John R Slosson
Syracuse University | PhD Candidate
Subject Areas: | Hydrology, Geomorphology |
Recent Activity
This dataset contains streamflow simulations for eight gauge stations in the high Andes of Argentina and Chile for a future 10-year period based on three end-member climate scenarios: (1) a 30% reduction in precipitation ("drier scenario", labeled "70P"), (2) a 30% reduction in precipitation and a 4°C increase in mean annual temperature ("drier and warmer scenario", labeled "70P_4C"), and (3) a 4°C increase in mean annual temperature ("4C"). Changes in precipitation and temperature are relative to a water year 2005-2015 baseline period. Each file contains 5000 simulations for the given gauge station and climate scenario. Argentina gauge stations are the Río Mendoza, Río Tunuyán, Río Diamante, and Río Atuel. Chilean gauge stations are the Río Choapa, Río Aconcagua, Río Colorado, and the Río Tinguiririca. All results are in mm/day and stored in .mat format. Additional details on gauge locations and methods used to generate each time series are available in Slosson, J.R., Kelleher, C., & Hoke, G.D. 2021. Contrasting Impacts of a Hotter and Drier Future on Streamflow and Catchment Scale Sediment Flux in the High Andes. In review.
This dataset contains chloride concentration, streamflow, and specific conductivity data for three water quality monitoring sites at Meadowbrook Creek in central New York: the disconnected headwater (43.0313°, -76.1148°), the transition site (43.0399°, -76.0829°), and the connected outlet (43.0308°, -76.0705°). Chloride concentration data were collected by measuring individual grab samples using a Dionex-ICS 2000. Streamflow data were compiled by constructing rating curves using stage data recorded by automated stream gauges at each of the three monitoring sites and individual streamflow measurements using a Sontek-IQ Plus and a handheld SonTek/YSI FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. Specific conductivity data were also collected by the automated stream gauges at each site. Additional site and data collection details are available in Slosson, J.R., Lautz, L.K., & Beltran, J. 2021. Chloride load dynamics along channelized and intact reaches in a northeastern United States urban headwater stream. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 025001.
This data includes major anions and cations concentrations of stream water and riparian water at Meadowbrook creek, an urban stream in Syracuse, New York from 9/1/2017 - 9/30/2019. Chemistry data was obtained using a Dionex ICS-2000 Ion Chromatograph with 5 in-house standards for calibration and 3 outside USGS for calibration verification. Streamflow data was obtained by converting 15-minute stage data from gauging stations using a rating curve that related stage to measured streamflow using an ADV and ADP. Nitrate load data was estimated using rloadest.
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Created: Aug. 27, 2020, 2:33 p.m.
Authors: Beltran, Julio
This data includes major anions and cations concentrations of stream water and riparian water at Meadowbrook creek, an urban stream in Syracuse, New York from 9/1/2017 - 9/30/2019. Chemistry data was obtained using a Dionex ICS-2000 Ion Chromatograph with 5 in-house standards for calibration and 3 outside USGS for calibration verification. Streamflow data was obtained by converting 15-minute stage data from gauging stations using a rating curve that related stage to measured streamflow using an ADV and ADP. Nitrate load data was estimated using rloadest.

Created: Sept. 9, 2020, 4:05 p.m.
Authors: Slosson, John R
This dataset contains chloride concentration, streamflow, and specific conductivity data for three water quality monitoring sites at Meadowbrook Creek in central New York: the disconnected headwater (43.0313°, -76.1148°), the transition site (43.0399°, -76.0829°), and the connected outlet (43.0308°, -76.0705°). Chloride concentration data were collected by measuring individual grab samples using a Dionex-ICS 2000. Streamflow data were compiled by constructing rating curves using stage data recorded by automated stream gauges at each of the three monitoring sites and individual streamflow measurements using a Sontek-IQ Plus and a handheld SonTek/YSI FlowTracker Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. Specific conductivity data were also collected by the automated stream gauges at each site. Additional site and data collection details are available in Slosson, J.R., Lautz, L.K., & Beltran, J. 2021. Chloride load dynamics along channelized and intact reaches in a northeastern United States urban headwater stream. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 025001.

Created: July 26, 2021, 7:02 p.m.
Authors: Slosson, John R · Kelleher, Christa · Gregory Hoke
This dataset contains streamflow simulations for eight gauge stations in the high Andes of Argentina and Chile for a future 10-year period based on three end-member climate scenarios: (1) a 30% reduction in precipitation ("drier scenario", labeled "70P"), (2) a 30% reduction in precipitation and a 4°C increase in mean annual temperature ("drier and warmer scenario", labeled "70P_4C"), and (3) a 4°C increase in mean annual temperature ("4C"). Changes in precipitation and temperature are relative to a water year 2005-2015 baseline period. Each file contains 5000 simulations for the given gauge station and climate scenario. Argentina gauge stations are the Río Mendoza, Río Tunuyán, Río Diamante, and Río Atuel. Chilean gauge stations are the Río Choapa, Río Aconcagua, Río Colorado, and the Río Tinguiririca. All results are in mm/day and stored in .mat format. Additional details on gauge locations and methods used to generate each time series are available in Slosson, J.R., Kelleher, C., & Hoke, G.D. 2021. Contrasting Impacts of a Hotter and Drier Future on Streamflow and Catchment Scale Sediment Flux in the High Andes. In review.