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ParFlow: Spatial arrangement of stormwater infiltration affects subsurface storage and baseflow

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Created: Apr 16, 2019 at 9:11 p.m.
Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 at 9:17 p.m.
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These files were produced by the project, "Spatial arrangement of stormwater infiltration affects subsurface storage and baseflow". This project simulated an idealized wedge shaped catchment. Three soils were simulated and for each soil two spatial arrangements of stormwater infiltration facilities were simulated. All input files needed to execute these simulations are included. All files are described in the "README.txt" file. The core MatLab files used for post-processing are also included.

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Ben Choat 4/16/2019

In this folder you will find all files needed to run the simulations that were executed for the research project, "Spatial arrangement of stormwater infiltration affects subsurface storage and baseflow".  
This work was part of Ben Choat's M.S. thesis work and was submitted to the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering for publication on 4/16/2019.

In this folder (Hydroshare) you will find two subdirectories; STEADY-STATE and TRANSIENT.  STEADY-STATE holds folders and files used for spin-up simulations and TRANSIENT holds folders and files used for trandient simulations.  

Within these two folders there are subdirectories called clustDistrRUN and modDistrRUN.  These folders contatian folders and files used to simulate the 'clustered' and 'distributed' I-SCM arrangements from the work.  Where clustDistrRUN holds relevant folders/files for the 'clustered' arrangement and modDistrRUN holds relevant folders/files for the 'distributed' arrangement.

Within these two folders there are subdirectories called HighK, ModK, and LowK.  These folders hold relevant files for the sand (HighK), loamy sand (ModK), and silt (LowK) simulations.  Note that silt is included within the TRANSIENT subdirectory, but these simulations were not run to completion due to severe surface ponding of groundwater.  

In each of these folders there is a file named ''.  In the STEADY-STATE folders this file is the initial pressure-head field that was used in the original spin-up simulations.  In the TRANSIENT folders this file is the pressure-head field that resulted from spin-up simulations and was used as an initial condition in transient simulations.

Also in these folders is a file of the format distributionDistr_trans/spinup.tcl.  This is the main executable file.  You will want to double check the start time specified in this file before running simulations.

If there are any quesitons please feel free to email Ben Choat at

The last folder you will see is 'Post_Proc_MatLab'.  This file holds the core matlab scripts that were used for post processing of output data.  'pfb_read.m' may be of particular interest as it is used to read in .pfb files which are the format of ParFlow output files.

All simulations were completed using ParFlow version 3.3.0

How to Cite

Choat, B. (2019). ParFlow: Spatial arrangement of stormwater infiltration affects subsurface storage and baseflow, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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