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Created: | Sep 11, 2023 at 10:47 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Sep 11, 2023 at 11:46 p.m. | |
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This contains the following for a manuscript draft:
- "Supporting_Information" includes tables of RHESSys parameters and Sobol sensitivity analysis results, with a pdf of table captions
- "Filtered_param_outputs" contain RHESSys model output of the parameter runs that met the criteria as described in methods section. These are separated into individual files for each tree species.
- 'all_temp_scen_output.rds' includes all tree species parameter run model outputs for each climate temperature scenario over the same time period
additional metadata for .rds files is shown in
Subject Keywords
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End Date: |
metadata for rhessys output
- day: day of month
- month: month
- year: year
- variable: unique ID for each run
- lai: leaf area index (m2/m2)
- plantc: plant carbon (kgC/m2)
- mresp: maintenance respiration (kgC/m2)
- gresp: growth respiration (kgC/m2)
- psn_to_cpool: net photosynthesis to carbon pool (kgC/m2)
- height: tree height (m)
- run: ID for each parameter set by species
- date: date
- wy: water year
- wymo: water year month
- plant_resp: plant growth and maintenance respiration (kgC/m2)
- gpsn: gross photosynthesis (kgC/m2)
- trans: tree transpiration (mm)
- precip: precipitation (mm)
- code: tree species code
- temp_scen: temperature scenario
- npp: net primary productivity (kgC/m2)
- yd: day of the year
- wyd: day of the water year
Tree species codes (also shown in Table 3 of paper)
- quag: coast live oak (quercus agrifolia)
- eugl: blue gum eucalyptus (eucalyptus globulus)
- pica: canary island pine (pinus canariensis)
- piun: victorian box (pittosporum undulatum)
- plra: california sycamore (platanus racemosa)
temperature scenarios (also shown in Table 2 of paper)
- Historic: No change; same as 2012-2016 drought
- Cool: -4C
- Warm: +1.8C
- Hot: +4.6C
How to Cite
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