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Created: Jul 14, 2020 at 8:30 p.m.
Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 at 6:18 p.m.
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This repository includes data used within manuscript titled "Freeze-Thaw Processes Degrade Post-fire Water Repellency in Wet Soils" submitted to the Hydrological Processes Journal.

Soils of different hydrophobicities and one opportunistic sample of the 7th cycle of wet/dry/freeze/thaw treatment were imaged using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a BSE mode at 100 times resolution. Sizes of each individual aggregate were measured using ImageJ software and their area was recorded.

File abbreviation notation:
NB=not burned soil sample with MED value of 6.5%
VB=very burned sample with MED value of 0%
B="optimally" burned sample with MED value of 16.5%
1_3_6=opportunistic sample of the 7th cycle of wet/dry/freeze/thaw treatment

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Jeannie Lakes Wilderness


Additional Metadata

Name Value
B_2_bsex100.csv Area in cm^2 of all aggregates analyzed by ImageJ software for SEM image "B_2_bsex100.tif".
B_2_bsex100.tif Imagery of the burned soil sample (MED=16.5%) obtained using BSE mode at 100 times resolution with a Hitachi TM4000 microscope.
NB_2_bsex100.csv Area in cm^2 of all aggregates analyzed by ImageJ software for SEM image "NB_2_bsex100.tif"
NB_2_bsex100.tif Imagery of the not burned soil sample (MED=4.5%) obtained using BSE mode at 100 times resolution with a Hitachi TM4000 microscope.
VB_1_bsex100.csv Area in cm^2 of all aggregates analyzed by ImageJ software for SEM image "VB_1_bsex100.tif"
VB_2_bsex100.tif Imagery of the very burned soil sample (MED=0%) obtained using BSE mode at 100 times resolution with a Hitachi TM4000 microscope.
1_3_6_bsex100.csv Area in cm^2 of all aggregates analyzed by ImageJ software for SEM image "1_3_6_bsex100.tif".
1_3_6_bsex100.tif Imagery of the 7th cycle of the wet/dry/freeze/thaw soil (MED=4%) obtained using BSE mode at 100 times resolution with a Hitachi TM4000 microscope.

Related Resources

This resource belongs to the following collections:
Title Owners Sharing Status My Permission
Post-fire Soil Hydrophobicity Degradation Ekaterina Rakhmatulina  Discoverable &  Shareable Open Access


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation EAR 1013339


People or Organizations that contributed technically, materially, financially, or provided general support for the creation of the resource's content but are not considered authors.

Name Organization Address Phone Author Identifiers
Sally Thompson University of Western Australia, Perth

How to Cite

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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