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CRBCZO -- Climate, Stable Isotopes, Well Water Levels -- White Clay Creek Transect A floodplain, Transect C -- (2012-2012)

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Diana Karwan, Olesya Lazareva, Donald L. Sparks, Anthony Aufdenkampe

The Christina River Basin-Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO), located in the Piedmont region of Southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, is a partnership between the University of Delaware and the Stroud Water Research Center. At Transect A of the White Clay Creek Watershed (WCCW) of the CRB-CZO, the composition of soil pore-waters and stream was investigated to understand how the geochemical dynamics of Fe- and Mn- along redox gradients affect the C cycle within a floodplain aquifer.

Soil pore-water was collected with in-situ borosilicate glass samplers (50 mm long, 20 mm diameter, 1 μm pore size, Ecotech, Germany) with the attached PTFE (Teflon) tubes (3/1.5 mm i.d./o.d) to sampling bottle. Six samplers were deployed on both sides of the floodplain within a 10-40 cm thick dark organic-rich silty soil that represents a buried pre-settlement wetland soil, underlain gravel, and stream. No pore-water was extracted from the pre-settlement deposits due to unsaturated conditions. Water sampling was carried out for about 14 months (July, 2011 - September, 2012) on biweekly basis except last 2 months in order to evaluate temporal and spatial biogeochemical dynamics of floodplain aquifer under a variety of meteorological and hydrologic conditions. In total, 103 soil pore-water samples were collected and analyzed for DOC, Fe and Mn, pH, temperature, alkalinity, conductivity, major anions, major cations, δD, and δ18O.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
Agricultural Endmember: South Branch Doe Run, Boulton Run, Transect A, White Clay Creek Transect A floodplain, Transect C
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Start Date:
End Date:


CRBCZO -- Climate, Stable Isotopes, Well Water Levels -- White Clay Creek Transect A floodplain, Transect C -- (2012)



Diana Karwan, Olesya Lazareva, Donald L. Sparks, Anthony Aufdenkampe The Christina River Basin-Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO), located in the Piedmont region of Southeastern Pennsylvania and northern Delaware, is a partnership between the University of Delaware and the Stroud Water Research Center. At Transect A of the White Clay Creek Watershed (WCCW) of the CRB-CZO, the composition of soil pore-waters and stream was investigated to understand how the geochemical dynamics of Fe- and Mn- along redox gradients affect the C cycle within a floodplain aquifer. Soil pore-water was collected with in-situ borosilicate glass samplers (50 mm long, 20 mm diameter, 1 μm pore size, Ecotech, Germany) with the attached PTFE (Teflon) tubes (3/1.5 mm i.d./o.d) to sampling bottle. Six samplers were deployed on both sides of the floodplain within a 10-40 cm thick dark organic-rich silty soil that represents a buried pre-settlement wetland soil, underlain gravel, and stream. No pore-water was extracted from the pre-settlement deposits due to unsaturated conditions. Water sampling was carried out for about 14 months (July, 2011 - September, 2012) on biweekly basis except last 2 months in order to evaluate temporal and spatial biogeochemical dynamics of floodplain aquifer under a variety of meteorological and hydrologic conditions. In total, 103 soil pore-water samples were collected and analyzed for DOC, Fe and Mn, pH, temperature, alkalinity, conductivity, major anions, major cations, δD, and δ18O.


Karwan, Diana L.|Lazareva, Olesya




Olesya Lazareva, University of Delaware Environmental Institute, Newark DE , 19716 Diana L. Karwan, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108



Biogeochemistry|Climatology / Meteorology|Geochemistry / Mineralogy|Hydrology|Soil Science / Pedology


Climate|Stable Isotopes|Well Water Levels


Hydrology|water isotopes|White Clay Creek Watershed|Transect


pH|Temperature|Specific conductance|Alkalinity_ total|Oxygen-18|Deuterium|Water level|Calcium|Potassium|Magnesium|Manganese|Sodium|Silicon|Sulfur

Variables ODM2

Alkalinity, total|Calcium|Deuterium|Magnesium|Manganese|Oxygen-18|pH|Potassium, dissolved|Silicon|Sodium, dissolved|Specific conductance|Sulfur|Temperature|Water level


Date Start


Date End



Field Areas

Agricultural Endmember: South Branch Doe Run|Boulton Run|Transect A


White Clay Creek Transect A floodplain, Transect C

North latitude


South latitude


West longitude


East longitude




Karwan and Lazareva, 2012



Award Grant Numbers

National Science Foundation, Earth Sciences Division - 0724971

Additional Metadata

Name Value
czos Christina
czo_id 2978
citation Karwan and Lazareva, 2012
keywords Hydrology, water isotopes, White Clay Creek Watershed, Transect
variables pH, Temperature, Specific conductance, Alkalinity_ total, Oxygen-18, Deuterium, Water level, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Silicon, Sulfur
disciplines Biogeochemistry, Climatology / Meteorology, Geochemistry / Mineralogy, Hydrology, Soil Science / Pedology


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation, Earth Sciences Division 0724971

How to Cite

Karwan, D. L., O. Lazareva (2019). CRBCZO -- Climate, Stable Isotopes, Well Water Levels -- White Clay Creek Transect A floodplain, Transect C -- (2012-2012), HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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