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BCCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry, Surface Water Chemistry -- (Isaac Bukoski Thesis) -- Boulder Creek CZO -- (2018-2019)
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Created: | Nov 19, 2019 at 8:12 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Oct 22, 2020 at 4:02 p.m. | |
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2018 (mid-April to late-September) stream water chemistry data from Boulder Creek at the City of Boulder Hydroelectric Plant, and several tributaries of Boulder Creek (i.e., Fourmile Creek, Lost Gulch, Hawkin Gulch and Keystone Gulch). Includes weekly grab samples and storm samples collected with a near-stream automatic sampler. Data includes discharge, runoff, temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved organic carbon, major cations and anions, trace metals and stable isotopes of water.
Sensor Or Location ID, Instrument or Method, Location Type Measurement, Depth or Height (cm), Decimal degree Datum OR UTM Zone, Latitude OR Y, Longitude OR X, Elevation (m)
Boulder Creek at Hydroplant
Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0063 -105.3331 1790.0000
Boulder Creek at Hydroplant
Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0063 -105.3331 1790.0000
Lost Gulch
Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0080 -105.3251 1772.0000
Hawkin Gulch
Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0044 -105.3421 1839.0000
Hawkin Gulch
Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0044 -105.3421 1839.0000
Keystone Gulch
Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0049 -105.3485 1840.0000
Keystone Gulch
Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0049 -105.3485 1840.0000
Fourmile Creek
Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0186 -105.3263 1762.0000
Fourmile Creek
Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0186 -105.3263 1762.0000
Date Range Comments: Weekly grab samples and storm samples
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | |
End Date: |
BCCZO -- Stream Water Chemistry, Surface Water Chemistry -- (Isaac Bukoski Thesis) -- Boulder Creek CZO -- (2018)
2018 (mid-April to late-September) stream water chemistry data from Boulder Creek at the City of Boulder Hydroelectric Plant, and several tributaries of Boulder Creek (i.e., Fourmile Creek, Lost Gulch, Hawkin Gulch and Keystone Gulch). Includes weekly grab samples and storm samples collected with a near-stream automatic sampler. Data includes discharge, runoff, temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved organic carbon, major cations and anions, trace metals and stable isotopes of water.
Locations Sensor Or Location ID, Instrument or Method, Location Type Measurement, Depth or Height (cm), Decimal degree Datum OR UTM Zone, Latitude OR Y, Longitude OR X, Elevation (m)
Boulder Creek at Hydroplant Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0063 -105.3331 1790.0000 Boulder Creek at Hydroplant Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0063 -105.3331 1790.0000 Lost Gulch Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0080 -105.3251 1772.0000 Hawkin Gulch Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0044 -105.3421 1839.0000 Hawkin Gulch Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0044 -105.3421 1839.0000 Keystone Gulch Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0049 -105.3485 1840.0000 Keystone Gulch Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0049 -105.3485 1840.0000 Fourmile Creek Grab Sample Stream Site Water Chemistry surface WGS84 40.0186 -105.3263 1762.0000 Fourmile Creek Automatic Sampler Stream Site Water Chemistry near streambed WGS84 40.0186 -105.3263 1762.0000
Isaac Bukoski
Isaac Bukoski
Surface water samples collected from Boulder Creek, Fourmile Creek, Lost Gulch, Hawkin Gulch and Keystone Gulch in the foothills ecoregion of the Boulder Creek watershed
Water Chemistry
Stream Water Chemistry|Surface Water Chemistry
(Isaac Bukoski Thesis)
stream chemistry|surface water chemistry
Date & Time|Discharge|Runoff|EC|pH|pH|Temp|DOC|SUVA|F|Cl|NO2|Br|NO3|PO4|SO4|Al|As|As|B|Ba|Be|Ca|Cd|Co|Cr|Cu|Fe|K|Li|Mg|Mn|Mo|Na|Ni|P|Pb|Rb Sb|Se|SiO2|Sr|U|V|W|Zn|δ18O|2H|Deuterium Excess
Variables ODM2
Temperature|Acid neutralizing capacity|Calcium, dissolved|Cloud cover|Chloride|Chlorine|delta-18O of H2O|Deuterium|Nitrogen, dissolved organic|Phosphorus, dissolved organic|Electrical Discharge,|Runoff|Phosphorus, inorganic|Potassium, dissolved|Hardness, total|Magnesium, dissolved|Sodium, dissolved|Nitrogen, NH4|Nitrogen, nitrate (NO3)|Carbon, dissolved organic|Pheophytin|Nitrogen, Phosphorus, particulate|Silica|Sulfate, dissolved|Nitrogen, total dissolved|Phosphorus, total dissolved|Tritium (3H), Delta T of H2O|Wind chill
Date Start
Date End
Date Range Comments
Weekly grab samples and storm samples
Field Areas
Gordon Gulch|Betasso|Boulder Creek Watershed
Boulder Creek CZO
North latitude
South latitude
West longitude
East longitude
2018 Bukoski Master's Thesis Data: Bukoski, Isaac, 2019, Summer Runoff Generation in Foothill Catchments of the Colorado Front Range Department of Geography Graduate Theses and Dissertations TBD
Related datasets
BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_IS_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2011-2017)
BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (GG_SW_Array) -- Gordon Gulch -- (2008-2017)
BCCZO -- Surface Water Chemistry -- (BT_SW_0) -- Betasso -- (2008-2017)
Stream samples were collected as grab samples on a weekly basis and additional grab samples were collected before and after (within 24 hr) storm events. During storm events, samples were collected more frequently using automatic samplers (model-6712, Teledyne ISCO, Lincoln, NE, USA). Automatic samplers were programmed to collect samples on a 15-min interval or 30-min interval, depending on storm forecast. Threshold values were programmed before storm events based on current stage, previous stage behavior and future storm forecast. All samples were collected in 1-L Teflon® bottles previously washed in a 10 percent hydrochloric acid solution and rinsed three times with high-purity deionized (DI) water. Grab sample bottles were rinsed three times with streamwater before collecting a sample. Within 24 hrs of sample collection, samples were filtered using a 0.45 μm (47-mm) membrane filter (Pall Laboratory, VWR International LLC, Radnor, PA, USA) and the filtered water was parsed into separate bottles (rinsed three times with filtered sample water) individually tailored for preservation requirements according to specific constituent analysis. Samples for δ18O were collected unfiltered with no headspace in 20-mL borosilicate glass bottles with a poly-seal cone liner cap wrapped in parafilm to prevent evaporation and isotopic fractionation. Samples for anions were collected in 20-mL high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. Samples for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were collected in 40-mL amber-colored borosilicate glass bottles (previously heated to 500°C for 4 hr). Samples for inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry analysis were collected in 125-mL HDPE bottles pre-washed in an acid solution and the pH was lowered using a 1 percent (volume per volume) concentrated trace-metal grade HNO3. All samples were stored in the dark and refrigerated at 4°C until analysis. For quality assurance, duplicates and blanks (using DI water) were run approximately every 10 samples. For more information on sample preservation techniques, refer to McCleskey et al. (2012).
Major cations and trace metals were determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES, PerkinElmer 7300 DV) analysis at the USGS in Boulder, CO, with an accuracy of 1% and precision of 6%. Major anions were determined using ion chromatography system (model Dionex DX 600, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), with an accuracy of 9% +/- 2% standard deviation (SD) and precision of 6% +/- 4% SD. δ18O were analyzed using wavelength-scanned cavity ringdown spectroscopy with a L2120-i Isotopic Liquid Water Analyzer (Picarro Incorporated, Santa Clara, CA, USA), with a mean accuracy of 0.09 ‰ +/- 0.08 SD and a mean precision of 0.06 ‰ +/- 0.01 SD. DOC concentrations were determined using wet oxidation method with an Oceanography International Model 700 TOC Analyzer at the USGS Analytical Trace Elements Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, CO, with an accuracy and precision
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
czos | Boulder |
czo_id | 7261 |
citation | 2018 Bukoski Master's Thesis Data: Bukoski, Isaac, 2019, Summer Runoff Generation in Foothill Catchments of the Colorado Front Range Department of Geography Graduate Theses and Dissertations TBD |
comments | Stream samples were collected as grab samples on a weekly basis and additional grab samples were collected before and after (within 24 hr) storm events. During storm events, samples were collected more frequently using automatic samplers (model-6712, Teledyne ISCO, Lincoln, NE, USA). Automatic samplers were programmed to collect samples on a 15-min interval or 30-min interval, depending on storm forecast. Threshold values were programmed before storm events based on current stage, previous stage behavior and future storm forecast. All samples were collected in 1-L Teflon® bottles previously washed in a 10 percent hydrochloric acid solution and rinsed three times with high-purity deionized (DI) water. Grab sample bottles were rinsed three times with streamwater before collecting a sample. Within 24 hrs of sample collection, samples were filtered using a 0.45 μm (47-mm) membrane filter (Pall Laboratory, VWR International LLC, Radnor, PA, USA) and the filtered water was parsed into separate bottles (rinsed three times with filtered sample water) individually tailored for preservation requirements according to specific constituent analysis. Samples for δ18O were collected unfiltered with no headspace in 20-mL borosilicate glass bottles with a poly-seal cone liner cap wrapped in parafilm to prevent evaporation and isotopic fractionation. Samples for anions were collected in 20-mL high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. Samples for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were collected in 40-mL amber-colored borosilicate glass bottles (previously heated to 500°C for 4 hr). Samples for inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry analysis were collected in 125-mL HDPE bottles pre-washed in an acid solution and the pH was lowered using a 1 percent (volume per volume) concentrated trace-metal grade HNO3. All samples were stored in the dark and refrigerated at 4°C until analysis. For quality assurance, duplicates and blanks (using DI water) were run approximately every 10 samples. For more information on sample preservation techniques, refer to McCleskey et al. (2012). Major cations and trace metals were determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES, PerkinElmer 7300 DV) analysis at the USGS in Boulder, CO, with an accuracy of 1% and precision of 6%. Major anions were determined using ion chromatography system (model Dionex DX 600, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), with an accuracy of 9% +/- 2% standard deviation (SD) and precision of 6% +/- 4% SD. δ18O were analyzed using wavelength-scanned cavity ringdown spectroscopy with a L2120-i Isotopic Liquid Water Analyzer (Picarro Incorporated, Santa Clara, CA, USA), with a mean accuracy of 0.09 ‰ +/- 0.08 SD and a mean precision of 0.06 ‰ +/- 0.01 SD. DOC concentrations were determined using wet oxidation method with an Oceanography International Model 700 TOC Analyzer at the USGS Analytical Trace Elements Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, CO, with an accuracy and precision |
keywords | stream chemistry, surface water chemistry |
subtitle | Surface water samples collected from Boulder Creek, Fourmile Creek, Lost Gulch, Hawkin Gulch and Keystone Gulch in the foothills ecoregion of the Boulder Creek watershed |
variables | Date & Time, Discharge, Runoff, EC, pH, pH, Temp, DOC, SUVA, F, Cl, NO2, Br, NO3, PO4, SO4, Al, As, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb Sb, Se, SiO2, Sr, U, V, W, Zn, δ18O, 2H, Deuterium Excess |
disciplines | Water Chemistry |
related_datasets | 2785, 3065, 3064, 3639 |
date_range_comments | Weekly grab samples and storm samples |
related_datasets_hs |,,, |
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