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Enhancing Persuasive speech writing

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Created: Oct 28, 2022 at 11:06 a.m.
Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 at 11:09 a.m.
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Enhancing Persuasive speech writing

In the light of Mariam Webster dictionary and some of the contexts developed by the Oxford Dictionary, it is inferred that a persuasive speech definition is a particular speech that allows a writer to develop or take a stance and then convince the reader about the validity of the agreement. This observation tends to develop the viewpoint of the author and helps to know why a certain point is incorrect. Following are some of the aspects that can facilitate an individual in writing a well-versed persuasive speech. It is obvious that no one will argue or want to talk about a common topic. It is crucial to have a topic that is controversial and interesting for the audience based on the types of persuasive speech. Following are some of the persuasive speech topics that can be selected to come up with a well-crafted persuasive speech. The next part of the persuasive speech example outline should be the series of body paragraphs that should be written with an aim to expand on the topic. It is important to have at least three body paragraphs, where each of them should have a topic sentence, then it should be backed by the facts or the research material that can help in expanding on the topic sentence. It is important to always make sure that the body paragraphs also have an antithesis which can also help to come up with the other side of the story.

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How to Cite

Words, W. (2022). Enhancing Persuasive speech writing, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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