Description of HydroShare Resource Types and Metadata Terms
HydroShare Resource Types
A "resource" is the discrete unit of digital content within HydroShare. Resources are social objects that can be created, modified, versioned, shared, annotated, discovered, and accessed. A resource is the granular unit used for management and access control within HydroShare. Persistent identifiers, access control, versioning, sharing, and discovery are all managed at the resource level. Each resource type has a set of metadata elements that are standard across all resource types and may have resource type specific metadata elements that are defined in the sections below. The following terms define the types of resources that can be created in HydroShare:
- Term: CompositeResource
- URI:
- Label: Composite Resource
- Description: Composite is the default resource type in HydroShare. A composite resource is a resource that can include multiple files without file format limitations. This resource type is intended to support metadata and data functions at both resource level and at the level of individual files and groupings of files (referred to formally as aggregations). A composite resource should be used when it is desirable to create a single resource (e.g., one resource to manage, share, or discover) that may have content of mixed types (e.g., geographic feature, raster, time series, etc.).
- Term: CollectionResource
- URI:
- Label: Collection Resource
- Description: A collection resource is a resource that holds a list of other resources in HydroShare. Collections are intended to be a flexible and logical way to combine resources associated with a specific purpose (e.g., a specific study, site, or experiment). HydroShare does not impose restrictions on the purpose for which resources may be placed in a collection or on the number, types, publication status, or permissions settings associated with resources in a collection. A collection resource should be used when it is desirable for each of the component parts to be separately shareable, discoverable, and publishable resources.
- Term: WebAppResource
- URI:
- Label: Web App Resource
- Description: A Web App resource is a shortcut (or reference) to an external web application that functions with HydroShare data resources. A Web App can be a simple webpage, a resource viewer, a data editor, or a complex scientific model. Third-party web applications can access HydroShare data resources using the HydroShare representational state transfer (REST) web service application programming interface (API), link to specific HydroShare resource types, and be made discoverable within HydroShare by registration as a Web App resource.
In prior versions of HydroShare, there were other resource types that are now obsoleted by the Composite resourced and typed aggregations. Generic resource is superseded by Composite resource. Geographic Feature, Geographic Raster, Multidimensional, Time Series, Referenced Time Series, Model Program, and Model Instance resource types are obsoleted by their corresponding aggregation types. Specific Model Instance resource types (SWAT Model Instance and MODFLOW Model Instance) are no longer supported. Users now can use Model Aggregation functionality to describe any model, including SWAT and MODFLOW.
Common Metadata Terms for all HydroShare Resources
We chose the standard Dublin Core metadata elements as the common metadata used by all resources. All resources in HydroShare use the standard Dublin Core metadata elements. Those terms are defined by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative at Additionally, we added a few metadata terms at the resource level to meet use cases for which there were no Dublin Core terms. These elements are defined below. Some specific content types within resources use additional, content type-specific metadata terms as defined in the following sections.
- Term: name
- URI:
- Label: Name
- Description: Name of the creator or contributor.
- Term: creatorOrder
- URI:
- Label: Creator Order
- Description: Number used to specify the order of the authorship for the dataset creator.
- Term: organization
- URI:
- Label: Organization
- Description: The organization associated with the creator or contributor.
- Term: address
- URI:
- Label: Address
- Description: The address associated with the creator or contributor.
- Term: email
- URI:
- Label: Email
- Description: The email for contact with the creator or contributor.
- Term: phone
- URI:
- Label: Phone
- Description: The phone number for contact with the creator or contributor.
- Term: homepage
- URI:
- Label: Homepage
- Description: The homepage used to provide additional detailed information of the creator or contributor.
- Term: doi
- URI:
- Label: DOI
- Description: The digital object identifier for the resource which is published in HydroShare.
- Term: hydroshareIdentifier
- URI:
- Label: HydroShare Identifier
- Description: The UUID assigned to each Hydroshare resource.
- Term: publisherName
- URI:
- Label: Publisher Name
- Description: The name of the dataset publisher.
- Term: publisherURL
- URI:
- Label: Publisher URL
- Description: The URL link pointing to the website with publisher information.
- Term: rightsStatement
- URI:
- Label: Rights Statement
- Description: A text statement that points to a rights management or usage statement for the resource.
- Term: URL
- URI:
- Label: Uniform Resource Locator
- Description: URL that points to a rights management or usage statement for the resource.
- Term: isPartOf
- URI:
- Label: Part Of
- Description: The content of this resource is part of.
- Term: hasPart
- URI:
- Label: Has Part
- Description: This resource includes.
- Term: isExecutedBy
- URI:
- Label: Executed By
- Description: The content of this resource can be executed by.
- Term: isCreatedBy
- URI:
- Label: Created By
- Description: The content of this resource was created by a related App or software program.
- Term: isVersionOf
- URI:
- Label: Version Of
- Description: This resource updates and replaces a previous version.
- Term: isReplacedBy
- URI:
- Label: Replaced By
- Description: This resource has been replaced by a newer version.
- Term: isDescribedBy
- URI:
- Label: Described By
- Description: This resource is described by.
- Term: conformsTo
- URI:
- Label: Conforms To
- Description: This resource conforms to established standard described by.
- Term: hasFormat
- URI:
- Label: Has Format
- Description: This resource has a related resource in another format.
- Term: isFormatOf
- URI:
- Label: Format Of
- Description: This resource is a different format of.
- Term: isRequiredBy
- URI:
- Label: Required By
- Description: This resource is required by.
- Term: requires
- URI:
- Label: Requires
- Description: This resource is requires.
- Term: isReferencedBy
- URI:
- Label: Refrenced By
- Description: This resource is referenced by.
- Term: references
- URI:
- Label: Refrences
- Description: The content of this resource references.
- Term: replaces
- URI:
- Label: Replaces
- Description: This resource replaces.
- Term: source
- URI:
- Label: Source
- Description: The content of this resource is derived from.
- Term: isSimilarTo
- URI:
- Label:
- Description: The content of this resource is similar to.
- Term: geospatialRelation
- URI:
- Label: Relation
- Description: The content of this resource is spatially related to.
- Term: relationName
- URI:
- Label: Relation Name
- Description: The name of the related resource.
- Term: extendedMetadata
- URI:
- Label: Additional Metadata
- Description: User defined key/value pair metadata.
- Term: key
- URI:
- Label: Key
- Description: The content of the key for key/value pair additional metadata.
- Term: value
- URI:
- Label: Value
- Description: The content of the value for key/value pair additional metadata.
- Term: ORCID
- URI:
- Label: ORCID
- Description: Personal identifier in the ORCID system.
- Term: ResearchGateID
- URI:
- Label: ResearchGateID
- Description: Personal ResearchGate profile page URL.
- Term: ResearcherID
- URI:
- Label: ResearcherID
- Description: Personal identifier in the ResearcherID system.
- Term: GoogleScholarID
- URI:
- Label: GoogleScholarID
- Description: Personal Google Scholar profile page URL.
Metadata terms for the Web App Resource Type
- Term: AppURLPattern
- URI:
- Label: App-launching URL Pattern
- Description: In most cases, an app will have been programmed to expect certain parameters in its App-launching URL which send the app important information, such as which HydroShare resource to retrieve and process. HydroShare provides predefined parameters to achieve this. These predefined parameters can be appended to your App-launching URL. They will be dynamically replaced at run-time when a user launches your app from a resource landing page. This approach gives you greater flexibility when customizing App-launching URL.
Currently, HydroShare supports the following parameters:- Keys available in all launching patterns
- ${HS_RES_ID}: Resource ID
- ${HS_RES_TYPE}: Resource Type
- ${HS_USR_NAME}: HydroShare username
- Keys only available within App-launching URL Pattern
- ${HS_FILE_NAME}: Fullname of a file in a resource. For example, full name of the '.nc' file in a NetCDF resource or full name of the '.vrt' file in a raster resource.
- Keys only available within App-launching File Level URL Pattern
- ${HS_FILE_PATH}: Path of a file in HydroShare
- Keys only available within App-launching Aggregation Level URL Pattern
- ${HS_AGG_PATH}: Path of an aggregation in HydroShare
- ${HS_MAIN_FILE}: The main file name of an aggregation${HS_RES_ID}.
HydroShare will replace ${HS_RES_ID} with the real resource id.
- Term: SupportedResourceType
- URI:
- Label: Supported Resource Type
- Description: Names of applicable date resource type.
- Term: WebAppVersion
- URI:
- Label: Version
- Description: Web App Version.
Metadata terms for the Composite Resource Type
A Composite resource is a resource that can include multiple files without file format limitations. However, it is also capable of containing typed aggregations of files (e.g., a geographic feature aggregation stored as an ESRI shapefile). The Composite resource is designed to support metadata and data functions at both the aggregation level and resource level to better support data management in HydroShare. Each aggregation contained within a Composite resource may be annotated with general metadata that apply specifically to the aggregation. Aggregations may also have metadata specific to the aggregation type and additional data functions established for that type (e.g., metadata extraction from TIFF or NetCDF file). The resource level metadata for a Composite resource is the same as metadata of the generic resource type.
The following terms define the types of aggregations that can be added to a Composite Resource:
- Term: SingleFileAggregation
- URI:
- Label: Single File Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of a single content file to which aggregation-level metadata have been added.
- Term: GeographicFeatureAggregation
- URI:
- Label: Geographic Feature Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of the multiple content files that make up an ESRI shapefile containing a geographic feature dataset and to which aggregation-level metadata have been added.
- Term: GeographicRasterAggregation
- URI:
- Label: Geographic Raster Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of the multiple content files that make up a geographic raster dataset to which aggregation-level metadata have been added. Rasters may have multiple files and multiple bands and are stored in HydroShare as GeoTIFF files.
- Term: MultidimensionalAggregation
- URI:
- Label: Multidimensional Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of a Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) file that makes up a multidimensional space-time dataset to which aggregation-level metadata have been added.
- Term: TimeSeriesAggregation
- URI:
- Label: TimeSeriesAggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of one or more time series datasets to which aggregation-level metadata have been added. Time series datasets in HydroShare consist of sequences of individual data values that are ordered in time to record the changing trend of a certain phenomenon. They are stored in HydroShare using ODM2 SQLite database files.
- Term: ReferencedTimeSeriesAggregation
- URI:
- Label: Referenced Time Series Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of references to specific time series datasets hosted on an external web service to which aggregation-level metadata have been added.
- Term: FileSetAggregation
- URI:
- Label: File Set Aggregation
- Description: An aggregation added to a Composite resource consisting of an arbitrary collection of files that are logically grouped together as an aggregation and to which aggregation-level metadata have been added. There may be any number of files in the aggregation, and files may be of any type.
- Term: Published
- URI:
- Label: Published
- Description: Status for a resource that has a digital object identifier (DOI) and an immutable set of content files which cannot be changed.
- Term: ReviewStarted
- URI:
- Label: Review Started
- Description: Status for a public resource that is undergoing review for minimum metadata standards and adherence to community guidelines.
Metadata Terms for Aggregation Types
Metadata terms for the Time Series Resource Type
The time series aggregation type is based on Version 2.0 of the Observations Data Model. You can learn more about ODM2 at htt:// Some of the metadata terms for the time series aggregation type are based on controlled vocabularies for ODM2 that are managed at
- Term: site
- URI:
- Label: Site
- Description: The location at which the time series was observed or generated.
- Term: SiteCode:
- URI:
- Label: Site Code
- Description: A code used to represent the site.
- Term: SiteName:
- URI:
- Label: Site Name
- Description: The name of the site.
- Term: SiteType
- URI:
- Label: Site Type
- Description: A categorization of sites that indicates the type of "Feature of Interest" that the site was established to measure.
- Term: Elevation_m:
- URI:
- Label: Elevation_m
- Description: The elevation of the site with the unit as meter.
- Term: ElevationDatum
- URI:
- Label: Elevation Datum
- Description: The datum used for the elevation of the site.
- Term: method
- URI:
- Label: Method
- Description: The procedure used to create the time series.
- Term: MethodCode
- URI:
- Label: Method Code
- Description: A code used to represent the method.
- Term: MethodName
- URI:
- Label: Method Name
- Description: The name of the method.
- Term: MethodType
- URI:
- Label: Method Type
- Description: This is chosen from a controlled vocabulary to indicate the category of method.
- Term: MethodDescription
- URI:
- Label: Method Description
- Description: Detailed description of the method.
- Term: MethodLink
- URI:
- Label: Method Link
- Description: A URL that provides further details of the method.
- Term: variable
- URI:
- Label: Variable
- Description: The phenomenon that the time series represents.
- Term: VariableCode
- URI:
- Label: Variable Code
- Description: Code used to represent the variable.
- Term: VariableName
- URI:
- Label: Variable Name
- Description: A controlled vocabulary used to name variables.
- Term: VariableType
- URI:
- Label: Variable Type
- Description: A way to group variables into categories for easier querying and filtering. Variable types are selected from a controlled vocabulary.
- Term: NoDataValue
- URI:
- Label: No Data Value
- Description: Placeholders to indicate that no value was observed or recorded, but a value should have been recorded.
- Term: VariableDefinition
- URI:
- Label: Variable Definition
- Description: Additional information to describe the variable being observed.
- Term: Speciation
- URI:
- Label: Speciation
- Description: The chemical speciation in which the ResultValues are expressed. Values for speciation are selected from a controlled vocabulary.
- Term: processingLevel
- URI:
- Label: Processing Level
- Description: Level of processing or quality control to which the time series has been subjected.
- Term: ProcessingLevelCode
- URI:
- Label: Processing Level Code
- Description: A code used to represent the processing level.
- Term: Definition
- URI:
- Label: Definition
- Description: The defined name of the processing level.
- Term: Explanation
- URI:
- Label: Explanation
- Description: Detailed information to describe what the processing level means.
- Term: timeSeriesResult
- URI:
- Label: Time Series Result
- Description: The specific action or event that created the time series.
- Term: UnitsType
- URI:
- Label: Units Type
- Description: Type of the units.
- Term: UnitsName
- URI:
- Label: Units Name
- Description: Name of the units.
- Term: UnitsAbbreviation
- URI:
- Label: Units Abbreviation
- Description: Abbreviation of the units.
- Term: Status
- URI:
- Label: Status
- Description: The status of the result.
- Term: SampleMedium
- URI:
- Label: Sample Medium
- Description: The physical medium that is sampled.
- Term: ValueCount
- URI:
- Label: Value Count
- Description: The count of values of the time series result.
- Term: AggregationStatistics
- URI:
- Label: Aggregation Statistics
- Description: Statistical method used for spatial or temporal aggregation of the result.
Metadata Terms for the Referenced Time Series Aggregation Type
- Term: ReferenceURL
- URI:
- Label: Reference URL
- Description: RefTS resource metadata
- Term: value
- URI:
- Label: value
- Description: The URL this RefTS resource is referencing.
- Term: type
- URI:
- Label: type
- Description: Connection type of the URL (REST or SOAP).
- Term: Method
- URI:
- Label: Method
- Description: Connection type of the URL (REST or SOAP).
- Term: QualityControlLevel
- URI:
- Label: QualityControlLevel
- Description: Quality control level code.
- Term: Variable
- URI:
- Label: Variable
- Description: The measuring object information of this dataset.
- Term: name
- URI:
- Label: name
- Description: The name of the measuring object.
- Term: code
- URI:
- Label: code
- Description: The code of the measuring object.
- Term: data_type
- URI:
- Label: data_type
- Description: Date type of the measuring object.
- Term: sample_medium
- URI:
- Label: sample_medium
- Description: Sample medium of the measuring object.
- Term: Site
- URI:
- Label: Site
- Description: Site information of this dataset.
- Term: name
- URI:
- Label: name
- Description: Site name.
- Term: code
- URI:
- Label: code
- Description: Site code.
- Term: latitude
- URI:
- Label: latitude
- Description: Site latitude.
- Term: longitude
- URI:
- Label: longitude
- Description: Site longitude.
Metadata Terms for the Multidimensional (NetCDF) Aggregation Type
- Term: spatialReference
- URI:
- Label: Spatial Reference
- Description: The coordinate reference system and spatial extent information defined in the NetCDF file.
- Term: crsName
- URI:
- Label: Coordinate Reference System Name
- Description: The name of the coordinate reference system.
- Term: crsRepresentationType
- URI:
- Label: Coordinate Reference System Representation Type
- Description: The type of the string text used to express the coordinate reference system. Three types are supported including Proj4 spring, EPSG code, and OGC WKT projection.
- Term: crsRepresentationText
- URI:
- Label: Coordinate Reference System Representation Text
- Description: The string text used to express the coordinate reference system based on the given representation type.
- Term: extent
- URI:
- Label: Extent
- Description: The spatial extent of the dataset including north limit, south limit, east limit, west limit and the corresponding units of the extent.
- Term: netcdfVariable
- URI:
- Label: NetCDF Variable
- Description: The variables defined in the NetCDF file representing the multidimensional space-time data.
- Term: name
- URI:
- Label: Name
- Description: The defined name of the NetCDF variable. This name may not explicitly explain what variable it actually represents.
- Term: unit
- URI:
- Label: Unit
- Description: The unit of the NetCDF variable.
- Term: type
- URI:
- Label: Type
- Description: The data type of the variable which is supported in the NetCDF enhanced data model.
- Term: shape
- URI:
- Label: Shape
- Description: The shape defined for the variable.
- Term: longName
- URI:
- Label: Long Name
- Description: A descriptive name for the NetCDF variable to explain what the variable represents.
- Term: comment
- URI:
- Label: Comment
- Description: Miscellaneous information about the variable.
- Term: missingValue
- URI:
- Label: Missing Value
- Description: The data value used to represent missing data value . The data type for missing value should be the same as the variable type.
Metadata Terms for the Geographic Raster Aggregation Type
- Term: spatialReference
- URI:
- Label: Spatial Reference
- Description: The coordinate reference system and spatial extent information defined in GeoTIFF file.
- Term: box
- URI:
- Label: Box
- Description: The spatial extent as well as projection information for the dataset.
- Term: BandInformation
- URI:
- Label: Band Information
- Description: The information to describe the phenomenon represented in each band of the geographic raster data.
- Term: name
- URI:
- Label: Name
- Description: The name of the band.
- Term: variableName
- URI:
- Label: Variable Name
- Description: The name of the variable represented in the band.
- Term: variableUnit
- URI:
- Label: Variable Unit
- Description: The unit of the variable represented in the band.
- Term: method
- URI:
- Label: Method
- Description: The method used to create the data of the band.
- Term: comment
- URI:
- Label: Comment
- Description: Miscellaneous information about the variable.
- Term: CellInformation
- URI:
- Label: Cell Information
- Description: The information to describe the cell attributes which applies to all bands.
- Term: rows
- URI:
- Label: Rows
- Description: The rows of the cells in each band.
- Term: columns
- URI:
- Label: Columns
- Description: The columns of the cells in each band.
- Term: cellSizeXValue
- URI:
- Label: Cell Size X Value
- Description: The length of the x direction of a cell in the band.
- Term: cellSizeYValue
- URI:
- Label: Cell Size Y Value
- Description: The length of the y direction of a cell in the band.
- Term: cellSizeUnit
- URI:
- Label: Cell Size Unit
- Description: The unit defined for the length of the cell size.
- Term: cellDataType
- URI:
- Label: Cell Data Type
- Description: The data type of the value represented in each cell.
- Term: noDataValue
- URI:
- Label: No Data Value
- Description: The value used for the condition when there is no actual data value recorded in the cell.
Metadata Terms for the Model Program Aggregation Type
- Term: modelProgramName
- URI:
- Label: Name
- Description: The name of the model program (e.g., SWAT, MODFLOW, etc.)
- Term: modelVersion
- URI:
- Label: Version
- Description: Model version and/or build number (e.g., SWAT2012 rev. 629)
- Term: modelProgramLanguage
- URI:
- Label: Language
- Description: The programming language(s) that the model was written in.
- Term: modelOperatingSystem
- URI:
- Label: Operating System
- Description: Compatible operating systems to setup and run the model (e.g., Mac OS X version 10.7 and later).
- Term: modelReleaseDate
- URI:
- Label: Release Date
- Description: The date that this version of the model was released.
- Term: modelReleaseNotes
- URI:
- Label: Release Notes
- Description: Notes regarding the model release.
- Term: modelWebsite
- URI:
- Label: Website
- Description: A URL to the website maintained by the model developers.
- Term: modelCodeRepository
- URI:
- Label: Software Repository
- Description: A URL to the source code repository (e.g., Github, Bitbucket, etc.).
- Term: modelDocumentation
- URI:
- Label: Documentation
- Description: Uploaded documentation related to the model (e.g., User manual, theoretical manual, reports, etc.).
- Term: modelSoftware
- URI:
- Label: Software
- Description: Uploaded archive containing model software (e.g., utilities software, etc.).
- Term: modelEngine
- URI:
- Label: Computational Engine
- Description: Uploaded archive containing the model computational engine (e.g., source code, binary, executable, etc.).
Metadata Terms for the Model Instance Aggregation Type
- Term: ModelOutput
- URI:
- Label: Model Output
- Description: A HydroShare class that encapsulates all the metadata elements related to Model Instance aggregation output files.
- Term: includesModelOutput
- URI:
- Label: Includes output
- Description: A boolean value that indicates if the output files are included with the uploaded content.
- Term: ExecutedByModelProgram
- URI:
- Label: Executed By
- Description: A HydroShare class that defines the Model Program aggregation that executes the current Model Instance aggregation.
- Term: modelProgramName
- URI:
- Label: Model name
- Description: The name of the model that executes the current Model Instance aggregation.
- Term: modelProgramIdentifier
- URI:
- Label: URI
- Description: The HydroShare identifier of the Model Program resource that executes the current Model Instance aggregation.
Metadata Terms for the CSV Aggregation Type
- Term: tableSchema
- URI:
- Label: Table schema
- Description: A HydroShare class that encapsulates all the metadata elements related to CSV tabular data format.
- Term: numberOfDataRows
- URI:
- Label: Number of data rows
- Description: Number of data rows in the CSV file.
- Term: delimiter
- URI:
- Label: Delimiter
- Description: Delimiter used in the CSV file.
- Term: columns
- URI:
- Label: Columns
- Description: A container class that encapsulates metadata for all data columns of the CSV file.
- Term: column
- URI:
- Label: Column
- Description: A container class that encapsulates metadata for a single data column of the CSV file.
- Term: columnNumber
- URI:
- Label: Column number
- Description: The order of a column in the CSV file (column order starts at 1).
- Term: dataType
- URI:
- Label: Data type
- Description: The type of data in a given column (e.g. number, string, datetime, boolean)