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Stable isotopes of water and seasonal origin indices of precipitation, stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters

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Created: Aug 22, 2022 at 5:44 p.m.
Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 at 5:27 p.m. (Metadata update)
Published date: Oct 23, 2023 at 5:27 p.m.
DOI: 10.4211/hs.fdfdddbc35494e21ad2dda279f81832b
Citation: See how to cite this resource
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We present oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (d2H) isotope ratios (relative to VSMOW and in permil notation) of precipitation, stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters collected over several years in a tropical montane cloud forested watershed in southern Peru (-13.192550, -71.587950). The stable isotope data can be used to trace the flow of water through ecosystems and addresses the sources of water that sustain streams and trees. Reported oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in precipitation have been corrected for orographic isotope effects. The plant xylem waters were corrected back to their source water isotope composition (sensu Benettin et al., 2018) – we report both the corrected isotope ratios and the uncorrected isotope ratios. From the oxygen isotope ratios, we calculate seasonal origin indices (sensu Allen et al., 2019) of stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters, reported here. We also provide a Matlab script to load the data from Burt et al., 2023 and calculate the young water fraction of these pools and fluxes of water (sensu Kirchner, 2016), as well as generate uncertainty intervals for the young water fractions using a bootstrap resampling regime.

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WGS 84 EPSG:4326
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Stable isotopes of water and seasonal origin indices of precipitation, stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters
Emily I. Burt, Gregory R. Goldsmith, Roxanne M. Cruz-de Hoyos, Adan Julian Ccahuana Quispe, A. Joshua West
Abstract: We present oxygen (d18O) and hydrogen (d2H) isotope ratios (relative to VSMOW and in permil notation) of precipitation, stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters collected from 2015–2020 in a tropical montane cloud forested watershed in southern Peru (-13.192550, -71.587950). The stable isotope data can be used to trace the flow of water through ecosystems and addresses the sources of water that sustain streams and trees. Reported oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in precipitation have been corrected for orographic isotope effects. The plant xylem waters were corrected back to their source water isotope composition (sensu Benettin et al., 2018) – we report both the corrected isotope ratios and the uncorrected isotope ratios. From the oxygen isotope ratios, we calculate seasonal origin indices (sensu Allen et al., 2019) of stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters, reported here. We also provide a Matlab script to load the data from Burt et al., 2023 and calculate the young water fraction of these pools and fluxes of water (sensu Kirchner, 2016), as well as generate uncertainty intervals for the young water fractions using a bootstrap resampling regime. 
Subject keywords: water isotopes, trees, stem water isotopes, xylem water isotopes, seasonal origin index, young water fraction, new water fraction, oxygen isotopes, hydrogen isotopes, tropical montane cloud forest
Geographic extent: Data presented here were collected from a small (0.24 km2), mountainous (3077 m asl, mean slope 33.8 °) tropical montane cloud forested watershed in southern Peru (-13.192550, -71.587950). 
Funding: Funding for this work came from NSF award EAR-1455352 to A. Joshua West. 

Citation for associated paper: Burt, E. I., Goldsmith, G. R., Cruz-de Hoyos, R. M., Ccahuana Quispe, A. J., and West, A. J.: The seasonal origins and ages of water provisioning streams and trees in a tropical montane cloud forest, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,, 2023.


Funding Agencies

This resource was created using funding from the following sources:
Agency Name Award Title Award Number
National Science Foundation EAR-1455352

How to Cite

Burt, E., G. R. Goldsmith, R. M. C. Hoyos, A. J. C. Quispe, J. West (2023). Stable isotopes of water and seasonal origin indices of precipitation, stream, lysimeter and plant xylem waters, HydroShare,

This resource is shared under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY.


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