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GroMoPo Metadata for Minqin Basin MODFLOW model

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Created: Feb 08, 2023 at 4:37 a.m.
Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 at 4:37 a.m.
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The Minqin Basin is at the lower reach of the Shiyang River of Gansu province in northwest China. Dramatic decline in groundwater level has resulted from over-abstraction of groundwater since the late 1950s to satisfy increasing irrigation and other demands. Severe water shortage led to environmental degradation. To better understand the spatial-temporal variation of groundwater levels and to evaluate the groundwater resources in the region, a three-dimensional regional groundwater flow model was built and calibrated under transient condition. The MODFLOW program was used and the research area was discretized as a square network with cell size of 400 x 400 m. The model showed that the aquifer was under destructive stress, with a groundwater resource deficit of 260 million cubic meters per year (Mm(3)/year) on average. Since the inflow of surface water from the upstream basin has declined to about 100-150 Mm(3)/year in recent decades, the irrigation return flow had become the main recharge and accounted for 60.6% of total recharge; meanwhile, abstraction by pumping wells took 99.2% from the total groundwater discharge.

Subject Keywords



Coordinate System/Geographic Projection:
WGS 84 EPSG:4326
Coordinate Units:
Decimal degrees
Place/Area Name:
North Latitude
East Longitude
South Latitude
West Longitude


Additional Metadata

Name Value
DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1165-y
Depth 100
Scale 1 001 - 10 000 km²
Layers 4
Purpose Groundwater resources
GroMoPo_ID 207
IsVerified True
Model Code MODFLOW
Model Link
Model Time 2003 - 2008
Model Year 2012
Model Authors Zhang, YL; Ma, JH; Chang, XL; van Wonderen, J; Yan, LL; Han, JH
Model Country China
Data Available Report/paper only
Developer Email
Dominant Geology Model focuses on multiple geologic materials
Developer Country Peoples R China; England
Publication Title Water resources assessment in the Minqin Basin: an arid inland river basin under intensive irrigation in northwest China
Original Developer No
Additional Information In this study, amounts of pumped water were estimated by the electricity consumption method. The results show that it was an effective way to obtain the pumping discharge. The three-dimensional groundwater flow model gave insight into groundwater resources. The calibration results showed reasonable (and acceptable) agreement between the observed and calculated heads for most observation wells. The numeric model reproduced the dynamic process of groundwater flow in the basin. According to the results, the groundwater system was not in balance and the situation was far from sustainable because the total discharge was much larger than the recharge. A deficit of 260 million cubic meters on average resulted in groundwater level decline at an average rate of 0.42 m per year and ninety-five percent of the deficit was caused by agricultural irrigation.
Integration or Coupling Water management
Evaluation or Calibration Dynamic water levels
Geologic Data Availability Yes

How to Cite

GroMoPo, E. Leijnse (2023). GroMoPo Metadata for Minqin Basin MODFLOW model, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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