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Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in streams and precipitation and young water fractions across the Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain
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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 184.8 KB | |
Created: | Aug 17, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jul 14, 2023 at 6:10 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Jul 14, 2023 at 6:10 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.c01ef51ca2b3495785d0f24c62142e23 | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | Single File Content |
Sharing Status: | Published |
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This dataset includes oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (d2H) isotope ratios in streams and precipitation across the Andes mountains and Amazon foreland floodplain in southern Perú. Samples were collected approximately twice monthly from 2015–2020. Data presented here can be used to calculate the fraction of streamflow comprised of recent precipitation (e.g., the young water fraction sensu Kirchner, 2016). These data are used in Burt et al., 2023 to understand how precipitation moves through watersheds across the geomorphic gradient of the Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain. We also provide a Matlab script that will calculate flow-weighted young water fractions and carry out a bootstrap resampling routine to generate uncertainty intervals (e.g., Figure 8 from Burt et al., 2023)
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Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in streams and precipitation and young water fractions across the Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain. Emily I. Burt, Daxs Herson Coayla Rimachi, Adan Julian Ccahuana Quispe, A. Joshua West Abstract: This dataset includes oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (d2H) isotope ratios in streams and precipitation across the Andes mountains and Amazon foreland floodplain in southern Perú. Samples were collected approximately twice monthly from 2015–2020. Data presented here can be used to calculate the fraction of streamflow comprised of recent precipitation (e.g., the young water fraction sensu Kirchner, 2016). These data are used in Burt et al., 2023 to understand how precipitation moves through watersheds across the geomorphic gradient of the Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain. We also provide a Matlab script that will calculate flow-weighted young water fractions and carry out a bootstrap resampling routine to generate uncertainty intervals (e.g., Figure 8 from Burt et al., 2023) Subject keywords: water isotopes, oxygen isotopes, hydrogen isotopes, young water fraction, transit time, travel time, hydrochemistry, critical zone, stream, river, watershed, Perú, Andes mountains, Amazon floodplain, tropical rainforest, tropical montane cloud forest Geographic extent: samples were collected from the following watersheds. 3472-SC -13.20617 -71.61168 3077-SC -13.19255 -71.58795 2432-SC -13.15969 -71.59378 1540-SC -13.06454 -71.56038 609-SC -12.89614 -71.41826 276-SC -12.55884 -70.09931 214-SC -12.82955 -69.27132 Funding: Funding for this work came from NSF award EAR-1455352 to A. Joshua West. Citation for associated paper: Burt, E., Coayla Rimachi, D. H., Ccahuana Quispe, A. J., and West, A. J.: Hydroclimate and bedrock permeability determine young water fractions in streamflow across the tropical Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,, in review, 2022
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | EAR-1455352 |
How to Cite
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