Andrew Parsekian
University of Wyoming
Subject Areas: | environmental geophyiscs |
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field data and modeling results of hydrogeophysics data related to machine learning classificaiton.
This project aims to develop a new methodology to integrate geostatistical methods with hydro- geophysical measurements in conjunction with terrain and conventional hydrologic observations to evaluate aquifer recharge dynamics in groundwater recharge areas.A key limitation of most hydrologic models is that they do not provide reliable quantification of the uncertainty in the model predictions associated to subsurface parameters that govern water movement. We propose a geostatistical methodology based on Bayes theory to predict the spatial distributions of the main variables that control the water supply, such as porosity and water saturation. The model variables generally vary in space and time and cannot be measured directly in the subsurface, except for at a limited number of locations.
The dataset focuses on two types of hydrogeophysical measurements: electrical resistivity and seismic velocities. Electrical resistivity is sensitive to the ability of soils to conduct electric current. Using a geophysical method called electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), we can image electrical properties to several meters in the subsurface including the unsaturated zone, water table, and the upper portion of the aquifer. When the measurement is made over time (e.g. daily), changes in water content are the primary driver of electrical property variations. During an ERT survey, an array of electrodes is measured in sets of four (quadrupoles). Different from resistivity, seismic velocity is sensitive to the elasticity of the rock that depend the pore volume of the saturated rocks as well as the volumetric fractions of the solid and fluid components of the rock. Using a geophysical method called seismic refraction imaging, we can image elastic properties in the subsurface to determine porosity, depth to fresh bedrock, and are an input into the rock physics inversion.
This data set contains raw data files for July 2018 geophysical data collection in Sentinel Meadows, Yellowstone National Park (ERT, Seismic Refraction, and magnetic).
It also includes plotting code for inverted results from SkyTEM dataset collected November 2016.
Seismic refraction raw data, picks, and inverted results from Jemez CZO ZOB collected summer 2019. Data picked by hand using Geogiga. Inversions done using PyGIMLI (Rucker et al., 2017) with starting model 330m/s -> 5000m/s. Inversion parameters: zWeight = 0.2; lambda = 1.
Hydrogeophysical data from the No-name hillslope, Wyoming.
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Created: Feb. 27, 2020, 10:52 p.m.
Authors: Parsekian, Andrew · Thijs Kelleners · Felipe dos Anjos Neves · Mark Pleasants · Dario Grana
Raw data is provides for electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction geophysical measurements in original manufacturer formats. Lippmann 4PL was used for ERT measurement and Geometrics Geode was used for seismic measurement. Picked travel time data (ttx) are included for seismic measurements. Elevation (measured by level-sight and dGPS) and spatial (measured by dGPS) data are included.
Processed products include co-located seismic Vp velocities, ERT inverted log10 resistivities and the calculated hydro-facies classification based on the geophysical data using the Expectation Maximization algorithm.

The Red Buttes Hydrogeophysics Test Site, owned by the University of Wyoming, is about 19 km south of Laramie, Wyoming. The geologic structure consists of three shallow-dipping, sub-horizontal layers in the near surface: an unconsolidated clay loam, the Satanka Formation, and the Epsilon Sandstone Member of the Casper Formation. The unsaturated 3-4 m thick clay loam is a low-resistivity layer that overlies the lower- resistivity silty-claystone of the Satanka Formation, found to 12 m depth. Finally, starting approximately 12 m below the surface is the consolidated Casper Formation Epsilon sandstone. The Epsilon sandstone is generally observed to have a much higher resistivity than the overburden.
This dataset contains a range of measurements acquired at the Test Site that may be useful for instrument calibration/validation, joint-measurements comparisons, and demonstration datasets.
Please leave a comment if you download and/or use these data for research or teaching! We'd love to know if it is useful to you, and work to improve the dataset in the future!

Testing the abstract.

Time lapse ERT results and seismic refraction data from the hydrogeophysics line at Johnstons Draw. Inversions done by F Neves.

From 2015 - 2019 this long-term hydrology research site in the Laramie Range, WY was instrumented with time-lapse electrical resistivity (ERT) hydrogeophysical instrumentation. The primary ERT instrument was a Lippmann 4PL. Reconnaissance geophysical surveys were also conducted periodically. Standard soil sensors were also installed.

Created: Nov. 18, 2020, 3:34 p.m.
Authors: Parsekian, Andrew
Hydrogeophysical data from the No-name hillslope, Wyoming.

Seismic refraction raw data, picks, and inverted results from Jemez CZO ZOB collected summer 2019. Data picked by hand using Geogiga. Inversions done using PyGIMLI (Rucker et al., 2017) with starting model 330m/s -> 5000m/s. Inversion parameters: zWeight = 0.2; lambda = 1.

Created: April 27, 2021, 6:32 p.m.
Authors: Smeltz, Natalie · Ken WW Sims · Brad Carr · Parsekian, Andrew
This data set contains raw data files for July 2018 geophysical data collection in Sentinel Meadows, Yellowstone National Park (ERT, Seismic Refraction, and magnetic).
It also includes plotting code for inverted results from SkyTEM dataset collected November 2016.

Created: Aug. 16, 2022, 3:13 p.m.
Authors: Parsekian, Andrew
This project aims to develop a new methodology to integrate geostatistical methods with hydro- geophysical measurements in conjunction with terrain and conventional hydrologic observations to evaluate aquifer recharge dynamics in groundwater recharge areas.A key limitation of most hydrologic models is that they do not provide reliable quantification of the uncertainty in the model predictions associated to subsurface parameters that govern water movement. We propose a geostatistical methodology based on Bayes theory to predict the spatial distributions of the main variables that control the water supply, such as porosity and water saturation. The model variables generally vary in space and time and cannot be measured directly in the subsurface, except for at a limited number of locations.
The dataset focuses on two types of hydrogeophysical measurements: electrical resistivity and seismic velocities. Electrical resistivity is sensitive to the ability of soils to conduct electric current. Using a geophysical method called electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), we can image electrical properties to several meters in the subsurface including the unsaturated zone, water table, and the upper portion of the aquifer. When the measurement is made over time (e.g. daily), changes in water content are the primary driver of electrical property variations. During an ERT survey, an array of electrodes is measured in sets of four (quadrupoles). Different from resistivity, seismic velocity is sensitive to the elasticity of the rock that depend the pore volume of the saturated rocks as well as the volumetric fractions of the solid and fluid components of the rock. Using a geophysical method called seismic refraction imaging, we can image elastic properties in the subsurface to determine porosity, depth to fresh bedrock, and are an input into the rock physics inversion.

field data and modeling results of hydrogeophysics data related to machine learning classificaiton.