Jaxon White
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Glen Canyon Dam is a great help in controlling water supply for the Colorado River Basin; however, it comes with a myriad of environmental and ecological consequences. Downstream of Glen Canyon Dam there is a low diversity and population of benthic macroinvertebrates due to the thermal stratification of Lake Powell and hourly fluctuation of the river levels. Benthic macroinvertebrate populations are an important factor in the overall health of a river’s ecosystem. Ted Kennedy has proposed a flow release pattern that has been implemented this year that could result in higher production of benthic macroinvertebrates. A model was developed in Python that produces an optimal release strategy that maximizes the duration of Bug Flow release for a High, Medium, and Low release types. The High release type resulted in 21 consecutive days of Bug Flow releases, Medium resulted in 12, and Low resulted in 3.
This resource connects to CUASHI's web service called WaterOneFlow and performs a query to retrieve the data for the gage station on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry. The code in the Notebook does the following:
1. Collects the flow data for the gage based on the inputs
2. Pulls the 15-minute resolution data into one Python object
3. Resamples the object to a resolution of one day and finds the average, minimum, and maximum flows for that day
4. Plots the average, minimum, and maximum flows for comparison
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Find a watershed that experienced a forest fire and develop two flood maps that show new areas that may be a risk for a potential flash flood this upcoming year.
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Created: Sept. 21, 2017, 11:27 p.m.
Authors: Jaxon White
Find a watershed that experienced a forest fire and develop two flood maps that show new areas that may be a risk for a potential flash flood this upcoming year.

Where I'm at a where I need to go with my project

Created: Nov. 28, 2018, 11:42 p.m.
Authors: Jaxon White
This resource connects to CUASHI's web service called WaterOneFlow and performs a query to retrieve the data for the gage station on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry. The code in the Notebook does the following:
1. Collects the flow data for the gage based on the inputs
2. Pulls the 15-minute resolution data into one Python object
3. Resamples the object to a resolution of one day and finds the average, minimum, and maximum flows for that day
4. Plots the average, minimum, and maximum flows for comparison

Created: Dec. 10, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
Authors: Jaxon White
Glen Canyon Dam is a great help in controlling water supply for the Colorado River Basin; however, it comes with a myriad of environmental and ecological consequences. Downstream of Glen Canyon Dam there is a low diversity and population of benthic macroinvertebrates due to the thermal stratification of Lake Powell and hourly fluctuation of the river levels. Benthic macroinvertebrate populations are an important factor in the overall health of a river’s ecosystem. Ted Kennedy has proposed a flow release pattern that has been implemented this year that could result in higher production of benthic macroinvertebrates. A model was developed in Python that produces an optimal release strategy that maximizes the duration of Bug Flow release for a High, Medium, and Low release types. The High release type resulted in 21 consecutive days of Bug Flow releases, Medium resulted in 12, and Low resulted in 3.