Will Cook
Duke University | Data Manager, Calhoun CZO
Subject Areas: | Biology |
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Well water depths in deep groundwater well in the Stone's pasture at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Groundwater well is situated in a mostly flat, broad interfluve and is cored to ~70m. Well casing ends at roughly 17m. Depths were measured continuously with a Solinst levellogger (3001 LTC) pressure transducer at a resolution of 20 minutes. Downloaded data is in positive depths above the sensor. These depths are corrected for barometric pressure by subtracting barometric pressure measured by a Solinst barologger (3001) which is co-located in the well and records barometric pressure at the same frequency. The data are then converted from depth above the sensor into depths below ground surface using manual measurements of depth below ground made at each download with a water level meter.
Capacitance rod installed in Weir 4 stilling pool, located in watershed 4, midway between USFS road 325 (top of hillslope) and Holcombe's Branch. Measuring Discharge/Runoff via stage (5 min resolution) in stilling pool of 90 degree v-notch weir and USFS rating curve: Q = 2.48*(h(ft))^2.49; Q = discharge in cfs, h = stage in feet. Discharge data converted to L/s. Runoff data, in mm/hr, calculated by normalizing discharge to watershed 4 area (6.9 ha). Capacitance water level meter is TruTrack, WT-HR 1000, manually donwloaded every six weeks.
Measurements of precipitation depth, 5 minute resolution, in mm from a tipping bucket rain gauge (Campbell Scientific, TE525MM-L Metric Rain Gage with 9.6 in. Orifice , https://www.campbellsci.com/te525mm-l) at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, manually downloaded every six weeks. The gauge is located in a clearing a short distance (~10 meters) from the Calhoun 70-m deep well. Time stamp is Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00.
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Created: Nov. 20, 2017, 9:38 p.m.
Authors: Mallard, John McDevitt
Measurements of precipitation depth, 5 minute resolution, in mm from a tipping bucket rain gauge (Campbell Scientific, TE525MM-L Metric Rain Gage with 9.6 in. Orifice , https://www.campbellsci.com/te525mm-l) at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory, manually downloaded every six weeks. The gauge is located in a clearing a short distance (~10 meters) from the Calhoun 70-m deep well. Time stamp is Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00.

Created: Jan. 5, 2018, 6:29 p.m.
Authors: Mallard, John McDevitt
Capacitance rod installed in Weir 4 stilling pool, located in watershed 4, midway between USFS road 325 (top of hillslope) and Holcombe's Branch. Measuring Discharge/Runoff via stage (5 min resolution) in stilling pool of 90 degree v-notch weir and USFS rating curve: Q = 2.48*(h(ft))^2.49; Q = discharge in cfs, h = stage in feet. Discharge data converted to L/s. Runoff data, in mm/hr, calculated by normalizing discharge to watershed 4 area (6.9 ha). Capacitance water level meter is TruTrack, WT-HR 1000, manually donwloaded every six weeks.

Created: Nov. 6, 2018, 7:38 p.m.
Authors: Mallard, John McDevitt
Well water depths in deep groundwater well in the Stone's pasture at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Groundwater well is situated in a mostly flat, broad interfluve and is cored to ~70m. Well casing ends at roughly 17m. Depths were measured continuously with a Solinst levellogger (3001 LTC) pressure transducer at a resolution of 20 minutes. Downloaded data is in positive depths above the sensor. These depths are corrected for barometric pressure by subtracting barometric pressure measured by a Solinst barologger (3001) which is co-located in the well and records barometric pressure at the same frequency. The data are then converted from depth above the sensor into depths below ground surface using manual measurements of depth below ground made at each download with a water level meter.