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Deriving river discharge using remotely sensed water surface characteristics and satellite altimetry in the Mississippi River Basin
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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 494.7 MB | |
Created: | May 18, 2022 at 4:17 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Jul 25, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource |
Sharing Status: | Public |
Views: | 939 |
Downloads: | 101 |
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This resource contains an R-markdown script that calculates river discharge using Manning's Equation, river reach characteristics derived from SWORD, and optimized parameters (e.g., surface roughness, depth below altimeter, and channel form). The code requires measured discharge data from a gage, a nearby virtual station with altimeter data, reach characteristics (width, slope, and drainage area), and ranges for which to test the surface roughness, unknown bottom values, and channel form. The output of this code is the resulting KGE (e.g., how well the derived discharge matches the measured discharge). This code and its associated input files serve as the resources for the study, "Deriving river discharge using remotely sensed water surface characteristics and satellite altimetry in the Mississippi River Basin" (
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