Daniel White
Colorado State University
Recent Activity
The data in this Hydroshare resource are associated with the manuscript "Experimental observations of floodplain vegetation, bedforms, and sediment transport interactions in a meandering channel".
SedTransport.csv contains the sediment feed and transport rates associated with each flume operation period occurring during each of the 7 runs described in the manuscript. The equilibrium topography used in statistical moving window and patch based analysis are associated with the datasets labeled with cumulative run times 33.7, 75.2, 103.6, 121.5, 135.1, 166.9, and 178.5 hours.
Please contact ryan.morrison@colostate.edu or danny.white@colostate.edu with any questions about this dataset or the manuscript.
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Created: July 9, 2023, 2:41 p.m.
Authors: White, Daniel · Morrison, Ryan · Nelson, Peter
The data in this Hydroshare resource are associated with the manuscript "Experimental observations of floodplain vegetation, bedforms, and sediment transport interactions in a meandering channel".
SedTransport.csv contains the sediment feed and transport rates associated with each flume operation period occurring during each of the 7 runs described in the manuscript. The equilibrium topography used in statistical moving window and patch based analysis are associated with the datasets labeled with cumulative run times 33.7, 75.2, 103.6, 121.5, 135.1, 166.9, and 178.5 hours.
Please contact ryan.morrison@colostate.edu or danny.white@colostate.edu with any questions about this dataset or the manuscript.