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Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is a critical variable in assessing drought conditions and evaluating plant water stress. Gridded products of global and regional VPD are not freely available from satellite remote sensing, model reanalysis, or ground observation datasets. We present two versions of the first gridded VPD product for the Continental US and parts of Northern Mexico and Southern Canada (CONUS+) at a 1 km spatial resolution and daily time step. We derived VPD from Daymet maximum daily temperature and average daily vapor pressure and scale the estimates based on (1) climate determined by the Köppen-Geiger classifications and (2) land cover determined by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. Ground-based VPD data from 253 AmeriFlux sites representing different climate and land cover classifications were used to improve the Daymet-derived VPD estimates for every pixel in the CONUS+ grid to produce the final datasets. We evaluated the Daymet-derived VPD against independent observations and reanalysis data. The CONUS+ VPD datasets will aid in investigating disturbances including drought and wildfire, and informing land management strategies.
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README file for the Daymet CONUS+ VPD Product and associated data production and visualization codes.
Updated 10 Jan 2025
Nick Corak
The resource contents are divided into three subdirectories: VPD_Data, Supplemental_Data, MATLAB
1) /VPD_Data/ contains the main VPD_S netCDF files and is divided into /IGBP/ and /KG/ subdirectories.
2) /Supplemental_Data/ contains site information, correction factors, and netCDF files for climate and land cover, as well as the CONUS+ land mask
3) /MATLAB/ contains all codes used in the creation of the data and codes for visualizing data (see below).
The HYDROSHARE resource currently contains 61 files
1) forty-nine NetCDF files
2) three .csv files
3) nine MATLAB files
There are 49 NetCDF files in the current resource.
1 Land Mask File
1 Koppen-Geiger (KG) climate file
1 MODIS International Geophere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) land cover for 2001-2023
23 VPD_S by KG from 2001-2023
23 VPD_S by IGBP from 2001-2023
All NetCDF files are on the trimmed Daymet CONUS+ grid [25 50] degrees latitude and [-125 -67] degree longitude.
VPD_S files are in units of Pa and are stored as 16-bit unsiged integers. They will need to be converted using 10^-3 scale factors to change units to kPa. Supplied data extraction codes have this built-in (see MATLAB section below).
*special note*
Daymet data is only 365 days so leap years do not include Dec 31. VPD_S follows the same convention.
There are two .csv files that contain the correction factors used to developed the scaled VPD product and correspond to tables found in the accompanying manuscript.
VPD_CONUSPlus_siteinfo.csv contains a list of the AmeriFlux sites from the US, Mexico, and Canada used in this study along with the corresponding:
1) latitutde
2) longitude
3) IGBP land cover
4) Climate
5) Years of data
6) Citations of data
Accompanying MATLAB scripts for data development include
1) Daymet_Timeseries_Extraction.m - Code to export Tmax, Tmin, and VP from Daymet for all AmeriFlux sites
2) create_VPD_Timeseries_from_Daymet.m - Code to compute VPD from Tmax, Tmin, and VP for all AmeriFlux sites
3,4) correction_factors_IGBP.m, correction_factors_KG.m - Codes to develop correction factors by IGBP and KG classifications
5) Making_Maps_of_Correction_Factors.m - Code to make maps of correction factors
6,7) Make_NETCDF_VPD_S_IGBP.m and Make_NETCDF_VPD_S_KG.m - Codes to make netCDF files for VPD_S by IGBP and KG classifications
Accompanying MATLAB scripts are include to visualize the data as
8) Make_Map_Daily_VPD_Scaled_CONUS_plus.m creates a map of VPD for any day of year.
9) VPD_Scaled_Timeseries.m creates a time series for any given lat/lon pair.
Data Services
The following web services are available for data contained in this resource. Geospatial Feature and Raster
data are made available via Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services. The provided links can be copied and pasted
into GIS software to access these data. Multidimensional NetCDF data are made available via a THREDDS Data Server
using remote data access protocols such as OPeNDAP. Other data services may be made available in the future to
support additional data types.
Corak, N.K., Thornton, P.E. & Lowman, L.E.L. A high resolution, gridded product for vapor pressure deficit using Daymet. Sci Data 12, 256 (2025).
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This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
ORE-CZ: Integrating Vegetation Phenology to Understand the Sensitivity of Dynamic Water Storage to Drought Using Remote Sensing Data and Hydrology Modeling
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