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Created: | Jan 29, 2020 at 7:13 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Sep 17, 2020 at 2:49 p.m. | |
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Data repository for Pflug and Lundquist (2020): "Inferring distributed snow depth by leveraging snow pattern repeatability: Investigation using 47 lidar observations in the Sierra Nevada Tuolumne watershed"
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README.txt Data repository corresponding to Pflug and Lundquist (2020): "Inferring distributed snow depth by leveraging snow pattern repeatability: Investigation using 47 lidar observations in the Sierra Nevada Tuolumne watershed" This repository includes the regridded lidar, model forcing data, and lidar data that is currently unavailable publicly. Description of individual Lidar.mat: Matlab structure for the subdomains with the following layout: 1. fullDom (full Tuolumne domain; Figure 1) 1.1.xCoord: x-coordinates (UTM) of gridcells (left corner of cell) 1.2.yCoord: y-coordinates (UTM) of gridcells (bottom of cell) 1.3. collections:(n = 47 airborne lidar collection dates) date of collection (to the day) 1.5.obs. Regridded lidar distributed snow depth (xCoord,yCoord) NaN values indicate regions outside of the domain 2. subdomain (upper-elevation subdomain) (same structure as fullDom above) TUO_25m_mm.txt: MicroMet forcing from 6 km WRF data used to force snowmelt simulations. Text file is of format: Number of observations per time period (center of WRF pixels) /n Then for each observation (WRF pixel) from above: year month day hour stationID xcoord(UTM) ycoord(UTM) elevation(m)... air_temperature(C) relative_humidity(%) wind_speed(m/s) wind_direction(degree)... precipitation(mm/hr) /n DAN_SW_LW.gdat: GrADS binary datafile for simulation outputs in the proximity of the Dana Meadows snow pillow. Simulations are on an 80x80 25m gridcell grid (to include shading) with Dana Meadows at gridcell (41,41). Output is of the form (nx,ny,nz,time,var) (80,80,1,4368,2): nx = [300562.5:302537.5] at 25 m resolution (center of gridcell) ny = [4195326.5:4197301.5] at 25 m resolution (center of gridcell) nz = 1 (no z-dimension) time = 2014:4:1:1 to 2014:9:30:23 (hourly timesteps) var: 1. Incoming shortwave radiation (W/m^2) 2. Incoming longwave radiation (W/m^2) radPattern.mat: Season average of daily-average SW and Longwave simulated from the forcing above. Data is of format: 1. QSi (xCoord,yCoord): incoming shortwave radiation (W/m^2). Same coordinates as Lidar.fullDom.obs 2. QLi (xCoord,yCoord) Description of directories of ASO lidar data (SuppLidarData*): Directoreis contain ASO lidar data that is not provided on NSIDC. Naming conventions are of format: '*YYYYMMDD_*.tif', where: YYYYMMDD represent the year, month, and day of the lidar collection Files of format *YYYYMMDD_DD_*.tif had collections that occurred over two days Lidar data was split into multiple directores for downloading ease: SuppLidarDataWY14_1: Dates: 20140323, 20140407, 20140420, 20140428 SuppLidarDataWY14_2: Dates: 20140502, 20140511, 20140527, 20140531 SuppLidarDataWY15_1: Dates: 20150217, 20150305_06, 20150326, 20150403, 20150409 SuppLidarDataWY15_2: Dates: 20150415, 20150427, 20150501, 20150528, 20150608 SuppLidarDataWY16_1: Dates: 20160510 SuppLidarDataWY17_1: Dates: 20170303, 20170401 SuppLidarDataWY17_2: Dates: 20170502, 20170604, 20170709
How to Cite
Pflug, J. (2020). Pflug and Lundquist (2020) Data repository, HydroShare,
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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