Sophie Booth
Brigham Young University
Subject Areas: | Watershed studies, hydroinformatics |
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This map viewer page displays a Leaflet map using Open Street Map tiles as a basemap. It also is able to load a WMS layer from a HydroShare Geoserver WMS service if the paramters "resourceid" and "layername" are specified from a valid HydroShare resource.
This is a test resource to practice using WMS
This resource was created as a demonstration of using the HS API in Python.
The data in this dataset was gathered by the Rijkwaterstaat in the Netherlands. I downloaded the data from their website at the following link: The data is time series data for the River IJssel, near the town of Olst. The data spans from 15/1/2024 to 15/2/2024. This data was collected for a Capstone project that analyzed the effects of water management infrastructure called Room for the River throughout the Netherlands. The shapefiles were gathered from and
The elevation data was collected from
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The data in this dataset was gathered by the Rijkwaterstaat in the Netherlands. I downloaded the data from their website at the following link: The data is time series data for the River IJssel, near the town of Olst. The data spans from 15/1/2024 to 15/2/2024. This data was collected for a Capstone project that analyzed the effects of water management infrastructure called Room for the River throughout the Netherlands. The shapefiles were gathered from and
The elevation data was collected from

Created: March 5, 2024, 8:39 p.m.
Authors: Booth, Sophie · Ames, Dan · Ames, Dan
This resource was created as a demonstration of using the HS API in Python.

This is a test resource to practice using WMS

This map viewer page displays a Leaflet map using Open Street Map tiles as a basemap. It also is able to load a WMS layer from a HydroShare Geoserver WMS service if the paramters "resourceid" and "layername" are specified from a valid HydroShare resource.