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Created: | Nov 06, 2024 at 10:14 p.m. | |
Last updated: | Nov 06, 2024 at 10:30 p.m. | |
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This resource contains the data in the manuscript, "Fire, fuel, and climate connections in temperate climates". The data sources and calculation methods are provided in the manuscript.
Data are for 3 regions: western North America, southern South America, and west-central Europe
mean_annual_aizone.csv contains summary data values by aridity index (AI) zone with the following columns:
AIzone is the middle AI value for a zone spanning an AI increment of 0.2.
zonearea is the total area of the zone in square kilometers
firearea is the total area burned in square kilometers
croparea is the the area of cropland in square kilometers
biomass_mean is the mean biomass across the AI zone
treearea, shrubarea, and herbarea are the total areas of tree, shrubland, and herbaceous vegetation in square kilometers
Def is the mean annual climatic water deficit
frac_01_1 is the fraction of burned areas with sizes from 0.1-1 square kilometers
frac_1_10 is the fraction of burned areas with sizes from 1-10 square kilometers
frac_10_100 is the fraction of burned areas with sizes from 10-100 square kilometers
frac_100_1000 is the fraction of burned areas with sizes from 100-1000 square kilometers
frac_1000 is the fraction of burned areas with sizes >1000 square kilometers
annual_aizone.csv contains annual values by AI zone with column names as above except:
firecount is the number of fires in that year/zone
Pmean is the annual precipitation average over the zone
AImean is the annual aridity index average over the zone
Dmean is the annual mean climatic water deficit average over the zone
land_cover_region.csv contains land cover summary data by region with column names:
ltype is land cover type
fire_cat is burn category; 0 is all land cover; 1 is burned once; 2 is burned twice
fraction is the fraction of area in each land cover type
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This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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