Mantek Aulakh

Simon Fraser University

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Supplementary Data and Code for the Manuscript:
"Subsurface Water Storage Capacity Mediates Tree Ring Width Sensitivity to Precipitation in Seasonally Dry Ecosystems"

This supplement includes a Python notebook designed to process and analyze tree-ring data. The key functionalities of the notebook are:

• Extracting tree-ring width data from .rwl files and converting it into a structured DataFrame:
• Using Google Earth Engine repositories to calculate Spearman correlations between tree-ring width and winter precipitation.
• Categorizing sites into precipitation-limited, intermediate, and storage-capacity-limited categories.
• Generating all plots featured in the manuscript.

The analyses were conducted using Google Colab, a free cloud-based environment, ensuring accessibility and reproducibility.

Additionally, separate folders contain the tree-ring dataset and root-zone water storage capacity (accounted for snow) files used in this study.

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Supplementary Data and Code for the Manuscript:
"Subsurface Water Storage Capacity Mediates Tree Ring Width Sensitivity to Precipitation in Seasonally Dry Ecosystems"

This supplement includes a Python notebook designed to process and analyze tree-ring data. The key functionalities of the notebook are:

• Extracting tree-ring width data from .rwl files and converting it into a structured DataFrame:
• Using Google Earth Engine repositories to calculate Spearman correlations between tree-ring width and winter precipitation.
• Categorizing sites into precipitation-limited, intermediate, and storage-capacity-limited categories.
• Generating all plots featured in the manuscript.

The analyses were conducted using Google Colab, a free cloud-based environment, ensuring accessibility and reproducibility.

Additionally, separate folders contain the tree-ring dataset and root-zone water storage capacity (accounted for snow) files used in this study.

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