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Extended monthly unimpaired flow from water year 1872 for 10 watersheds in the Central Valley of California

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Created: Nov 20, 2024 at 6:47 p.m.
Last updated: Nov 21, 2024 at 9:03 p.m.
Published date: Nov 21, 2024 at 9:03 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.fcb365d4f76244feb0ca4b2d9454dd5c
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These datasets belong to the compiled and estimated historical monthly temperature, precipitation, and unimpaired flow prepared for the 10 watersheds in the California Central Valley (extended to water year 1872) and used in (1) Reconstructing Seasonal Unimpaired Runoff Volumes to the San Francisco Estuary: Extending the Available Record Back to Water Year 1872 and (2) Inferring Trends and Change Attribution Using Regression-Based Unimpaired Runoff to San Francisco Estuary, 1872-2022.

See README.txt file for additional descriptions of the data included in each file.

Subject Keywords



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WGS 84 EPSG:4326
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1. Title of Dataset:

Extended monthly unimpaired flow from WY 1872 of 10 watersheds at California Central Valley

2. Author Information

  First Author Contact Information
        Name: Yuchuan Lai
           Institution: Tetra Tech, Inc.
           Address: 3697 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette CA 94549

  Corresponding Author Contact Information
        Name: Yuchuan Lai
           Institution: Tetra Tech, Inc.
           Address: 3697 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette CA 94549

  Author Contact Information
        Name: Paul Hutton
           Institution: Tetra Tech, Inc.
           Address: 3697 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette CA 94549

        Name: Sujoy Roy
           Institution: Tetra Tech, Inc.
           Address: 3697 Mt Diablo Blvd, Lafayette CA 94549


Directory of Files
   A. Filename:        Summary monthly flow (WY1872-1921).xlsx
      Short description:        Monthly observations and results of unimpaired flow records obtained. Dates, calendar years, and months are listed in the first three columns and the monthly unimpaired flow (acre foot) of each of the 10 watersheds are listed in the following columns.

   B. Filename:        Combined WY types.xlsx
      Short description:       The estimated water year indices and types for the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys. The water year indices and types were combined with different estimation and results: (1) the extension of monthly flow to WY 1851 using regression model predictions (predicted monthly flow from this procedure not reported due to limited data); (2) the extension of monthly flow to WY 1872 using regression predictions and Bulletin 5 annual flow; and (3) the existing water year indices and types reported starting from 1901 or 1906.

   C. Filename:        T P data/All.T.stn.csv
		       T P data/All.P.stn.csv

      Short description:       The information related to the identified temperature and precipitation stations (including those from historical documents and those from NOAA GHCN-Daily database) for each of the 10 watersheds.

   D. Filename:        T P data/Hist_T.stn.csv     
		       T P data/Hist_P.stn.csv

      Short description:       The information related to the identified temperature and precipitation stations from historical documents.

   E. Filename:        T P data/Digitized data from hist doc/Temp_[station name].csv
		       T P data/Digitized data from hist doc/Prcp_[station name].csv     

      Short description:       The digitized historical monthly temperature or precipitation data from historical documents. Column names represent the source of historical documents: (1) Annual Meteorological Review (AMO), (2) Climatology of California (COC), and (3) Physical Data and Statistics of California (Hall).

   F. Filename:        T P data/Results from decomposition/Historical period (to WY 1944)/Est.temp_[name of the watershed].csv     
		       T P data/Results from decomposition/Historical period (to WY 1944)/Est.temp_[name of the watershed].csv

      Short description:       The estimated separate components of temperature or precipitation and combined time series for each of the 10 watershed (estimated using the monthly decomposition method). The time series up to WY 1944 were estimated in this case to provide the input predictor values for the regression predictions of historical period (up to WY 1944). 

   G. Filename:        Observed and Bulletin 5 flow data/Bulletin 5 annual flow.csv     

      Short description:       The annual flow of the 10 watersheds reported in Bulletin 5. 

   H. Filename:        Observed and Bulletin 5 flow data/UF_[name of the watershed].csv     

      Short description:       The historical monthly unimpaired flow time series for each of the 10 watersheds, which were combined using data from the DWR and USGS databases and reported values from Physical Data and Statistics of California. 

   I. Filename:        Regression predicted flow/Regression coeff_hist (to WY 1944).csv     

      Short description:       The individual coefficients for the monthly regression model (used for predicting the monthly flow of the historical period up to WY 1944). 

   J. Filename:        Regression predicted flow/Regression coeff_full period.csv     

      Short description:       The individual coefficients for the monthly regression model (used for predicting the monthly flow of the entire historical period from WY 1872 to WY 2022). 

   K. Filename:        Regression predicted flow/Regression prediction_monthly flow (to WY 1944).csv

      Short description:       The monthly regression model predictions of monthly unimpaired flow of the 10 watersheds (for the historical period up to WY 1944). 

   L. Filename:        Regression predicted flow/Regression prediction_monthly flow (full period).csv

      Short description:       The monthly regression model predictions of monthly unimpaired flow of the 10 watersheds (for the entire historical period from WY 1872 to WY 2022). 

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Summary monthly flow (WY1872-1921).xlsx

1. Number of variables: Date; Calendar.year; Calendar.month; [name of the 10 watersheds], acre-foot

2. Number of cases/rows: 1727 or 600

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow
The last date of the monthly flow (e.g., 1920-01-31 for the monthly flow of January, 1920).

    B. Name: Calendar.year
       Description: Calendar year of the corresponding monthly flow.

    C. Name: Calendar.month
       Description: Calendar month of the corresponding monthly flow.

    D. Name: [name of the 10 watersheds], acre-foot
       Description: monthly flow 
		Unit: acre-foot

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Combined WY types.xlsx

1. Number of variables: WY; Oct-Mar runoff (MAF); Apr-Jul runoff (MAF); WY total (MAF); Index; WY type

2. Number of cases/rows: 70 or 101

3. Variable List

    A. Name: WY
       Description: Water year

    B. Name: Oct-Mar runoff (MAF)
       Description: Total flow volumes from October to March.
		Unit: million acre-foot

    C. Name: Apr-Jul runoff (MAF)
       Description: Total flow volumes from April to July.
		Unit: million acre-foot

    D. Name: WY total (MAF)
       Description: WY total flow volumes.
		Unit: million acre-foot

    E. Name: Index
       Description: WY index calculation results.

    F. Name: WY type
       Description: Classified WY types.

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: All.T.stn.csv AND All.P.stn.csv

1. Number of variables: stn.ID; name; Lat; Lon; elev; type; st.yr; ed.yr; [name of the 10 watersheds]

2. Number of cases/rows: 153 or 189

3. Variable List

    A. Name: stn.ID
       Description: Unique station ID (GHCN-ID or the name of the locations the temperature and precipitation records were taken).

    B. Name: Lat
       Description: Latitude (or approximated latitude for the stations identified in historical documents).

    C. Name: Lon
       Description: Longitude (or approximated longitude for the stations identified in historical documents).

    D. Name: elev
       Description: Station elevation (or approximated elevations for the stations identified in historical documents). 
		Unit: m

    E. Name: type
       Description: Whether the station is identified from historical documents (i.e., Hist) or GHCN database (GHCN).

    F. Name: st.yr
       Description: Starting year of the station records.

    G. Name: ed.yr
       Description: Ending year of the station records.

    F. Name: [name of the 10 watersheds]
       Description: Whether the station is selected to estimate the temperature or precipitation time series of the watersheds (Y as selected; N as not selected).

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Hist_Temp.Stn.csv AND Hist_Prcp.Stn.csv

1. Number of variables: city; county; Approx. Lat; Approx. Lon; st.yr; ed.yr

2. Number of cases/rows: 47 or 112

3. Variable List

    A. Name: city
       Description: The reported location names for the stations in the historical documents.

    B. Name: county
       Description: The names of the reported or identified counties for the temperature and precipitation record locations in the historical documents.

    C. Name: Approx. Lat
       Description: Approximated latitude for the temperature and precipitation record locations in historical documents.

    D. Name: Approx. Lon
       Description: Approximated longitude for the temperature and precipitation record locations in historical documents.

    E. Name: st.yr
       Description: Starting year of the records.

    F. Name: ed.yr
       Description: Ending year of the records.

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Temp_[station name].csv

1. Number of variables: Date; [source of the data]

2. Number of cases/rows: vary

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow

    B. Name: [source of the data]
       Description: The reported monthly average temperature. Column names represent the source of historical documents: (1) Annual Meteorological Review (AMO), (2) Climatology of California (COC), and (3) Physical Data and Statistics of California (Hall).
		Unit: °F

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Prcp_[station name].csv

1. Number of variables: Date; [source of the data]

2. Number of cases/rows: vary 

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow

    B. Name: [source of the data]
       Description: The reported monthly total precipitation. Column names represent the source of historical documents: (1) Annual Meteorological Review (AMO), (2) Climatology of California (COC), and (3) Physical Data and Statistics of California (Hall).
		Unit: inch

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Est.temp_[name of the watershed].csv

1. Number of variables: Date; WY; month; annual variability; monthly variability; monthly seasonality; combined time series (F)

2. Number of cases/rows: 1824 or 888

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow.

    B. Name: WY
       Description: Water year.

    C. Name: month
       Description: Calendar month.

    D. Name: annual variability
       Description: Estimated annual variability component.
		Unit: °F

    E. Name: monthly variability
       Description: Estimated monthly variability component.
		Unit: °F

    F. Name: monthly seasonality
       Description: Estimated seasonality component.
		Unit: °F

    G. Name: combined time series (F)
       Description: Combined, complete time series of temperature.
		Unit: °F

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Est.prcp_[name of the watershed].csv

1. Number of variables: Date; WY; month; annual variability; monthly variability; monthly seasonality; combined time series (log space); combined time series (in.)

2. Number of cases/rows: 1824 or 888

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow.

    B. Name: WY
       Description: Water year.

    C. Name: month
       Description: Calendar month.

    D. Name: annual variability
       Description: Estimated annual variability component.
		Unit: in log space

    E. Name: monthly variability
       Description: Estimated monthly variability component.
		Unit: in log space

    F. Name: monthly seasonality
       Description: Estimated seasonality component.
		Unit: in log space

    G. Name: combined time series (log space)
       Description: Combined, complete time series of precipitation (i.e., numerical sum of the previous three components)
		Unit: in log space

    H. Name: combined time series (in.)
       Description: Combined, complete time series of precipitation.
		Unit: inch

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Bulletin 5 annual flow.csv

1. Number of variables: Water.year; [name of the watershed]

2. Number of cases/rows: 50

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Water.year
       Description: Water year.

    B. Name: [name of the watershed]
       Description: reported annual flow in Bulletin 5 for the watershed.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: UF_[name of the watershed].csv

1. Number of variables: Date; flow

2. Number of cases/rows: vary

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow.

    B. Name: flow
       Description: Historical monthly flow.
		Unit: acre-foot

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Regression coeff_hist (to WY 1944).csv AND Regression coeff_full period.csv

1. Number of variables: river; month; X.Intercept.; temp; prcp; prcp.2;;

2. Number of cases/rows: 120

3. Variable List

    A. Name: river
       Description: Name of the watershed the regression model belongs to.

    B. Name: month
       Description: Corresponding month of the monthly regression model.

    C. Name: X.Intercept.
       Description: The intercept value of the regression model.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot

    D. Name: temp
       Description: Coefficient for monthly temperature predictor.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot per °F

    E. Name: prcp
       Description: Coefficient for monthly precipitation predictor.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot per inch precipitation in log space

    F. Name: prcp
       Description: Coefficient for monthly precipitation squared predictor.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot per inch precipitation in log space squared

    G. Name:
       Description: Coefficient for moving 12-month average temperature predictor.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot per °F

    H. Name:
       Description: Coefficient for moving 12-month average precipitation predictor.
		Unit: thousand acre-foot per inch precipitation in log space

DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: Regression prediction_monthly flow (to WY 1944).csv AND Regression prediction_monthly flow (full period).csv

1. Number of variables: Date; [name of the watershed]

2. Number of cases/rows: 1812 or 876

3. Variable List

    A. Name: Date
       Description: Date of the monthly flow.

    B. Name: [name of the watershed]
       Description: The regression model predicted monthly flow of the watershed.
		Unit: acre-foot


1. A combination of monthly decomposition and monthly regression model was used to provide estimates of historical temperature, precipitation, and unimpaired flow time series.

2. Date of data collection (approximate range) <20230201 - 20240401>:

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Related Resources

This resource updates and replaces a previous version Lai, Y., P. Hutton, S. Roy (2024). Extended monthly unimpaired flow from water year 1872 for 10 watersheds in the Central Valley of California, HydroShare,


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

How to Cite

Lai, Y., P. Hutton, S. Roy (2024). Extended monthly unimpaired flow from water year 1872 for 10 watersheds in the Central Valley of California, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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