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Collected data for Shin et al. (2025): Nutrient limitation induces a productivity decline from light-controlled maximum
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Type: | Resource | |
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Created: | Nov 05, 2024 at 3:05 a.m. | |
Last updated: | Mar 05, 2025 at 4:48 p.m. | |
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This resource contains chlorophyll-a measurement from NDS experiments conducted in Greenland streams in 2022-23. In 2022, NDSs were deployed in five streams twice (early and late summer). In 2023, we conducted continuous dosing experiment in one of the five streams, where the dosing separated the reach into three segments (control, +N, +NP). NDSs were deployed in these three segments. Along with NDS results, abiotic factors (light, water temperature, and discharge) were also continuously monitored during NDS deployments.
Subject Keywords
This resource contains chlorophyll-a measurements of NDS experiments conducted in southwestern Greenland streams, along with continuous monitoring of abiotic factors (water temperature, water depth, photosynthetically active radiation [PAR], and discharge). Discharge was converted from water depth using rating curves obtained from synoptic discharge measurements. File 'site_info' contains latitude (lat) and longitude (long) of 5 study sites. File 'nds_2022' contains chlorophyll-a measurements (chla; ug/cm^2) of NDSs deployed in the summer of 2022. Column 'type' is treatment types (Control, +N, +P, +Fe, +NP, +NFe, +PFe, +NPFe), and columns 'N', 'P', and 'Fe' indicate amendment of each nutrient for each treatment binarily (0: not amended, 1: amended) for two-way ANOVA analysis. File 'nds_2023' contains chlorophyll-a measurements of NDSs deployed in LH6 reach in summer of 2023, where continuous dosing of N and P seperated the reach into three segments (column reach; control, +N, +NP). Column 'type' is the NDS treatment types (Control, +N, +P, +NP). File 'abio' contains time series of water temperature (temp.water; °C), water depth (depth; m), PAR (light; µmol m^-2 s^-1), and discharge (discharge; m^3 s^-1). File 'nutrient_2022' contains nutrient concentrations (ug L^-1) used to calculate nutrient ratios (N:P, N:Fe). 'code_figures.R' is the R code to make Figure 2-5 from the uploaded data. All data files are in '.csv' format.
How to Cite
This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.
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