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LCZO -- Soil Microbes, Soil Geochemistry -- Enzyme activity and microbial community structure -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2011-2012)

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Created: Nov 19, 2019 at 4:56 a.m.
Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 at 8:19 a.m.
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Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains, Northeastern Puerto Rico
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


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LCZO -- Soil Microbes, Soil Geochemistry -- Enzyme activity and microbial community structure -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2011-2012)



see chapter three of


Stone, M.M., DeForest, J.L., Plante, A.F.




Miguel Leon,


Changes in extracellular enzyme activity and microbial community structure with soil depth at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory





Soil Microbes|Soil Geochemistry


Enzyme activity and microbial community structure


extracellular enzyme activity|microbial community structure


soil order| forest type| catena position| pit| soil depth| carbon concentration| nitrogen concentration| total extractable phosphorus|ppm (sum of Bicarb and NaOH P)| sodium bicarbonate extractable P| NaOH extractable P| soil pH (1:10 soil : DI water)| water content| alphia glucosidase activity| alpha glucosidase activity per unit biomass| alphia glucosidase activity per unit soil C| beta glucosidase activity| beta glucosidase activity per unit biomass| beta glucosidase activity per unit soil C| beta xylosidase activity| beta xylosidase activity per unit biomass| beta xylosidase activity per unit soil C| cellobiohydrolase activity| cellobiohyrolase activity per unit biomass| cellobiohyrolase activity per unit soil C| N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity| N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity per unit biomass| N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity per unit soil C| acid phosphatase activity| acid phosphatase activity per unit biomass| acid phosphatase activity per unit soil C| carbon-degradizing enzyme activity (AG+BG+BX+CBH)| carbon-degrading enzyme activity per unit biomass| log ( (NAG / (AG + BG+BX+CBH))+1) represents ratio of N:C enzyme activity| log((AG+BG+BX+CBH)/AP)+1) represents ratio of C:P enzyme activity| log((NAG/AP)+1)| AG+BG+BX+CBH+AP+NAGrepresents total extracellular enzyme activity| (AG+BG+BX+CBH+AP+NAG) / bio.nmol represents total enzyme activity normalized to total biomass| Actinobacteria biomass| Arbuscular mycorhizal fungi biomass| Anaerobic bacteria biomass| Eukaryote biomass (non-fungal)| Fungal biomass (non-AMF)| Gram negative bacteria biomass| Gram positive bacteria biomass| General biomarkers biomass (non-specific to a certain group)| nmol Act C / bio.nmol| nmol AMF C / bio.nmol| nmol Ana C / bio.nmol| nmol Euk C / bio.nmol| nmol Fung C / bio.nmol| nmol GramN C / bio.nmol| nmol GramP C / bio.nmol| Act + Ana + GramN + GramP| Fung + AMF|

Variables ODM2

acid phosphatase|Microbial biomass|Extracellular enzyme activity|Alpha-N-Acetylglucosaminidase|Glucosidase|Activity, beta-glucosidase|Carbon|Cellobiohydrolase|land classification|Phosphorus|Nitrogen|Depth, soil|Soil classification|pH|Phosphorus, total|Volumetric water content


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

Northeastern Puerto Rico and the Luquillo Mountains


Northeastern Puerto Rico

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude




Stone M. M., J.L. DeForest, and A.F. Plante (2014), Changes in extracellular enzyme activity and microbial community structure with soil depth at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory. University of Pennsylvania.



Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Luquillo
czo_id 3970
citation Stone M. M., J.L. DeForest, and A.F. Plante (2014), Changes in extracellular enzyme activity and microbial community structure with soil depth at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory. University of Pennsylvania.
keywords extracellular enzyme activity, microbial community structure
subtitle Changes in extracellular enzyme activity and microbial community structure with soil depth at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
variables soil order, forest type, catena position, pit, soil depth, carbon concentration, nitrogen concentration, total extractable phosphorus, ppm (sum of Bicarb and NaOH P), sodium bicarbonate extractable P, NaOH extractable P, soil pH (1:10 soil : DI water), water content, alphia glucosidase activity, alpha glucosidase activity per unit biomass, alphia glucosidase activity per unit soil C, beta glucosidase activity, beta glucosidase activity per unit biomass, beta glucosidase activity per unit soil C, beta xylosidase activity, beta xylosidase activity per unit biomass, beta xylosidase activity per unit soil C, cellobiohydrolase activity, cellobiohyrolase activity per unit biomass, cellobiohyrolase activity per unit soil C, N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity, N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity per unit biomass, N-acetyl glucosaminidase activity per unit soil C, acid phosphatase activity, acid phosphatase activity per unit biomass, acid phosphatase activity per unit soil C, carbon-degradizing enzyme activity (AG+BG+BX+CBH), carbon-degrading enzyme activity per unit biomass, log ( (NAG / (AG + BG+BX+CBH))+1) represents ratio of N:C enzyme activity, log((AG+BG+BX+CBH)/AP)+1) represents ratio of C:P enzyme activity, log((NAG/AP)+1), AG+BG+BX+CBH+AP+NAGrepresents total extracellular enzyme activity, (AG+BG+BX+CBH+AP+NAG) / bio.nmol represents total enzyme activity normalized to total biomass, Actinobacteria biomass, Arbuscular mycorhizal fungi biomass, Anaerobic bacteria biomass, Eukaryote biomass (non-fungal), Fungal biomass (non-AMF), Gram negative bacteria biomass, Gram positive bacteria biomass, General biomarkers biomass (non-specific to a certain group), nmol Act C / bio.nmol, nmol AMF C / bio.nmol, nmol Ana C / bio.nmol, nmol Euk C / bio.nmol, nmol Fung C / bio.nmol, nmol GramN C / bio.nmol, nmol GramP C / bio.nmol, Act + Ana + GramN + GramP, Fung + AMF,
disciplines Biogeochemistry

How to Cite

Failed to generate citation - invalid creator nam (2019). LCZO -- Soil Microbes, Soil Geochemistry -- Enzyme activity and microbial community structure -- Northeastern Puerto Rico -- (2011-2012), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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