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Coweeta Watershed 14 RHESSys model

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Created: Aug 12, 2015 at 8:58 p.m.
Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 at 9:38 p.m.
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RHESSys version 5.18.2 model for Watershed 14 of the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory LTER near Franklin, NC. Watershed 14 is a 0.6-km2 forested headwater catchment that serves as a forested reference catchment, and has been undisturbed since 1927. For more information, see the Coweeta Basin History Map (

This RHESSys model was developed using 10-m digital elevation model and vegetation density (i.e. leaf area index) provided by the NSF- and USFS-funded Coweeta Long-term Ecological Research Site and Experimental Forest. Soils data were acquired from USDA SSURGO web services using EcohydroLib ( which was also used to assemble all required input datasets. RHESSysWorkflows ( was used to create RHESSys-specific input files (e.g. world file, flow table, and soil and vegetation parameters). See metadata.txt for more detailed workflow metadata, including command history, as well as data provenance information.


Streamflow gage location: Coweeta LTER
Digital Elevation Model (DEM): Custom DEM from Coweeta LTER LIDAR
Landcover: Custom landcover from Coweeta LTER data
Surface soil texture: USDA SSURGO data served by U.S. Department of Agriculture WFS and SOAP tabular web services
Vegetation leaf area index (LAI): Minimum LAI, peak LAI, and phenology derived from MODIS MOD 15 LAI and applied to biome types derived from landcover.
Climate data (temperature, precipitation): Coweeta LTER data served by CLIMDB/HYDRODB8. Climate station in close proximity to watershed.
Streamflow: Coweeta LTER data served by CLIMDB/HYDRODB8

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How to Cite

Miles, B. (2015). Coweeta Watershed 14 RHESSys model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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