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Created: | Mar 19, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Mar 20, 2025 at 1:22 p.m. | |
Citation: | See how to cite this resource | |
Content types: | CSV Content |
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The datasets in this resource are associated with: King, Evan Robyn. Tracing water through a forest root zone. Diss. 2023
Abstract: Recent critical zone studies have highlighted the important role that unsaturated weathered bedrock plays in the storage of plant-available water, particularly during dry periods when incoming precipitation is limited. Unlike for soils, our knowledge of unsaturated water flowpaths within weathered bedrock, which may extend many meters into the subsurface before reaching the water table, remains relatively unknown. In this study, we employed water stable isotopes to trace the fate of waters entering a steep, weathered bedrock-dominated hillslope in Northern California. We used a subsurface vadose zone monitoring system (VMS) that contains sets of flexible sensors and samplers within inclined sleeves to sample waters at discrete intervals down to 16.6 m depth to fresh bedrock. Additionally, we sampled several other water fluxes and reservoirs at the hillslope, including storm samples and tightly-held matrix waters. Previous studies at the site revealed a dynamic, seasonally wetting and drying subsurface in response to a Mediterranean-type climate of long, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Dynamic storage estimates and drilling campaigns show that roots may extend to 16 m depth and likely play a role in the transmission of waters to groundwater and stream. We report the results of a tracer experiment, whereby a deuterated-water tracer was injected into the hillslope in May 2019 to simulate the last large storm of the wet season. We sampled waters transiting the unsaturated zone and monitored precipitation inputs for the three years following the tracer application to confidently detect the signal of the tracer to 4.7 m depth, with tracer signals sustained at a single depth interval for up to 21 months. We propose that mixing between dynamic and nondynamic waters within the weathered bedrock zone allows the persistence of the tracer signal through several dry seasons. We compare VMS-extracted waters with cryogenically extracted waters to show that isotopically distinct pools may exist within the hillslope. Finally, we explored how rooting depth may influence tracer transmission by simulating flow in the upper 10 m of our hillslope in HYDRUS-1D. We find that rooting depth may determine the extent to which the tracer is mixed with a nondynamic reservoir and the proportion of tracer that is extracted via transpiration.
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README Overview This repository contains hydrologic data collected from the Rivendell field site at the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory as described in King, Evan Robyn. Tracing water through a forest root zone. Diss. 2023. The dataset includes meteorological variables, rock moisture, groundwater levels, and water stable isotope measurements of samples from the site. Each data file is formatted as a CSV and includes time-stamped observations. Below, we describe each dataset and provide a list of column names. 1. Weather Data Filename: weather_data.csv Description: This file contains meteorological data from multiple weather stations, including temperature, rainfall, humidity, and solar radiation. Columns: AngeloMeadowWs_Air_Temp: Air temperature recorded at the Angelo Meadow Weather Station (C). AngeloMeadowWs_Rainfall_TB4: Rainfall recorded at the Angelo Meadow Weather Station using a TB4 rain gauge (mm). AngeloMeadowWs_Relative_Humidity: Relative humidity at the Angelo Meadow Weather Station (%). AngeloMeadowWs_Total_Solar_Radiation: Total solar radiation at the Angelo Meadow Weather Station (W/m?). AngeloHqWs_Air_Temp: Air temperature recorded at the Angelo HQ Weather Station (C). AngeloHqWs_Rainfall_Combined: Combined rainfall data from multiple sensors at the Angelo HQ Weather Station (mm). waterYear: Hydrologic water year corresponding to the observation. WY_Rain_mm: Cumulative rainfall for the water year (mm). Date: Date of observation (YYYY-MM-DD). 2. Rock Moisture Data Filename: rock_moisture_data.csv Description: This dataset contains normalized and filtered volumetric moisture content measurements from TDT sensors installed in the vadose zone monitoring system. Columns: Vms_Rock_Moisture_A1 - Vms_Rock_Moisture_A10: Normalized volumetric moisture content measurements at different rock moisture sensor locations (unit: fraction). Date: Date of observation (YYYY-MM-DD). 3. Groundwater Data Filename: groundwater_data.csv Description: This dataset includes adjusted groundwater level measurements from multiple wells. Columns: well_01_adjust - well_16_adjust: Groundwater level measurements (adjusted) from different monitoring wells (m). dayofyear: Day of the year (1-365). year: Year of observation (YYYY). 4. Water Stable Isotope Data Filename: water_stable_isotope_data.csv Description: This file contains water stable isotope measurements, along with sample metadata, collection details, and site information. Columns: Sample Information: ERCZO ID: Unique identifier for the sample. Original Sample Vial Label: Label assigned to the sample vial. Date Collected: Date the sample was collected (YYYY-MM-DD). Time Collected: Time the sample was collected (HH:MM). Site: General site location of the sample. Location: Specific sampling location within the site. Sample Type: Type of sample collected (e.g., groundwater, xylem water). Sample Type II: Additional classification of the sample. Tree Tag, Tree tag, Tree tag 2: Identifiers for sampled trees (if applicable). Environmental & Collection Metadata: Species (common), Species (scientific): Common and scientific names of sampled vegetation. Well water level (m): Groundwater level in the well at the time of sampling (m). Depth (m), Depth (cm), Depth (ft): Sample collection depth in different units. Gravimetric moisture content (g/g): Gravimetric moisture content measurement. Collected by: Name of the collector. Sampling Notes: Additional notes on the sampling process. Isotope Analysis & Instrumentation: dD Instrument, dO Instrument: Instruments used for ?D and ???O measurements. HD run ID, GB run ID: Run IDs for isotope analysis. dD: Measured ?D value. dO: Measured ???O value. Additional Metadata: Sample Vial Location: Storage location of the sample. VMS Sleeve, VMS Port: Identification for VMS sampling ports. Adjacent well groundwater depth at time of sampling (m): Nearby well water level during collection. Energetic State: Energy state classification of the sample. Date collection started, Time collection started: Timestamp of sample collection initiation. Extraction Method: Method used for extracting water. Centrifuge Duration (hr), Water Centrifuge Duration (hr): Time spent centrifuging the sample. Analysis Notes: Additional comments related to analysis. timestamp, timestamp_rounded: Exact timestamps of data recording. waterYear: Water year corresponding to the observation. date, datetime: Alternative date formats for ease of analysis. Usage Notes All timestamps are in YYYY-MM-DD format unless otherwise specified. Missing values are represented as NaN. Units are provided where applicable; users should verify unit consistency before analysis. Please cite the dataset properly when using it in research publications.
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
National Science Foundation | Tracing the fate, age, and ecohydrologic significance of rock moisture | 2100760 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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