Caleb Buahin
Utah State University;Utah Water Research Laboratory | Post-Doctoral Fellow
Subject Areas: | Hydrology, Hydroinformatics, Hydrodynamics |
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The files provided here are input files for the river temperature modeling components created for the calibration exercise presented in Buahin et al. 2019, "Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model" in Environmental Modeling and Software ( Input files are organized into different folders for the different components as follows:
1. Composition: Contains the coupled model composition files (i.e., *.hcp) used in the HydroCoupleComposer graphical user interface. It describes the components that have been coupled as well as the data exchange connections nodes between them.
2. CalibrationComponent: Contains the input files for the calibration component specifying the calibration objectives, decision variables, and optimization algorithm to use for calibration.
2. CSHComponent: Contains input files for the channel solute and heat transport component.
3. HTSComponent: Contains input files for the hyporheic transient storage component.
4. ObjectiveFunctionComponent: Contains input files used to specify the objectives to be minimized by the CalibrationComponent.
5. RHEComponent: Contains input files used in the radiative heat exchange component.
6. SWMMComponent: Contains input files used in the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) component.
7. TimeSeriesProviderComponent: Contains input files used to prescribe time varying input data to other components.
The windows version of the HydroCoupleComposer executable needed to run this composition can be downloaded on Github (
The files provided here are input files for the river temperature modeling components created for the calibration exercise presented in Buahin et al. 2019, "Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model" in Environmental Modeling and Software ( Input files are organized into different folders for the different components.
Folders are organized as follows:
Composition: Contains the coupled model composition files (i.e., *.hcp) used in the HydroCoupleComposer graphical user interface. It describes the components that have been coupled as well as the data exchange connections nodes between them.
CalibrationComponent: Contains the input files for the calibration component specifying the calibration objectives, decision variables, and optimization algorithm to use for calibration.
CSHComponent: Contains input files for the channel solute and heat transport component.
HTSComponent: Contains input files for the hyporheic transient storage component.
ObjectiveFunctionComponent: Contains input files used to specify the objectives to be minimized by the CalibrationComponent.
RHEComponent: Contains input files used in the radiative heat exchange component.
SWMMComponent: Contains input files used in the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) component.
TimeSeriesProviderComponent: Contains input files used to prescribe time varying input data to other components.
This model instance represents a high resolution urban stormwater model developed using the Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for the City of Logan, Utah. It was developed as part of a larger coupled modeling effort, where the SWMM model represents only the built conveyance network of the stormwater conveyance system including pipes, inlets, outfalls, culverts, etc. This SWMM model was developed using high resolution geospatial survey data collected by Logan's public works department. This model was coupled to a larger two-dimensional hydraulic model that simulates overland and riverine flow. The SWMM model provided in this resource has, however, not been calibrated.
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Created: Nov. 8, 2017, 7:35 p.m.
Authors: Caleb Buahin · Jeffery S. Horsburgh
This model instance represents a high resolution urban stormwater model developed using the Environmental Protection Agency's Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) for the City of Logan, Utah. It was developed as part of a larger coupled modeling effort, where the SWMM model represents only the built conveyance network of the stormwater conveyance system including pipes, inlets, outfalls, culverts, etc. This SWMM model was developed using high resolution geospatial survey data collected by Logan's public works department. This model was coupled to a larger two-dimensional hydraulic model that simulates overland and riverine flow. The SWMM model provided in this resource has, however, not been calibrated.

Created: Feb. 25, 2019, 6 p.m.
Authors: Caleb Buahin · Jeffery S. Horsburgh · Bethany Neilson
The files provided here are input files for the river temperature modeling components created for the calibration exercise presented in Buahin et al. 2019, "Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model" in Environmental Modeling and Software ( Input files are organized into different folders for the different components.
Folders are organized as follows:
Composition: Contains the coupled model composition files (i.e., *.hcp) used in the HydroCoupleComposer graphical user interface. It describes the components that have been coupled as well as the data exchange connections nodes between them.
CalibrationComponent: Contains the input files for the calibration component specifying the calibration objectives, decision variables, and optimization algorithm to use for calibration.
CSHComponent: Contains input files for the channel solute and heat transport component.
HTSComponent: Contains input files for the hyporheic transient storage component.
ObjectiveFunctionComponent: Contains input files used to specify the objectives to be minimized by the CalibrationComponent.
RHEComponent: Contains input files used in the radiative heat exchange component.
SWMMComponent: Contains input files used in the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) component.
TimeSeriesProviderComponent: Contains input files used to prescribe time varying input data to other components.

Created: March 13, 2019, 4:25 p.m.
Authors: Caleb Buahin · Jeffery S. Horsburgh · Bethany Neilson
The files provided here are input files for the river temperature modeling components created for the calibration exercise presented in Buahin et al. 2019, "Parallel multi-objective calibration of a component-based river temperature model" in Environmental Modeling and Software ( Input files are organized into different folders for the different components as follows:
1. Composition: Contains the coupled model composition files (i.e., *.hcp) used in the HydroCoupleComposer graphical user interface. It describes the components that have been coupled as well as the data exchange connections nodes between them.
2. CalibrationComponent: Contains the input files for the calibration component specifying the calibration objectives, decision variables, and optimization algorithm to use for calibration.
2. CSHComponent: Contains input files for the channel solute and heat transport component.
3. HTSComponent: Contains input files for the hyporheic transient storage component.
4. ObjectiveFunctionComponent: Contains input files used to specify the objectives to be minimized by the CalibrationComponent.
5. RHEComponent: Contains input files used in the radiative heat exchange component.
6. SWMMComponent: Contains input files used in the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) component.
7. TimeSeriesProviderComponent: Contains input files used to prescribe time varying input data to other components.
The windows version of the HydroCoupleComposer executable needed to run this composition can be downloaded on Github (