Jacob Anderson
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This resource contains the Python script run within the Google Cloud Console to bias correct the NWM long-range forecasts.
This is an app that visualizes files from HydroShare resources. It is a simple html written code to retrieve a file from a HydroShare resource and visualize it using leaflet in a map window.
Testing the functionality of web mapping services. We are adding a shapefile to visualize them and interact with them. This resource contains an Oregon counties shapefile, and Oregon gage station locations shapefile, and a geotiff of statewide imagery.
This data is USGS streamflow data collected from the USGS gage 14162500 on the Mckenzie River in Oregon just east of Eugene, Oregon near Vida, OR and National Water Model forecast data. The data is listed in both cms and cfs. The data is being used in an ongoing study to develop a machine learning model to predict streamflow using National Water Model (NWM) forecasts in conjunction with USGS observed streamflow values to be able to predict streamflow and understand bias correction for NWM.
This resource contains a polyline shapefile of all Utah Streams. The associated data was pulled from the Utah GIS portal.
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This resource contains a polyline shapefile of all Utah Streams. The associated data was pulled from the Utah GIS portal.

Created: March 5, 2024, 6:16 p.m.
Authors: Anderson, Jacob ยท Ames, Dan
This data is USGS streamflow data collected from the USGS gage 14162500 on the Mckenzie River in Oregon just east of Eugene, Oregon near Vida, OR and National Water Model forecast data. The data is listed in both cms and cfs. The data is being used in an ongoing study to develop a machine learning model to predict streamflow using National Water Model (NWM) forecasts in conjunction with USGS observed streamflow values to be able to predict streamflow and understand bias correction for NWM.

Created: March 12, 2024, 7:25 p.m.
Authors: Anderson, Jacob
Testing the functionality of web mapping services. We are adding a shapefile to visualize them and interact with them. This resource contains an Oregon counties shapefile, and Oregon gage station locations shapefile, and a geotiff of statewide imagery.

This is an app that visualizes files from HydroShare resources. It is a simple html written code to retrieve a file from a HydroShare resource and visualize it using leaflet in a map window.

Created: Dec. 9, 2024, 8:17 a.m.
Authors: Anderson, Jacob
This resource contains the Python script run within the Google Cloud Console to bias correct the NWM long-range forecasts.