Masouemeh Hashemi
Utah State University
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The procedural goal is to determine the number and locations of new observation wells to be added to an existing observation network. Phases 1a and 1b both run once for each specified Number Of Additional Wells (NOAW). NOAW values range from 1 to MNAW (The MNAW in this study is 12 wells). For each NOAW, a Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) identifies the optimal location(s) of added well(s) by maximizing the inverse of the mean sum of squared differences between the Most Accurate Interpolated Values (MAIV) and a newly kriged surface (the kriging weights change with additional well(s)).
This model uses SGA that includes selection, crossover, and mutation to find the optimum location(s) for NOAW well(s). The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a search algorithm based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics which is frequently used to solve nonlinear optimization problems. Each optimization uses a different NOAW, ranging from one through MNAW. Each optimization stops iterating when: (1) the best objective function value does not change during 1000 consecutive iterations, and (2) the best objective-function value is better than or equal to the objective function value for “NOAW-1”. To provide SGA with feasible options, around 1000 uniformly spaced candidate well locations are provided.
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Iran experiences insufficient precipitation, resulting in groundwater resources being used in excess, leading to negative water balances in many plains. As a result, the Ministry of Energy began implementing the Groundwater Rehabilitation and Balancing Plan (GRBP) in 2006 to replenish the aquifers. The plan includes measures such as Blocking Illegal Wells (BIW), Equipping Wells with Volumetric Meters (EWVM), Increasing Patrol and Control (IPC) and inspection of the degree of exploitation of groundwater using wells, etc. Researchers examined the level of social agreement between farmers and experts on the effectiveness of the Ministry of Energy's policies for the GRBP and assessed the farmers' response to droughts in this descriptive-analytic study. The data were collected using questionnaires designed in Likert scale, and they were analyzed in R programming language using the T-test, independent-sample T-test, and Friedman test. The excel file contains data from two different questionnaires collected from farmers and experts.
An analysis of the data has been published in a paper "Hashemi, M., Zadeh, H. M., Zarghami, M., Demeke, B. W., & Delgarm, R. T. (2023). An analysis of why rehabilitation and balancing programs for aquifers do not meet water organizations' targets (a case study of the Qazvin aquifer in Iran). Agricultural Water Management, 281, 108258."
Other studies can use the data only if they cite it.
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Created: Feb. 4, 2023, 9:33 p.m.
Authors: Hashemi, Masouemeh · Hamed MazandaraniZadeh · Mahdi Zarghami · Betelhem W. Demeke · Taraghi, Razieh
Iran experiences insufficient precipitation, resulting in groundwater resources being used in excess, leading to negative water balances in many plains. As a result, the Ministry of Energy began implementing the Groundwater Rehabilitation and Balancing Plan (GRBP) in 2006 to replenish the aquifers. The plan includes measures such as Blocking Illegal Wells (BIW), Equipping Wells with Volumetric Meters (EWVM), Increasing Patrol and Control (IPC) and inspection of the degree of exploitation of groundwater using wells, etc. Researchers examined the level of social agreement between farmers and experts on the effectiveness of the Ministry of Energy's policies for the GRBP and assessed the farmers' response to droughts in this descriptive-analytic study. The data were collected using questionnaires designed in Likert scale, and they were analyzed in R programming language using the T-test, independent-sample T-test, and Friedman test. The excel file contains data from two different questionnaires collected from farmers and experts.
An analysis of the data has been published in a paper "Hashemi, M., Zadeh, H. M., Zarghami, M., Demeke, B. W., & Delgarm, R. T. (2023). An analysis of why rehabilitation and balancing programs for aquifers do not meet water organizations' targets (a case study of the Qazvin aquifer in Iran). Agricultural Water Management, 281, 108258."
Other studies can use the data only if they cite it.

Created: Dec. 31, 2023, 2:42 a.m.
Authors: Hashemi, Masouemeh · Richard C. Peralta · Yost, Matt
The procedural goal is to determine the number and locations of new observation wells to be added to an existing observation network. Phases 1a and 1b both run once for each specified Number Of Additional Wells (NOAW). NOAW values range from 1 to MNAW (The MNAW in this study is 12 wells). For each NOAW, a Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) identifies the optimal location(s) of added well(s) by maximizing the inverse of the mean sum of squared differences between the Most Accurate Interpolated Values (MAIV) and a newly kriged surface (the kriging weights change with additional well(s)).
This model uses SGA that includes selection, crossover, and mutation to find the optimum location(s) for NOAW well(s). The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a search algorithm based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics which is frequently used to solve nonlinear optimization problems. Each optimization uses a different NOAW, ranging from one through MNAW. Each optimization stops iterating when: (1) the best objective function value does not change during 1000 consecutive iterations, and (2) the best objective-function value is better than or equal to the objective function value for “NOAW-1”. To provide SGA with feasible options, around 1000 uniformly spaced candidate well locations are provided.
If you have any further questions, you can email .
Other studies can use the data only if they cite it.