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Type: | Resource | |
Storage: | The size of this resource is 147.3 MB | |
Created: | Mar 31, 2021 at 6:11 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Aug 16, 2021 at 11:44 p.m. (Metadata update) | |
Published date: | Aug 16, 2021 at 11:44 p.m. | |
DOI: | 10.4211/hs.e14c468d23274019bc53061c0a42e4aa | |
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Content types: | Single File Content |
Sharing Status: | Published |
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This dataset contains raw and processed data from a weighing lysimeter installed in a bioretention cell in Vaughan, Ontario. The lysimeter was a Smart Field Lysimeter (UMS), 30 cm height. The data collected was weight of the lysimeter tank and storage water tank every minute, and a variety of soil parameters (pressure, water content, conductivity and temperature) collected every 10 minutes. The dataset was collected August 21-November 4, 2018 and May 1-November 4, 2019. The data was processed using a filtering scheme (Hannes et al., 2015), and the code used for the processing is also included in this dataset.
The files contained are:
Two folders – water balance input and output using filtering scheme from (Hannes et al., 2015)
Lysimeter_201905-201911.xlsx – raw and processed ET, seepage and sensor data
Subject Keywords
Start Date: | |
End Date: |
Additional Metadata
Name | Value |
J | calculation of mass flux, in mm of water |
P | calculation of precipitation, in mm of water |
ET | calculation of evapotranspiration, in mm water |
Sflux | calculation of seepage flux, in mm water |
L1-LYW | raw lysimeter mass in kg |
L1-SWW | raw storage tank mass in kg |
DateTime | date and time |
P-corr [mm] | precipitation, corrected, in mm. data points highlighted in yellow were removed and replaced with 0 |
ET-corr [mm] | evapotranspiration, corrected, in mm. data points highlighted in orange were removed because they were unrealistically high |
SWW-filtered | resulting SWW mass after filtering scheme, in kg |
P-lys-fitered | pulls from pivot table for precipitation, in mm |
L1-Pump-in [s] | water pumped into lysimeter tank, length of time in seconds |
ET-lys-filtered | pulls from pivot table for evapotranspiration, in mm |
L1-MPS-T1 [kPa] | soil tension at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-MPS-T2 [kPa] | soil tension at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank |
L1-MPS-T3 [kPa] | soil tension at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-Pump-out [s] | water pumped out of lysimeter tank, length of time in seconds |
L1-EC-T1 [mS/cm] | soil electrical conductivity at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-EC-T2 [mS/cm] | soil electrical conductivity at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank |
L1-EC-T3 [mS/cm] | soil electrical conductivity at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-Echo-T1 [%WC] | volumetric water content at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-Echo-T2 [%WC] | volumetric water content at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank |
L1-Echo-T3 [%WC] | volumetric water content at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
Masssum-filtered | resulting sum of LYW and SWW after filtering scheme, in kg |
L1-Temp-T1 [degC] | soil temperature at sensor in top 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-Temp-T2 [degC] | soil temperature at sensor in middle of lysimeter tank |
L1-Temp-T3 [degC] | soil temperature at sensor in bottom 10 cm of lysimeter tank |
L1-VTENS-T4 [kPa] | tensiometer in lysimeter tank bottom, in kilopascals |
L1-REF-TENS-T4 [kPa] | reference tensiometer, located in bioretention cell at 25-cm depth, in kilopascals |
L1-Field-Temp-T4 [degC] | air temperature inside field box |
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Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | Strategic Partnership | 47903415 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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