Code and Data for the Implementation of the Stream Aquifer Flow Exchange (SAFE) approach for finite element grids and asymmetric flow exchange
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Owners: | Georgios Kourakos |
Type: | Resource |
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Created: | Sep 09, 2024 at 4:09 a.m. |
Last updated: | Sep 09, 2024 at 7:03 a.m. |
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This resource contains instructions about the code and the data that we used in our paper "Implementation of the Stream Aquifer Flow Exchange (SAFE) approach for finite element grids and asymmetric flow exchange"
Subject Keywords

This repository provides instructions about the code that we use to develop the SAFE implementation of IWFM code and the input files from the two examples presented in the paper.
The code can be obtained from the github repository The Master branch of this repository contains the original IWFM code, which can also be downloaded from the DWR. However the latest version at DWR may not be the same as in the github repository. The safe branch contains the code modifications to implement SAFE and instructions on how to compile the code.
Hypothetical Example
The hypothetical example folder is organized into 4 subfolders which containt the files for different simulation setups
- CG_41: RIV simulation without pumping
- CG_41_Pump: RIV simulation with pumping
- CG_test: SAFE simulation without pumping
- CG_test_Pump: SAFE simulation with pumping
The Test5_ResultsHydroshare.mlx
is a matlab live script that was used to process the model output and prepare the figures for the paper. Note that Matlab is needed to view and process this script. For view only the script is also provided here
Central Valley application
The California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model Fine Grid (C2VSimFG) can be downloaded directly from the DWR repository. This model uses the RIV stream-aquifer simulation approach.
For the SAFE approach the input files are all identical to the RIV simulation except the stream input files and therefore are not provided.
Here we provide only the modified stream files under the folder Central Valley files.
The C2VSimFG input data are organized into two folders Prepocessor and Simulation, while the simulation folder is further organized into multiple subfolders with one of them being the streams folder. In this repository we maintain the same folder structure and provide only the modified files.
To process the outputs and reproduce the paper results we have prepare a Matlab live script PaperResultsFGhydroshare.mlx
, which can be also viewed here.
Last to process the outputs of the IWFM model from matlab we have prepared a number of matlab fucntions that can be found under our gwtools repository
Funding Agencies
This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name | Award Title | Award Number |
California Department of Water Resources | 4600013542 | |
National Institute for Food and Agriculture | 2021-69012-35916 | |
U.S. National Science Foundation | 1716130 |
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND.
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