and bootstrapped cases '' Python code to analyze scaled policy scores based on validation performance '' Python code to analyze scaled policy scores based on calibration performance '' Python code to produce summed/scaled total cost metrics '' Python code to produce separate water supply and flood overage metrics for primary figures '' Python code to do individual runs of the Folsom model 'results_plot.r' R code to plot primary results and calculate significance values 'results_tot_plot.r' R code to plot addition summed/scaled cost results '' Folsom reservoir model configured for optimizing policies via '' '' Folsom reservoir model configured for output analysis for both ensemble mode and single policies 'data' repository 'generate_paleo-bootstrap_training.R' R code to generate training period (1982-2016) paleo-bootstrap resampled datasets 'generate_paleo-bootstrap_test.R' R code to generate test period (1923-1981) paleo-bootstrap resampled datasets 'generate_paleo-bootstrap_test_review.R' same as 'generate..test.R' but with random resampling of paleo flows 'folsom-daily-w2016.csv' Inflow, Outflow, Storage, Evap timeseries for Folsom Reservoir, 1922-2016 'demand.txt' Average daily demand by day of water year for Folsom reservoir 'Sacramento_paleo_inflow.csv' Paleo annual inflow data for American River at Folsom Reservoir, 900-2012 CE '' Script to create graphical depictions of policy trees Sub-directory('resamp') 'inflow_forecast_0.csv,... ""_29.csv' Paleo-bootstrapped inflow sequences based on training period, WY 1982-2016 Sub-directory('resamp_test') 'inflow_forecast_0.csv,... ""_29.csv' Paleo-bootstrapped inflow sequences based on test period, WY 1923-1981 Sub-directory('resamp_test1','resamp_test1','resamp_test1') 'inflow_forecast_0.csv,... ""_29.csv' same as resamp test, but with resampled paleo annual flows in 1, 2, and 3 year blocks Sub-directory('figs') Output directory for 'plot-static-trees' script 'output' repository 'results_2381.csv' Results csv file for primary figure plots via 'results_plot.r' for testing period 'results_8216.csv' "" for training period 'results_2381_rs1,rs2,rs3.csv' same as 'results_2381.csv' but with resampled paleo annual flows in 1, 2, and 3 year blocks 'results_tcost_2381.csv' Results csv file for summed/scaled cost boxplots via 'results_tot_plot.r' for testing period 'results_tcost_8216.csv' "" for training period Sub-directory('p1_ens') 'snapshots-forecast-p1-gw0.0TAF-seed-0.pkl,...""-29.pkl' Policy trees 0-29 all trained on historical 1982-2016 data Sub-directory('p1_ens_resamp') 'snapshots-forecast-p1-gw0.0TAF-seed-0.pkl,...""-29.pkl' Policy trees 0-29 each trained on bootstrapped 1982-2016 data 'pdf' repository Plots of paleo-bootstrap resampling diagnostics as described in R resampling code 'ptreeopt' repository Python modules to run tree-based evolutionary optimization algorithm 'graphvis' Python package for plotting graphical models (tree structures) Steps to recreate results: 1) Generate bootstrap samples via 'generate_paleo..R' scripts 2) Optimize policies to both historical and bootstrapped training data via '' script 3) Find best policies via calibration and validation procedures via '' and '' scripts 4) Run '' with manual selections of best policies from step 3 5) Plot results via 'results_plot.r' script
Related Resources
This resource is referenced by | Brodeur, Z., Herman, J. D., & Steinschneider, S. S. (2020). Bootstrap aggregation and cross-validation methods to reduce overfitting in reservoir control policy search. Accepted in AGU Journal Water Resources Research, June 2020 |
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